Category Archives: Ann Coulter

Christie & The Coquettish Coulter

Ann Coulter, Celebrity, Conservatism, Elections

Why I always hold my tongue when speaking about this supercilious woman, I don’t know. Here the coquettish Ann Coulter simpers sexually about Chris Christie, her choice for president. Christie is not even running, but “Annie” wants to have her way with him.

The rest of her analysis is utterly vapid.

Perhaps E! Online! can run a reality show/competition. The challenge? Motivate Christie to make a run for president—and you get a night out with “Annie.”

I certainly like that Christie is capable of telling a whiny woman to get her nose out of his business. We need more boundaries between the private and public spheres, not fewer—and Christie put it magnificently. But where is he on any issue? Nowhere.

William N. Grigg is far less charitable about Coulter. But he gets the Mercer Wordsmith Award for coining a “slatternly succubus.”

UPDATE V: ‘The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin’

Ann Coulter, Conservatism, Gender, Human Accomplishment, Media, Republicans

Given the perpetual parade of “intellectuals” who are not intelligent in our media—Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and the “parrot press”—I don’t expect many Americans to be familiar with political philosopher Paul E. Gottfried. Nevertheless, Paul (he’s a friend) is one of the most important intellectuals in the United States. In “The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin,” he writes:

“A recent syndicated column by Michelle Malkin indicates what happens to interesting conservative commentators when they sign on as GOP flacks: They become predictable Republican mouthpieces and attack dogs against the Dems. For years I read Michelle with delight as she railed against weak-kneed politicians in both parties. She was murder on Republicans as well as Democrats—indeed, on anyone who truckled to the Hispanic immigration lobby. Even more refreshingly, she never indulged any politicians who caterwauled about victimized minorities. Michelle happily banged around the NAACP and other groups that played the victim card. The fact that she’s Filipino may have allowed her to get away with some of her rhetoric, but I doubt that particular ethnic background has provided her with much benefit. Being a devoutly Catholic Filipino doesn’t bring much in the way of liberal grace. That identity is far less useful than being an angry black woman like Michelle Obama screaming against American white racism.
“Yes, there is corruption in the Democratic Party, but this disease is hardly limited to those who bear the ‘D’ label.”

Then I noticed Michelle editorializing against corruption in the Democratic Party. On December 10, 2008, she began her new career with a long screed for National Review Online on the “Democratic Culture of Corruption.” After a series of polemics against Reid, Pelosi, and Barney Frank on Fox and in the usual GOP venues, Michelle came out with a well-publicized book, The Culture of Corruption, thanks to the tiresomely Republican publishing house Regnery. …”


While I agree with Paul—and have expressed similar misgivings, for example here and here— I still harbor some fondness for Malkin and Coulter. Yes, they are of and for the mainstream, but they both have talent.

Next, Paul needs to tackle the second-tier, mezzanine-level, Republican tart brain trust: SE Cupp, Margaret Hoover, and similar heavy hitting idiots, who’ve never uttered an original thought, and whose writing is like Ann Coulter’s vomit (to paraphrase Kevin Michael Grace).

UPDATE I: I have to disagree with Brett Gerasim on the wonderful job Mouths of the Republican mainstream are doing. Someone who spouts half-truths is still a wholesale liar. Moreover, he/she lacks the intellectual wherewithal to grasp the whole picture—of what a devotion to limited authority and republican virtues actually mean.

UPDATE II: Prof. Gottfried replies:

“Like Ilana, I would prefer to listen to Michelle or Ann than someone like Sean Hannity. But that’s not the issue I address in my commentary. What irks me is that perfectly intelligent and highly articulate conservative commentators have turned themselves into GOP hacks to advance their careers. This is not something that Ilana or I, even if we had the opportunity to sell out, would be likely to do. Moreover, Michelle and Ann would hardly be paupers even if they behaved with dignity and stopped kissing up to the GOP. They raked in loads of money before assuming their present abject roles. Although I’ve only heard him a few times, I have a much more positive impression of Mike Savage, who is quite happy to sock it to both of our zombie parties. Savage does not look as if he’s hurting financially because he’s failed to line up.”

UPDATE III: I think Paul takes for granted his analytical gifts. My good friend imagines that these women are capable of his insights, but are holding back. But anyone with such well-honed herd instincts is not that bright. Both are brighter than average, but that’s not saying much in “Age of the idiot,” as my father has termed the times in which we live.

