UPDATE III (5/11): NEW COLUMN: Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics

Argument, Communism, Conservatism, Critical Race Theory, Logic, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Reason, Republicans, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN is, “Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” It’s currently on The Unz Review, WND.COM, CNSNews, and American Greatness. An excerpt: Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot, hatred of whites: That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the […Read On]

The Future of Medicine in America: Whites Go To The Back Of The Proverbial Bus

America, Britain, COVID-19, Criminal Injustice, Ethics, Morality, Race, Racism, The West

In Britain, where the image appended originates, “authorities are getting the vaccine to their elderly as quickly as they can.” As dysfunctional and perfidious as Albion certainly is, there doesn’t seem to be any debate over the urgent need to protect the vulnerable elderly. It’s what a civilized society does. The future of medicine in […Read On]

The Dissident Right Has An Idiocracy Problem By Juvenal Early

Argument, Conservatism, Critique, Intelligence, Juvenal Early's Archive, Literature, Nationalism, Old Right, Paleoconservatism, Political Philosophy

Introducing “Juvenal Early,” a new contributor to Barely A Blog. (Myron Pauli, where are you?) Once upon a time, the epistolary fluff ensconced at The American Conservative was detonated daily by the “pugnacious” Lawrence Auster. When Auster died, a void opened up. The “typically shapeless pieces” coming out of paleoconservative quarters, at once “weird and […Read On]

UPDATED: NEW COLUMN: Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa

Argument, Capitalism, Communism, Race, Racism, Republicans, South-Africa, The West

A NEW COLUMN IS AT THE COURAGEOUS TOWNHALL.COM: “Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa.” The column is made all the more urgent given the race riots stateside, ongoing with impunity, and those in Senekal, South Africa, over the lynching of farmer Brendan Horner, one among many thousands. Excerpt: How is it possible to […Read On]