Category Archives: Islam

CAIR Commences 'Share the Quran' Campaign

Conflict, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Propaganda

“Today,” reports Daniel Pipes, “CAIR took what is probably the most major step ever in the direction of da’wa (call to Islam) with the announcement of a ‘Share the Quran’ campaign. It involves sending free copies of the Koran over the next six months to 100,000 leaders: ‘governors, state attorney generals, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy.'”

Dr. Pipes continues:

The Hamas-founded Council on American-Islamic Relations has long pretended to be a civil rights organization, comparing itself at times to the NAACP, but a close look at its record reveals the real CAIR agenda to be – in common with all Islamists – promoting the Shari’a. This can be achieved two ways. The more circuitous method influences American public opinion through the educational system, the media, the arts, the courts, and the political process. The more direct method converts Americans to Islam.
Route #1 is CAIR’s stock-in-trade, what it does most of the time. But every so often it tries route #2. For example, in 2004, CAIR published an advertisement titled “More in Common Than You Think” that argued for the similarities between Christian and Islam: “Like Christians, Muslims respect and revere Jesus. … Like Christians, every day, over 1.3 billion Muslims strive to live by his teachings of love, peace, and forgiveness.”

Here’s the part I’m not clear on. Pipes adds that “testimony by converts to Islam reiterates that putting the Koran into the hands of non-Muslims is the best bet for winning them to the faith.”

But to read the Kuran is to know it for the manual for murder it is. The good messages therein are plagiarized. Why would that be attractive?

Oops: ilana, what’s come over you? Need you ask—in the Age of the Idiot of all stripes—what it is about a political system masquerading as a religion, sanctioning blood-letting, and promising supremacy and power; what is it about such a belief system that a base, brutal idiot would find attractive? Okay, okay; you made your point.

CAIR Commences ‘Share the Quran’ Campaign

Conflict, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Propaganda

“Today,” reports Daniel Pipes, “CAIR took what is probably the most major step ever in the direction of da’wa (call to Islam) with the announcement of a ‘Share the Quran’ campaign. It involves sending free copies of the Koran over the next six months to 100,000 leaders: ‘governors, state attorney generals, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy.'”

Dr. Pipes continues:

The Hamas-founded Council on American-Islamic Relations has long pretended to be a civil rights organization, comparing itself at times to the NAACP, but a close look at its record reveals the real CAIR agenda to be – in common with all Islamists – promoting the Shari’a. This can be achieved two ways. The more circuitous method influences American public opinion through the educational system, the media, the arts, the courts, and the political process. The more direct method converts Americans to Islam.
Route #1 is CAIR’s stock-in-trade, what it does most of the time. But every so often it tries route #2. For example, in 2004, CAIR published an advertisement titled “More in Common Than You Think” that argued for the similarities between Christian and Islam: “Like Christians, Muslims respect and revere Jesus. … Like Christians, every day, over 1.3 billion Muslims strive to live by his teachings of love, peace, and forgiveness.”

Here’s the part I’m not clear on. Pipes adds that “testimony by converts to Islam reiterates that putting the Koran into the hands of non-Muslims is the best bet for winning them to the faith.”

But to read the Kuran is to know it for the manual for murder it is. The good messages therein are plagiarized. Why would that be attractive?

Oops: ilana, what’s come over you? Need you ask—in the Age of the Idiot of all stripes—what it is about a political system masquerading as a religion, sanctioning blood-letting, and promising supremacy and power; what is it about such a belief system that a base, brutal idiot would find attractive? Okay, okay; you made your point.

Updated: A-Jad

Iran, Islam, Israel

Only in America. And I mean it in a good way. I first came across this nickname for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Diana West’s blog. I see it’s commonly used by The American Thinker. Very funny. I know I’ll be scolded by neocons, who describe A-Jad as akin to Hitler, but all I see is a colossal clown.

In any case, a nickname is long overdue. Good wholesome disrespect is the best assertion of American superiority.

On a serious note, Andy Bostom, the exegete of Islam, has some must-read Iran analysis on his blog. Read “Perpetuating Iran’s Islamic Culture of Hate,” and “Mullah’s Milk.”

Update (June 23): A-JAD AND ISRAEL. The Christian Science Monitor considers the reasons A-Jad is preferred in Israel:

“[E]ven though Mr. Ahmadinejad has threatened the Jewish state with destruction, many officials and analysts [there] actually prefer the incumbent president because – short of the downfall of Iran’s theocratic system of government – he’ll be easier to isolate. Reformist leader Mr. Mousavi, by contrast, isn’t expected to alter Iran’s drive for nuclear power, but he would win international sympathy.”…

Updated: We Get It: Museum Shooter Is a Hateful Honky

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Elections 2008, Free Speech, Homeland Security, Islam, Jihad, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Regulation, Terrorism, The Zeitgeist

The excerpt is from my new column, now on Taki’s Magazine, “We Get It: Museum Shooter Is a Hateful Honky”:

THE MORE OBVIOUS MORAL of the von Brunn attack relates to media coverage. If you’re a white supremacist caught in the act, intrepid, mainstream journalism will not rest until it has dug-up, divulged and dissected everything about you.

Scarcely had the cowardly attack taken place than the mug of the hater was plastered on every TV station across the country. (I can’t tell you what the Jihadi du jour looks like.) Ditto details of von Brunn’s dysfunctional biography and ideology.

In no time the usually lackadaisical liberal media expertly knitted together von Brunn’s years in irons, unsavory associations, and the ins-and-outs of his holocaust-denying, anti-Semitic belief system. …

On the other hand, does anyone … know who Wael W. Kalash is?

I didn’t think so. If you’re a swarthy supremacist, driven by devotion to a vampiric prophet and his deity, you can count on the ‘discretion’ of those whose job description is vigilant indiscretion.”…

The complete column is “We Get It: Museum Shooter Is a Hateful Honky.”

Miss the weekly column on WND? Catch it on Taki’s Magazine every Saturday.

Update (June 14): In addition to the assorted protected-species murder charges (hate crimes), “Von Brunn, 88, has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of 39-year-old Stephen T. Johns, who was black.” (via FoxNew)

I’m beginning to get the gist of equality under the law in America. If you aggress against a gay, black, or Jewish individual, then you’ve earned the severest of sanctions: first degree murder, in the case of von Brunn. If, in the course of being Muslim, you behead your wife—well then, Muslim acts in mitigation. You’re charged with second degree murder, only.