Ed Dutton On ‘What Kind of Women Have Abortions?’

Abortion, Crime, Ethics, Race, Relationships

The remarkable mind of Ed Dutton on “What Kind of Women Have Abortions?“:

Regarding the “Take ’em out of the gene pool” aspect of abortion: I’ve long commented that the incontrovertibly demented progressives should be encouraged to scrape out their wombs. Or, at least, left to their own devices, however sad. As have I mentioned two economists, John J. Donohue III and Steven D. Levitt, who’ve shown abortion to reduce crime in a statistically significant way, because of the cohort that has abortion.

BUT Ed Dutton’s round-up of this and other arguments is magnificent–and mind-shifting. For one thing, it’s like watching a machine gun fire — so easy to follow because not a word or a thought is superfluous. For another, one can humbly say that, no, I have not considered all these arguments. It’s not that one must necessarily agree—I am not a biological reductionist—but this is the meaning of genius. It makes one think:

NEW COLUMN: Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next ‘Color Revolution’

America, Culture, Foreign Policy, Just War, Music, Russia, Sex, The West

NEW COLUMN, now on WorldNetDaily, The Unz Review, and the New American, is “Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution,” wherein a distinction is made between a “justification” for war and a “reason” for war, I ponder whether Putin’s avid patriotism is matched by that of a younger Russian generation, and dole out some love for Tsarist Russia and Tchaikovsky.


… A trickier question for those of us on the Old Right is this: Putin is a Russian patriot. This, in-depth interviews with the Russian president amply evince. He adores and is deeply acquainted with the nation’s “ancient faith,” its history and traditions. But could it be that we of the Old Russell Kirk Right, nostalgic for the very same things absent in our own societies, are romanticizing the Russian people? This writer shares Dr. Cathey’s love of Tsarist Russia’s great culture before communism. (Boyd says Rachmaninov; I say Tchaikovsky’s “Pathetique,” his Symphony No. 6 is a singularly intense and sublime expression of the agonies of the individual, caught between salvation, sin and love of Mother Russia.)

But is this same sensibility present in younger Russians? No doubt, Putin is steeped in Russian culture. But do younger Russians share his traditionalism? True, very many hate communism, but that hatred is devoid of a civilizational dimension. I fear younger Russians are already in the market for a Western life filled with sexual titillation and consumerism. …

… The Rest of “Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution” is on WorldNetDaily,  The Unz Review, and the New American.



UPDATED (5/6/022): WATCH HARD TRUTH: Bleeding Russia Dry With Boyd Cathey

Boyd Cathey, Foreign Policy, Russia, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The West

ON HARD TRUTH this week, David Vance and myself are joined by a fearless and learned dissident scholar, DR. BOYD D. CATHEY, for a wide-ranging discussion on the US plan to bleed Russia dry. While the Americans, from their Ukrainian-manned vantage points, seem willing to fight to the last Ukrainian; Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has vowed that Russia “would never accept the global village under the command of the American sheriff.”

Some breaking developments come to me about little Jasper, who cameos at the end of our broadcast with Boyd: Jasper has begun to lord it over Boyd something fierce due to his new, if modest, video fame! Last night he demanded filet mignon and Boyd had to relent and give him a sizable portion of his supper! Oh, well, that’s what we pet lovers must do…. Here is Oscar-Wood, Mercer parrot, surveying the new building materials–aluminum & glass–for the kitchen cabinets, on which he has been “working.” https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer/status/1517976224831721472.


BOYD D. CATHEY earned an MA in history at the University of Virginia (as a Thomas Jefferson Fellow), and a doctorate in history and political philosophy at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. He did additional studies in theology and philosophy in Switzerland. He was State Registrar of the North Carolina State Archives before retiring in 2011. He writes for The Unz Review, The Abbeville Institute, Confederate Veteran magazine, The Remnant, and other publications in the United States and Europe on a variety of topics, including politics, religion and culture.

BOYD’S WEBSITE: https://boydcatheyreviewofbooks.blogspot.com/

BOYD On The Unz Review: https://www.unz.com/article/the-illusion-of-liberal-democracy-americas-long-record-of-destruction-continues/


Duplicitous Devils Of The Left Understand ONLY Breitbart’s Message: “Fuck You. WAR.

Classical Liberalism, Free Speech, GUNS, Just War, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Race, Racism

We conservative and conservative libertarians are civilized souls. This means that we are at heart “free-speech absolutists.” In the words of Elon Musk, “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.”

This paleolibertarian longs for the return of what shall be dubbed here the Skokie Standard. “In 1978, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ‘took a controversial stand for free speech by defending a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie, where many Holocaust survivors lived.” (From “Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!“)

In response to a similar sentiment from Musk, I tweeted, “100%.” And, “The point is, get a libertarian free-speech backbone. If the Left posts about killing fetuses, DEAL with it. If the Right posts about the Bell Curve; DEAL! If Holocaust deniers deny the Holocaust: DEAL. If Green Energy hates on your SUV: DEAL.”

A reader was less exhilarated, correctly locating the source of the tyrannical meltdown with the Left. So as to never forget who we—with our civilized code of ethics and classically liberal ideals—are dealing with, read this, a collation of the idiot enemy’s litany of dangerous hate in the enemy’s own words:

Verified Hate: the African’s Revenge

The point being—gleaned from their own words—the frothing, fulminating demented deranged Left aims to destroy #Musk. They will destroy us. They will never allow us our speech, our thoughts, and, increasingly, our livelihoods. They want to “vanish” (sic) us.

There can be no peaceful coexistence with these duplicitous devils. Indeed, the only response to those who accuse me, you, of racism, with a view to sweeping us away because we don’t think like they do or do as they do, is Andrew Breitbart’s response, “FUCK YOU. WAR.”

With Andrew Breitbart it was biblical.

God bless Andrew Breitbart. May he continue to rage, rage from the grave.

Andrew Breitbart’s Call To Arms is now ours. READ. WATCH. GRASP. PREPARE.

• “Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
• “
Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck Racism? No!”
• “
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
• “
Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality