Category Archives: Homeland Security

UPDATE II (11/16/021): America’s Low-T Military Vs. The Fighting Men Of Russia And China

China, Gender, Homeland Security, Military, Race, Russia, Sex

Words here would be superfluous. Images paint a thousand words, none of them including the words male hormone. The ladies want in. Compared to the armies of our possible adversaries, the US military is high on the Disney quotient and low on testosterone:

Via The Saker:

US Military Ad: If you just dream it, girl …

China Military Ad:

Russia Military Ad:

UPDATED I (5/18): ‘Kim Philby of Wokeness’: It’s Tucker Carlson’s moniker for narcissist, me-me CIA, cisgender, intersectional, millennial agent, with anxiety disorder: “I am a woman of color.”
“I am a cisgender millennial.” “I am intersectional.” I am “brilliant” too.

UPDATE II (11/16/021):

I wonder if “big, bad” Putin tells the young grunts in Russia’s army how bad they are because so lily white? Rhetorical! Must be nice to be a soldier in an army in which white is not a blight.


French Schoolteacher, Beheaded For Instructing Children In French Secular Values

Europe, Free Speech, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Terrorism

Russians are cursed in the North Caucasus by an Islamic state, Chechnya. When Russia attempts to control Chechen aggression, the West steps in to help shelter the terrorists/ “refugees” fleeing the Islamist Chechnya. Now a Frenchman (“beneficiary” of the French’s willingness to take in Muslims fleeing because of Russian crackdowns) is missing a vital organ: HIS HEAD.

The man who was beheaded by the Chechen Abdullakh Anzorov is Samuel Paty, 47. For what it’s worth, The Economist has a decent Obituary for him. It would appear that poor Paty was doomed to teach a class writhing, seething with Muslim snakes, ready to spit venom—and worse. One female called Zaina, in particular, helped foment hatred against her teacher:

When it came to teaching free speech as part of the national curriculum, he liked to show his quatrième class two caricatures from the magazine Charlie Hebdo which, in January 2015, had been attacked by murdering Islamists. He had done so for several years; this year it had added edge, with the trial of the accomplices going on. The caricatures were, first, Muhammad holding a “Je Suis Charlie” sign, blasphemous to Muslims merely for giving him a face. Most pupils might be unimpressed with that, but the second caricature was clearly rude: Muhammad on all fours, naked, with a star emerging from his backside and the caption “A star is born!”.

Once his pupils had seen the drawings he would explain that French law protected them, as part of the liberty enshrined in the Republic. Then they would debate why and whether it should, not angrily—he insisted on that—but reasonably, carefully marshalling their arguments. Being aware, though, that the caricatures were strong stuff for many 13-year-olds, especially the Muslim children, he warned his pupils at the start that they could look away if they thought they might be offended. He had to be careful, as it was against the law to identify anyone by their religion; the warning had to be general. But he had done all this before, and the result had been a mutually respectful conversation.

This time the backlash was furious. A number of Muslim parents objected, and one filed a complaint to the police. He also posted a video on Facebook to mobilise others, identifying who the teacher was and calling him a voyou, a thug: “He should no longer teach our children. He should go and educate himself.” A known Islamist agitator, Abdelhakim Sefrioui, came to the school and made a video decrying “irresponsible and aggressive behaviour”. The mobiliser’s daughter, Zaina, said the prof wanted to attack Islam, and had done so that day by asking Muslims specifically to raise their hands and then, if they liked, to leave.

That was lies, as he told the police. Zaina had not even been in the class. But at the first claim that the teacher of histoire-géo was an Islamophobe the principal called him in, and her superiors requested a visit by an inspector from the local education authority. They, like the police, supported him, and said he had followed correct classroom procedure. He would not face disciplinary action. The moral and legal weight of the French state was on his side, and he felt confident enough, as well as angry enough, to file a defamation complaint against the parent who had abused him.

He also felt threatened, though. The level of hate in the attacks was quite new, and it had spread wide, far beyond Conflans. Now he kept his head down in the corridors, and was noticeably out of sorts. His walk home from school, a short stroll through a wood, no longer felt safe, so he took the more open, still quiet, still leafy streets. As he set off for home on the 16th he had just finished teaching a class of petits sixièmes about prehistory, a relatively calm subject. The All Saints’ break was about to start, a chance to let things cool down a bit. The tennis court beckoned. He wished his pupils, and they wished him, “Bonnes vacances.”

Mercifully, the French police are still permitted to kill killers without causing a riot. So they shot Abdullakh Anzorov and arrested a whole bunch of brutes who worked to eliminate this poor man. READ.

But seven people, including two students and a parent of one of Mr Paty’s pupils, were detained in the days following the killing.

On Wednesday, prosecutors said six of the suspects had been charged with complicity in a terrorist murder and placed under judicial investigation.

One man is accused of having close contact with the killer and faces the lesser charge of associating with a terrorist.

All of the suspects, other than the two students who are minors at just 14 and 15, are in custody.

The self-immolating, liberal West!

A Message To America’s Anti-Trump, Never-Won-A-War, Treacherous General Officers And Admirals

Crime, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Justice, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Neoconservatism

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, put on quite the show, with his moronic mea culpa, “declaring,” on Thursday June 11, 2020, that “he’d been wrong to stride in uniform with [President] Trump past protesters who had been cleared from Lafayette Square to a photo op at a church.”

