UPDATED (8/5/020): The Smithsonian Shows Errant Whites How To Go Native

America, Capitalism, Culture, Multiculturalism, Racism, The West

The Smithsonian has some section called the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, as Steve Sailer points out. Thereon is a depiction of Whiteness. It’s meant to insult. Instead, it describes the values that have built a civilization, chief of which is delayed gratification or time preference. Time preference rates, a term used by […Read On]

‘Mr. President: U.S. Forces Must Crush This Insurrection’

Donald Trump, Human Accomplishment, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Private Property

The “anti-American violence” is neither democracy nor peaceful protest. What is consuming the USA, a husk of its former self, is institutionalized hooliganism. The hooligans are out of control in the streets, but are also breaking the country with impunity from within. The country’s institutions are riddled with and dominated by hooligan supporters, who are […Read On]

UPDATED (6/5/018): NEW COLUMN: When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down

Affirmative Action, Race, Racism, South-Africa, The State

“When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down” is the current column, now on WND.com and The Unz Review. An excerpt: As individuals, we want the best doctors treating and operating on us, the best pilots flying the airplanes we board, the best engineers designing the bridges we cross, the best scientists inventing and […Read On]

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UPDATED (1/18): What The “Shithole” Shitstorm Proves, Conclusively

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race

One thing is crystal clear, after watching the “shithole” shitstorm, sparked by President Trump’s comments, Thursday, behind closed doors, and fanned by a scurrilous media: Big Media, Big Business, Big Politics—these American institutions and the individuals institutionalized within them—are all Social Justice Warriors 1st; media, businessmen and politicians second. Last Thursday, “the president used the […Read On]