Category Archives: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel Enforces Its Sovereignty, Exposes Rashida Tlaib For The Conniving Idiot She Is

Foreign Policy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

One-two punch for Israel’s interior minister, Aryeh Deri! Nicely put (in Hebrew and in English).

The minister, at once, enforced Israel-First national interests, i.e., sovereignty, acted patriotically and exposed the silly, conniving Rashida Tlaib for the idiot she is. If only U.S. politicians were intuitively this SMART & PATRIOTIC.

There was nothing wrong with the Israeli government refusing entry to Tlaib, D-Mich., and Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. But apparently, both parties in the US objected to Israelis preventing these odious idiots from visiting their country and agitating against the interests of their people.

Washington should mind its own business.

In any event, Deri relented and “granted Tlaib’s request on humanitarian grounds to see her grandmother in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.” But a visit with grandma would be nothing without the ability to agitate against her hosts. So Tlaib capriciously decided that, no-no, she would no longer go:

Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what [granny] wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in–fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.

UPDATED (6/5): NEW: Jared Packs Unicorns and Rainbows For Mideast Trip

America, Donald Trump, Gender, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Populism

NEW COLUMN IS “Jared Packs Unicorns and Rainbows For Mideast Trip.” It’s now on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

An abridged version, “Bibi’s Cautious Conservatism May Clash With Jared’s New Peace Plan,” is on

An excerpt:

JARED KUSHNER couldn’t stare down an uncompromising foe if his wife, Ivanka Trump, held his soft, lily-white hand throughout the ordeal.

Yet ridiculously, a May 22, McClatchy article claimed Mr. Kushner was fixing to “stare down uncompromising foes in fights over immigration and Middle East peace.”

Let us begin with our debutant’s Middle East peace plan, the thing his father-in-law calls “the deal of the century.”

The notion of Jared solving the Israeli-Palestinian vexation is laughable, perhaps the dumbest thing ever. You just know this is a vain Ivanka move to brand the region and add it to her CV. (Ivanka, to those who don’t know, is intent on riding to the presidency herself on her father’s coattails.)

The Arabs slated to partake in the Kushner summit, Bahraini, Saudi and Emirati participants, are likely laughing the hardest.

For one, the Arabs know that Ivanka is calling the shots—and that the president’s fashion-focused daughter is behind the branding of the sexually androgynous, intellectually inchoate production that is Jared Kushner. If you think that’s something Arabs respect, you don’t know Shiite from Shinola.

Wily Arabs are hip to White House dynamics. They know who’s running the West Wing and who to flatter. Some in the region have even given Donald Trump a dubious honorific, Abu Ivanka al-Amriki. Being known as “father of Ivanka the American” is, of course, no honor in the muscular, manly Middle East.

The timing of the Kushner peace plan is especially asinine. For all the upheaval in the region, the Palestinian Problem has nevertheless dropped off the geopolitical radar as an urgent matter to resolve. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Jared Packs Unicorns and Rainbows For Mideast Trip,” is now on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

READ an abridged version, “Bibi’s Cautious Conservatism May Clash With Jared’s New Peace Plan,” on

UPDATE (6/5): Jared definitely has those girl-like broad hips. His is not a man’s shape. The contrast is stark when he’s seen striding alongside these two military figures who have narrow hips and broad shoulders.

Ilhan Omar Discovers That America, Left and Right, Is Predominantly Pro-Israel

Democrats, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans, UN

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) discovered that America, left and right, is still pro-Israel.

In a tweet, Omar had implied that “Republicans are being bribed into supporting Israel by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee):

“It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” [Omar said] quoting Puff Daddy’s ’90s paean to cash money. Omar subsequently specified that she was talking about spending from the likes of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, better known as AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying organization.

Neoconservative Nikki Haley piled on, pointing out (in broken English) that quips like the one made by Omar were an everyday occurrence at the UN.

My point is not to argue the substance of what Omar said—although I think her point against lobbyists for foreign states is a serious point.

My point here is to simply underscore how different the US is from the rest of the West, when it comes to Israel. It’s a lesson Ilhan Omar, who identifies as a Muslim refugee, has just found out, and will work to change, no doubt.

There will come a time, soon, with more Muslim immigration, when the tipping point will be reached and the US will be more like the UN which practically opens every one of its sessions with a pro forma resolution condemning Israel.

UPDATED (1/9/019): This Is What Israel’s Walls Look Like. Does The US Have Such Unscalable Things, Mr. President?

America, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In Israel, they call it a “security fence.” That sounds less foreboding. But this is no fence.

What the US has on its southern border is, for the most, … some fencing.

And this manned, near- impermeable wall is on Israel’s South, meant to stop illegal African immigrants, not necessarily terrorists. Via Breitbart:

UPDATE (1/9/019): 


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