Coulter is smarter than Malkin. Malkin believes every warring word she’s ever uttered. Ditto Monica Crowley, who is no fool, but is a statist to the core. These ladies are limited in their analytical capacities and in their individualism. Their integrity is also capped.

UPDATE IV (June 24): MONICA MINDLESS? I made a horrible mistake. Prof. Gottfried was kind enough to correct me:

“I agree with your update. By the way, I knew Monica Crowley when she was still serving drinks for Richard Nixon during my visits to the former president’s home in New Jersey. She is far less clever and pretty than Michelle or Ann. Paul.”

The French Vs. The American Revolution

Ann Coulter, Conservatism, Democracy, Europe, History, Political Philosophy, Republicans

Ann Coulter’s point (in her book Demonic, apparently), as to the difference between the blood-drenched, illiberal, irreligious French Revolution and the American Revolution is important, although neither new nor original. The “Revolution in France” is how the great Edmund Burke referred to the French Revolution. Burke believed that replacing monarchy with (a murderous) morobcracy was fundamentally, well, unFrench.

I have not seen Ms. Coulter’s citations. I don’t read her books (other than Treason, a book that did more than follow the tired theme, “liberals bad; conservatives good). Still, it would be interesting to see who Ms. Coulter cited in support of her recycled thesis.

Some of the sources I cite, in addition to Burke, are in “Thomas Paine: 18th Century Che Guevara” (October, 2010):

“… one rarely hears Burke mentioned in American public discourse, yet my countrymen know and love Thomas Paine, who sympathized with the Jacobins and spat venom at Burke for his devastating critique of the blood-drenched, illiberal, irreligious ‘Revolution in France’ …
‘Even Thomas Jefferson seems not to have grasped at first how different the French and American Revolutions were. The confusion continues today. Paine belongs to the Che Guevara ascendancy, which admires nothing unless a good dose of murder is present. There are American scholars, however, like Peter Stanlis, and Francis Canavan, who appreciate the utter consistency of Burke’s outlook with the main tendencies of American civilization. Burke said the French Revolution was murderous and would have terrible consequences. He was borne out, not only by the bloody course of the Revolution itself, but by the Communist and Nazi menaces, which drew their inspiration from and surpassed in their wickedness, the pathology of Revolutionary France. The USA played a huge part in defeating these modern despotisms, and modern France very little.”

UPDATE VI: ‘Lights Out’ ILANA?

Ann Coulter, Ilana Mercer,, Literature, South-Africa, The Zeitgeist

If you are a new to and its sister site,, welcome! Read a better rounded biographical and professional exposé here. In brief:

I am a US-based, classical liberal writer. I pen’s longest-standing, exclusive, libertarian, weekly column, “Return to Reason.” With a unique audience of 8 million, WND.COM has been rated by Alexa as the most frequented “conservative” site on the Internet. Formerly syndicated by Creators Syndicate, I also contribute to London’s Quarterly Review. I am a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an independent, non-profit economic policy think tank.

Millions have read this writer’s work over the years on WND.COM (ranked 2,855th on the internet rater, Alexa).

Here is some easily digestible data on the reach of the work done at and

Barely a Blog (BAB) is ranked 194,834 th on Alexa, globally. That would make BAB number 30 (or thereabouts) on the list of “Libertarian Top 50 Sites.” A ranking of 214,628 th on Alexa shows that is also on the ascendancy. A little over 6 months on Facebook have netted close to 2600 Facebook Friends. Expanding too is the Facebook Fan page of my latest book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa. Please log-in to “Like” The Cannibal. To read The Cannibal is to love it. Guaranteed. To review this book on Amazon is to support what I believe will prove to be a prophetic and important text.

Not bad for a one-woman operation.

In a gracious note to this writer, the one and only Patrick J. Buchanan wrote: “I believe your book is being sold [or bundled on Amazon] along with my new book, ‘Suicide of a Superpower: Will America survive to 2025.’ … my 18,000-word chapter on ethnonationalism and tribalism and the surge of both throughout the Third World—as well as our own declining world—tracks pretty much with what you wrote

Every bit as gratifying to this writer was a courtesy copy of “Suicide of a Superpower,” thus inscribed: “To Ilana Mercer: Fellow Columnist and Fellow Conservative, with The Respect and good wishes of The Author.”

