Category Archives: Judaism & Jews

UPDATED (12/28): I Met Archbishop Desmond Tutu Twice: Con Inc. Should Just Hush Their Mouths About Him

Christianity, Conservatism, Iraq, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Judaism & Jews, Neoconservatism, South-Africa

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has died (this BBC “stellar” news report does not “report” whether it was today or yesterday). I had attended the Archbishop’s inauguration with my father, the late Rabbi Ben Isaacson, who had been friendly with Archbishop Tutu.

My father and I also took a gracious (and sumptuous) afternoon tea with the Archbishop decades back in his official residence in Cape Town. (These events are mentioned briefly in my 2011 book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.)

However, the tracts being written about Tutu by American conservatives and neoconservative—and what a resurgence we are witnessing in this reflexive mindset!—are laughable. (Americans must refrain from writing about cultures that are not American; they are simply too insular and chauvinistic to shed anything but darkness on these matters.)

For example, the authors of Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream, reviewed years back by Jack Kerwick on FrontPage Magazine, had picked on Desmond Tutu as an example of black privilege in South Africa! Of all things. Again, this is as laughable as it is to bang on ignorantly and endlessly about Tutu’s criticism of Israel, as if that’s never valid or permissible.

It must be an authorial tic peculiar to neoconservatives, and applied to anyone with an anti-Israel position, for which Archbishop Tutu is famous. He also opposed the Bush travesty that was the war on Iraq. It is also typical of the neoconservative’s ahistoric approach, where a proposition or an idea (black privilege) is applied without context or nuance, to any and all annoying blacks (Tutu became that alright).

In truth, Tutu embodied the old-style, old-school African gentleman. The Archbishop grew up in wretched poverty, received—and gladly accepted—a decent education courtesy of the Church, and worked his ministry so hard as to reap the rewards. (In “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” I discuss the wonders done by the white-run churches in South Africa. What good equalizers were some schools in the old South Africa:  Desmond Tutu, myself, and hundreds of thousands of other Africans, belong to the same alma mater: UNISA.)

Sure, Tutu was left-liberal and a critic of Israel and of neoconservative project (God bless him for that). But to me, as I said in “King Tut(u) Not So Terrific,” his impiety stems from never having piped up about the ethnic cleansing of rural whites, Afrikaners mostly, from the land in ways that beggar belief. Saint Mandela certainly remained mum about farm murders that are Shaka-Zulu worthy in grisliness.

And so, by the way, had our conservative and libertarian friends remained silent about farm murders until quite recently when talking about anti-white South Africa has become all the rage.

In any case, my meeting with the Archbishop Tutu was memorable. From that occasion I took away that Desmond Tutu was fond of my father and respectful of dad’s Jewish faith and scholarship. The two had a brief and lively exchange about a philosophical difference between Judaism and Christianity. My father was a redoubtable debater. Ditto Tutu. But both men were far better religious leaders than they were political activists, for which they, alas, became known.

UPDATE (12/28/021): In the tackiest manner, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, who is currently using his analytical prowess to justify forceful, aggressive vaccination, deployed a visit to a Fox News set on an unrelated matter, to libel the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. As follows:

“The world is mourning Bishop Tutu, who just died the other day,” hissed Dershowitz. “Can I remind the world that although he did some good things, a lot of good things on apartheid, the man was a rampant antiSemite and bigot,” spewed Dershowitz.

“The man minimized the Holocaust. The man compared Israel to Nazi Germany. When we’re tearing down statues of Jefferson and Lincoln and Washington, let’s not build statues to a deeply, deeply flawed man, like Bishop Tutu. Let’s make sure that history remembers both the goods he did and the awful, awful bads that he did as well.”

Others on the Fox News panel looked on at the Dershowitz train wreck in horror. Aside his uncivilized and boorish timing, Dershowitz’ views are skewed. They are utterly Israel and Jewish-centric. Tutu was indeed pro-Palestinian, but this did not make him an anti-Semite. And he certainly was no “Holocaust minimizer,” what ever that means. As mentioned, I had visited with him with my rabbi father, who was friendly with the archbishop. Tutu was polite, warm and kind.

Far more illuminating and interesting than Dershowitz’ Israel compliance shtick is my account, in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” of Israel’s friendship with Apartheid South Africa. Israel had refused to follow the West in isolating South Africa, and actively and productively—especially militarily—engaged with South Africa. Ronald Reagan tried the meeker form of “constructive engagement” before he was overridden by his Republican party, and told specifically that he was out of step in his wish to engage with South Africa, rather than punish her.