Michael Scheuer, anti-war military analyst, former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and long-time neocon slayer, has the right answer.

Scheuer offers the most lacerating rebuke to the “several dozen of these “treacherous flag officers,” to “America’s anti-Trump, never-won-a-war general officers and admirals”:

Over three or four days last week, America’s general officer corps again disgraced itself to the bottom of its never dirty or bloody combat boots. Two Marine generals, James Mattis and John Allen, the Navy’s Admiral Mike Mullen, and, most recently, Army General Colin Powell have damned with “contemptuous words” the President of the United States for trying to suppress multiple coup attempts and a broad domestic insurrection now nearing the start of its fourth year. …

These four oily cretins bring the total of America’s anti-Trump, never-won-a-war general officers and admirals to a total of several dozen. For anyone who doubts the reality of serial coup attempts during the Trump administration, they need look no further than these treacherous flag officers. As a group, they are emitting a stench that can only remind Americans of the stink from the many Latin American and African countries that regularly have been ruined and bloodied by disloyal, power-loving, and money-grubbing senior military officers.

Americans has been lucky. For most of the republic’s history, the U.S. military has performed loyally and silently. America has had a good-long run of success at keeping the always latent threat of a military-wrecked nation at bay. There have been generals – George McClelland and Douglas MacArthur – who straddled the line that separates loyalty and coup-making, but now there are dozens.

What we are seeing today, in the retired U.S. flag officers seeking to aid the overthrow of a legitimately elected president and administration, proves the correctness of Brutus’s judgement that “perhaps a greater danger” from a standing army was that it would work at “overturning the constitutional powers of the government, and assuming the power to dictate any form they please.” Not being men of character, manliness, and moral courage such as those who predominated at our founding, these generals and admirals have aligned themselves with a Democratic Party that has pledged itself to the destruction of the Constitution and so republican government. If the Democrats succeed, they will reward the Trump-hating generals and award them with the highly-paid honor of trying to bloodily cow the citizenry into their new status as slaves to madmen.

The time has come to see these generals and admirals for what they are: time-serving, uniformed bureaucrats, men and women who live like kings while serving, and strut into corporation-provided fortunes after they retire. Americans have been propagandized into believing that these flag officers are nearly gods, and so applaud them for their service to the country and treat their words as if they were the product of savants.

In doing so, Americans seem to forget that these generals and admirals have not won a war since 1945, and that they are monumental hypocrites. When these officers attend the funeral of a young Marine or soldier killed in war, they turn, at the service’s end, to the parents of the deceased and assure them that their son or daughter had died to protect liberty in the United States. In this action, they lie like the bastards they are. No war since September, 1945, has threatened American liberty at home, though the government’s involvement in such unnecessary wars always did so, and also increased the taxpayers’ burden to extortionate levels.

Alongside the flag officers’ lies, stands their abject lack of personal moral courage. None of them, that I am aware of, have ever told a grieving parent that, while serving, he or she had been a willing gutless wonder, a man or woman ready and eager to lead their sons and daughters to their deaths in wars that they knew the commander-in-chief had no intention of winning.

Those deaths paid the price of unmerited glory for the generals and admirals who are now helping the Democrats to destroy the republic.

READ: Some U.S. generals and admirals are trying to destroy the republic

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American Leaders, Political and Corporate, Outsourced Life To China

China, Donald Trump, Economy, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Labor, libertarianism, Outsourcing, Trade

Unless major shifts are taken by the West to stop outsourcing life to China—it is Western leaders who must be considered traitors to their people. China is just being China. Ultimate retributive action against China must come from our leaders. Ire must be directed at our leaders if they continue to outsource life to China, which includes manufacturing as well as energetically replacing American workers with Chinese workers.

It’s not enough to agonize “aloud, about how [the West] found [itself] so dependent on a country like China.

Via The Economist’s Chaguan column:

“On March 29th the Mail on Sunday, a British newspaper, quoted government ministers blaming Chinese secrecy over covid-19 for ruining the world economy. How could Britain [and the U.S.] not now review Sino-British [and Sino-American] ties?”

Easily, unless the people hold their leaders responsible for reckless endangerment …

European and American elites “were [so] confident of ‘change through trade’; that commerce with China will nudge that country towards openness and democracy.”

a propaganda campaign [is] under way inside China to stress that most new infections involve cases imported from abroad. Though almost all of these involve Chinese nationals, curbs on foreigners are tightening. The border has been shut to most of them. On March 27th the government shocked embassies in Beijing by declaring a halt to the issuing of new identity cards for most grades of diplomat. This was apparently in response to the flouting of virus controls by a Western envoy. Embassies, in effect, face a ban on staff rotations until at least mid-May.

…during this pandemic, POTUS seems strikingly unmoved by ethical questions about China’s conduct. Asked about Chinese propaganda accusing America of infecting China with covid-19, which his own aides have angrily denounced, Mr Trump shrugged. “Hey, every country does it,” he told Fox News

On April 19, Trump suggested that Chinese culpability for mass murder would depend on the presence of intent: “If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they deliberately carried responsibility for it, that’s what I mean, then there must be consequences.”

I agree with President Trump that the “autocracy called China” is characterized by “ruthless self-interest” that is praise-worthy. More so than America is China likely to act in the interest of its own people.