Still and all, to say that the publication process of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa has been punishing would be an understatement. From it, I’ve drawn certain conclusions as to the future of the independent, not-for-sale public intellectual. I will not act on these realizations for the time being. Let a cooling-off period prevail. But to state that I have come close to quitting what I do—what I have done for well over a decade since arriving in North America—would be a misleading subtlety.

Bluntly put: without the support of my readers, also my financial backers, I would have given up a long time ago. I’ll share with you this small thing: I now have proof positive that, however good, nothing I write is likely to be acceptable to mainstream, “conservative” publishing presses. With very few exceptions, most of what is published by this bunch, who masquerade as edgy and gritty, amounts to politically palatable pabulum. Regurgitated “ideas” and received opinion: this is what the conservative presses peddle. Exhibit A is Ann Coulter, who has just released her umpteenth “Democrats-are-demons-Republicans-are-angels” tract. (Most conservative books are way worse than Coulter’s as she, at least, doesn’t produce badly edited, piss-poor prose.)

As I’ve said, painful realizations as to the value of this writer’s work in this particular age must be put off for now. At least until the job is done. That job consists in popularizing Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, so that it can become a voice for the dispossessed.

Naturally, there are bills to be paid.

If you value my work and wish me to continue producing it despite ever-diminishing returns, please support the sites and their proprietor, and, of course, purchase a copy of Into the Cannibal’s Pot, and review the book on Amazon.

UPDATE I (May 17, 2011): I don’t wish to spoil future reading for you; I provide specifics about publishing in the Age of the Idiot in the Preface to Into the Cannibal’s Pot. Understand: This is not about the rejection of The Cannibal by a cowardly mainstream conservative press posing as non-mainstream. Books and book proposals are rejected every day. I’ve been in this “business” long enough to know that much. My disgust at the described state of affairs, and the ensuing conclusion about my future in the context detailed, has been exacerbated by the fact that almost to a man did these publishers praise this writer’s efforts. The stated reasons for shrugging off the ethnic cleansing of the shrinking, white, rural community of South Africa had nothing to do with the quality of the polemic, which, as I say, was almost unanimously commended. The excuses ran the following gamut:

This writer had no following worth mentioning. Yes, YOU do not count! Six months on Facebook put the lie to that lie.

Another excuse had it that Americans (YOU again) don’t give a tinker’s toss about anything beyond their borders (not even when the monsters they elect help bring about these catastrophes)—not about the Iraqis they helped liberate from limbs and lives, or for some South African farmer abandoned to the mercies of mob rule at the urging of DC schemers.

All in all, it used to be that publishers saw fit to lead the way; to raise interest, and create demand through the publication endeavor. Their aim these days, however, is to do no more than satiate a lurid craving for the literary equivalent of American idol and Oprah.

UPDATE II (May 18, 2011): Contemplationist and all the rest: Talk is cheap. Spare me the “You go, girl” pep talks. Unless those who make use of this site and value the work done here begin to support it—the whole thing will cease. This will give my enemies great pleasure (you’ll be surprised how many of them are in the “liberty” camp). But, contrary to what some here seem to believe, I am not in the charity business. This degree of self-sacrifice is no fun and is bad for one’s health. If there is no demand for what I do; then I will stop doing it and wearing myself down in the process.

Contributors to this blog should also please provide their email addresses (which always remain anon), in accordance with Posting Policy, and subscribe to the Mercer Mailing List

UPDATE III (May 23, 2011): GOING BLOND. GS’s email is amusing:

Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Light’s out Ilana?

“You could dye your hair blonde, lose your accent, get implants, shave 20 points off your IQ & wear a little black dress to all public social functions. You’d probably be a regular on ‘Fox and Friends’ within the month but I expect you might find this unpalatable. Also, you’d earn the undying envy of Megyn Kelly. That could be dangerous.”

UPDATE IV (Aug. 9, 2011): ‘LIBERTARIAN TOP 50 SITES’ ‘MISSES’ MERCER. Read the post, and email the hosts.

The author of and Barely a Blog has never sought what one wag called “the warm smell of the herd.” However, the problem with those who think they can wish-away an individual’s substantial, indubitably classical liberal, output (this work included) is this: One day not so far away, they’ll look bad. Maybe even a little malevolent. Their credibility is at stake, not my 14 years of writing in the cause of liberty.