It’s not like Dershowitz ever met Tutu, but wait a sec, I had actually met the Archbishop, and even had the honor of attending his inauguration. Imagine! Mine is a real-life assessment that dares to fail the Israel First test. OMG!


NYC EMT & Fire Department Union Boss Presents Cogent, Comprehensive, Factual, Rational Argument Against Vaccines For Members

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Ethics, Healthcare, Intelligence, Judaism & Jews, Labor, Race, Reason

I believe uber-progressive anchor Alex Witt, of MSNBC, likely went easy on Oren Barzilay because she must have believed the president of Emergency Medical Services Local 2507 of District Council 37 (President of Uniform EMTs, Paramedics & Inspectors – New York City Fire Department) to be a working-class man of an acceptably exotic ethnicity.

To me of course, the name screamed Israeli. As did the clear, comprehensive argument style, and cogent replies to everyone of the woman’s arguments for vaccine mandates.

Barzilay argued against mandates for his members. These are arguments that not one of the dimwits usually entertained on the idiot’s lantern (the TV) has proven able to rattle off.

In arguing against the mandates, Barzilay told Witt:

        1. No conclusive evidence exists to show the vaccines are not harmful. On the contrary, the CDC website reports over 12,000 deaths from these vaccines and thousands injured, or having sustained some medical issues.
        2. The vaccines are not FDA approved and clinical trials have been limited and of short duration; no longitudinal data.
        3. In reply to Witt’s idiot question—which nobody in American media seems capable of refuting, and it is, “Have you and family not received the mumps, measles, polio vaccinations, and once the vaccines move from Emergency Authorization to FDA approved status, will you instruct your guys to take it?”—Barzilay did not miss a beat. He returned to Witt’s first point, emphasizing that older vaccines (I’ve recently gotten two Shingles shots) have over a decade of data behind them. The COVID vaccines went to market and into arms after 6 months of production, and even less time devoted to data collection and analysis.
        4. He is not telling his people not to get vaccinated; all Barzilay is insisting on is choice for his members, as to what they place in their bodies until the data are in.
        5. He wants to know (asking in a cynical, rhetorical manner) if the City will cover the expenses of those who have an adverse reaction. That’s unknown, argued Barzilay. I would argue one better: When admitted into hospital following vaccination, with a plethora of symptoms, you are more often than not subjected to batteries of tests that always appear aimed at ruling-out correlation with vaccination, instead of treating what could be dangerous symptoms.
          In the zeal to avoid implicating the vaccine in a reaction—individuals who suffer a reaction in proximity to vaccination might not even receive antidotes as soon as they need them. The aim of untrustworthy medical personnel seems to be to exonerate the vaccinators rather than assume a reaction and prevent a patient from dying.
          Essentially, medical personal have lost our trust that indeed they can spring into action, in the event we suffer adverse reactions to their ill-researched vaccines.
        6. Oren disputes that all his members are, as Witt assumed, grateful for the vaccines, since some have died following vaccination. He cannot definitively prove causation, but they died shortly thereafter. Two of Oren’s Local members died within 4 days of receiving the vaccine.


    1. RELATED READING: “Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?”

UPDATED (7/5/021): Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually

Argument, Communism, Conservatism, Critical Race Theory, Ethics, Ilana Mercer, Judaism & Jews, Morality, Paleoconservatism, Socialism

Genesis: It all began with a tweet from a Mercer reader, who was politely ticked off that this writer was not credited for thinking she has developed, and has been hammering home in widely published essays, on large conservative hangouts: WND.COM, American Greatness, The Unz Review,, Quarterly Review out of Britain, and often American Renaissance. The reader’s tweets are pictured above.

In a nutshell: When every other American commentator was kibitzing about Critical Race Theory as Marxism—including the voluble writers on Darren Beattie’s site, Revolver News—this writer, as is her wont, had dug in her heels since 2019, insisting that this was ALL anti-whiteness, not Marxism, and nothing more.

Not Identity Politics, Anti-white Politics” (02/28/2019)
Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics” (September 19, 2019)
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice” (September 10, 2020)
Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics” (May 10, 2021)
And MORE, in writing and video.