Disses and difficulties aside, my gratitude goes to my regular contributors; you know who you are. The letters reproduced below are the latest in many hundreds received over the years. Unfortunately, words won’t cut it anymore. If you value my commentary as well as the unique community we’ve created together on this space; if you appreciate the time I spend in crafting original, topical commentary, keeping the Comments Forum open for your venting; responding to Comments, and ensuring exchanges remain civil, respectful and grammatical—please show your appreciation.

UPDATE V (Aug. 23, 2011): GOLD AS BONA FIDE. If devotees of Austrian economics had a support group in every state, here is how I’d introduce myself: “ILANA MERCER, author of ‘Into the Cannibal’s Pot,’ and WND.COM’s longest-standing (possibly most predictive), exclusive, libertarian column. Gold-bug since $800.”

From: Michael
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 10:41 AM


I admire your ability to write clearly and concisely. However, the icing on the cake for me is your ability to turn a phrase. Sometimes they are hilarious and other times they carry a richness; an intellectual heft I understand but could never create on my own. I also admire the fact that you are fluent at least in English and Hebrew. You’re one smart chick! I don’t know of many writers who can write about Brownian motion and actually know what it means!

Until the last few years I’ve considered myself a “conservative with libertarian leanings”. Your writing and resources in your blog site are helping me understand why I’ve had these libertarian leanings all these years. Because of your articles and some of the words of Myron Pauli I’m rethinking my whole attitude toward the post-World War II application of force in our foreign policy. The outcomes in both Iraq and Afghanistan concern me. Did we sacrifice the lives of our young men on the altar of creating Islamic Republics under the ruse of exporting democracy? The law of unintended consequences has played a huge role in the aftermaths of our “adventures” in the Middle East and Southwest Asia.

Have a blessed Passover,


From: Kerry
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:58 PM
Subject: (No Subject)

Dear Ilana,
I would just like to thank you for all your work you’ve done and continue to do. You are the most coherent, intelligent and readable ambassador of libertarian, Old-Right thought writing today. The fact that you are never asked to be on Fox news (or Fox Business) is rather telling, since they claim to champion truth in a “fair and balanced” package. It seems one has to be a neoconservative statist or an establishment, left-leaning libertarian to get any air time with them.
All the best,

From: Len
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:45 PM
Subject: Wow!!

Dear Ms. Ilana Mercer,

You are a shining beacon of TRUTH in an otherwise dark, evil, crazy world. I do not have the vocabulary (as you do) to convey the knowledge I gain from your articles. I have been reading your articles since 2004, when I was in Iraq working for KBR and wrote you an email chastising you for an article on George W. Bush and his neocon practices. You wrote back within hours and explained your reasoning behind your belief and it changed the way I look at the world’s politicians. As the old saying goes, I saw the light! I have just finished your article “Media’s Sickening Sentimentality On Egypt.” I was thinking, as I watched it unfold on my laptop (I’m back in Iraq working again), along the same lines your article talked about, and I thought: Wow!! You hit the nail square on the head. Another old saying. I wanted to let you know my appreciation for your wisdom and thinking that has changed the way I look at the world! Thank you!!
Sincerely a reader for life!
Basra, Iraq

From: Robert
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: Aid to Israel

Beloved Queen Ester (aka I Mercer),

How right you are concerning the aid to Israel. As one that was in the biz of providing the direct support thru foreign military aid (FMS) during my tenure with the Department of Defense in Denver, I can attest first-hand to the control of that country through strings attached to aid. … I had the opportunity to travel to the Israeli Mission in Manhattan to audit the contracts let with those same funds. In doing so, I was able to meet the most able and influential folks within the mission and visually confirm that they are some of the most capable and ethically sound reps Israel has in service to their country.

Just keep on keeping on young lady. You do good stuff. Being a good evangelical Christian that I am, I do love Israel and always hope for her well-being. Not only is it scripturally sound, it makes good sense (cents) to pray for her continuation. You just do what you do best and write down for future generations the wisdom you have at your disposal.

As an old geezer now, I still think you ought to remind your husband what a lovely jewel he has in you. May The Almighty Father keep you in his loving care.