The reader was honest. So he wrote:

… I saw this evolving the other day when Beattie gave credit to CJ Pearson for calling #CRT anti-white. That’s how it works on Twitter, the big accounts pick up so much from others but never give credit. I knew revolverdotnews was going to run with it but wouldn’t give you credit. It was obvious to me he was aware you were one of the few people on Twitter speaking about this. …
…I know you give credit to others, it’s because you’re an ethical person, something in short supply these days. …

It’s worse than that. Again: throughout, Revolver News has penned elaborate tracts about Critical Race Theory as Marxism, a position this writer has always rejected as bogus; was first to reject, and against which she has developed and targeted analytical thinking.

That tack is summed up by this tract of May 5, 2021:

Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is Systemic Anti-Whiteness, Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” One publisher, American Greatness, excerpted the gist of my lengthy argument:

If quibbling about Communism and identity politics becomes an obstacle to facing the reality of systemic anti-whiteness—then these theoretical crutches are an affront to reality


Theoretical Escapism Retards Action: … anti-white ideology is not to be conflated, as conservatives habitually do, with Marxist ideology. Very plainly, communism did not revolve around the exclusive blackening of whites. Stripped of bafflegab, this is critical race theory’s central project.

I followed up with a Twitter reference to Jewish sages, sent to me by my “little” brother, Rabbi Y. Isaacson. I copied my reader and Mr.  Darren J. Beattie, editor at Revolver News—where a piece, I am told, was published aping my own thinking, developed and written over months.

Jewish sages were strict about the ethics of crediting those who went before. “Whoever repeats a statement in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world. (Avot 6:6)

In response came this contempt-oozing snark of a tweet from Mr. Beattie:

I am all for giving credit for groundbreaking concepts and even coinages where appropriate. But this lady making a proprietary claim over the term “anti-white” or the idea that CRT is anti-white but not marxist is absurd. Marvel comic tier “paleo-lolbertarian” autism on display

Oodles of contempt, I have noticed over the decades, are not unusual among paleoconservative men—not the Republican young men and women, mind you, whom I find delightfully polite and respectful. This venom-spitting cobra is confined to a very specific segment of the Old Right, young and old.

My original reader responded:

…I just read the nasty Beattie tweet, … he’s reduced to calling names. What a jerk. The hilarious thing is Revolver just wrote an entire article about anti-white CRT. [The reader means following the publication of my many tracts.)

Were my original thinking emanating from a LARGE TWITTER account, or any well-known media whore (fat chance)—our own large media whores would have credited me.  This is why they’re so ugly: These Little Men “borrow” sans credit only from smaller, truly marginalized, independent thinkers.

Which is why I mentioned the non-man essence of this conduct. “Valiant strong men are not afraid to give credit.”

Witness the fact that, as my reader pointed out, Beattie had rushed to give credit to one CJ Pearson for calling CRT anti-white in a typical cyber-ejaculate tweet format. I know not who CJ Pearson is. All I know is that, when our media whores give credit—the account must be large. And indeed it is. Puke. My essays, as mentioned, have been detailed and analytical as is my wont—and published on leading conservative outlets (G-d bless them).  

“Do yr. research!,” I shot back. “You have not given credit where it’s due. “This lady,” old enough to be your mom, is indeed first to methodically develop the Marxism vs. Antiwhiteness distinction when u were penning treatises on CRT as Marxism, mere weeks back. Ugly. Dishonest @DarrenJBeattie.”

Some young people have related to me that, “We grew up politically reading Mercer on WND.” What a gift—and a responsibility. It was thus important to serve up an example of what intellectual honestly and integrity look like in crediting others. To that end, I posted my report about Beattie’s analysis–and application—of US-instigated color revolutions: “Here is an example of my reporting of Darren J Beattie’s very recent work (mine goes back 21 years). I will never-ever stiff people out of credit for their work. It’s loathsome. Tis about character (also, why borrow what I can best? I’ve never been at a loss for original thinking in 21 years of work):

Truth is non-partisan. However, in line with partisan social media’s celebrity tagging ditto-head proclivities—the warm smell of the herd that inoculates against impartial thinking—reality, in the form of mounds of essays, mine, was not considered the ultimate adjudicator of truth.

A select group of serious readers, my own, however, responded, thus:

David Sullivan: “You were first, for sure, way back with THE book, ‘Into the Cannibal’s Pot.'”

“Ilana Mercer has been explaining for years why the problem is anti-white politics, not identity politics. Given that conservatives have failed repeatedly and the problem has gotten worse, perhaps it’s time they start listening. This column is from 2019,” tweeted Matt Ray, a paleolibertarian presence on the Internet and social media:

Matt took the time to excerpt from “It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics” (February 28, 2019): Whatever is convulsing the country, it’s not identity politics. For, blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky.”

And I thank Matt Ray. Over the course of 21 years, I have replied to almost every reader who has taken the time to share with me his or her thoughts about my work. It’s called decency, humility. And if I get an idea from a twitter account, no matter how small, I hyperlink it, in credit (an example is the hyperlink on the quip, “That was a scary scene in ‘Deliverance,’” someone quipped  on Twitter, in “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America“).

Anti-White HateWatch made excuses for the more powerful not crediting those whose work went before—and not because their work doesn’t speak for itself, but becasue their Twitter accounts aren’t as large as The Idiocracy’s.

In a war, we aren’t required to shout out “Thank you, Lockheed Martin” before we fire our missiles!

Me: If honestly crediting originators of serious argument and strategy in the battle over years is not important–why does @DarrenJBeatie try to “cancel” me and my work in developing this thinking first? You, too, are bereft of ethics, sir. Credit is a moral imperative, as per Jewish sages

And so it went.

Even when I excerpted my surmise, in “A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room,” drawn from a Critical Race Theorist who openly departs from Marxism—my own words were attributed to another. One not only loses IQ points on the illiterate social media, but one is faced with studied intellectual depravity.

A tweet, always limited by the number of allowable characters, was then compiled of my many pioneering essays explaining why, contra conservatism’s consensus before me, Critical Race Theory needed to be addressed purely and exclusively as anti-white agitprop and bafflegab combined. I wrote:

Fair minds know you can’t change the reality of creation.

Colin Flaherty, one the few fair, valiant men, retweeted with a comment:

Everyone wants to deflect from that essential truth.”

Finally, heed we must what the sages of Judaism say about a morally simple matter: Crediting those who went before.

“Whoever repeats a statement in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world.” (Avot 6:6)

The sages deemed it so imperative that credit should be given for another’s ideas that they identified the act as a cause for redemption, both communal and personal.

I thank my brother, Rabbi Y. Isaacson, for sending me the words of our Avot (fathers).

And I ask that you teach your children to ethically and honestly credit their sources in conversation. This is what scholarly minds do.

As Jack Kerwick has explained :

it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to explore, revise, and expand the ideas of others, to explore their nuances, their contours, and utilize them for the purposes of illuminating new circumstances.

To Do
Make a concerted effort to share what you learn from someone else with the others around your Shabbat table, but be sure to quote your source and do so in the name of the person from whom you learned it.

UPDATE (7/5/021): I had mentioned in the blog post you are reading the imperative, as taught by our Jewish sages, to cite those who went before in one’s work, if one uses ideas developed by others. I’m pleased to report that “Mussar Center” liked the lesson on Twitter. @MussarCenter


UPDATED (2/7/020): If Only American Jews Didn’t Forget Just How American They Are

America, Christianity, Founding Fathers, History, Judaism & Jews, Multiculturalism, The South

Unlike Muslims, Jews truly were in America during the founding. The proper metaphor for the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, America’s founding faith, is that of parent and progeny. Yet, self-anointed Jewish leadership has managed to cast Jews as a mere faction among the American, multicultural noise machine, a position lefty Jews relish.

Why? And how dumb.

Just how old and established is the American Jewish community?

Sephardic Jews settled in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (later New York) in 1654.

Mordecai Sheftall, a hero of the American Revolution, was descended from the British Jews who had settled in Georgia in 1733. Sheftall was “the highest ranking Jewish officer of the Colonial forces.”

To the Jews of America, George Washington promised peace and goodwill in a 1790 address to a synagogue congregation in Newport, Rhode Island.

Northern Jews took part in the tax-on-tea protests, while their Southern brethren joined them in opposing colonial mercantilism. Three thousand Jewish men fought in grey uniforms for the Confederacy. Why, Jews even had a Confederate colonel, Abraham Charles Myers.

UPDATED (2/7/020): Indeed, as Luigi advises, let us not forget Judah Benjamin.

Judah P. Benjamin was Secretary of State for the Confederacy. Southern Jews fought with great valor against Lincoln’s einsatzgruppen.