Category Archives: Nationalism

While America Crumbles Into Wokeness; China Seeks Spiritual Sustenance In Confucianism

China, Communism, Culture, Education, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood

As America’s youth become more un-moored from traditions, increasingly libertine, ignorant, morally loose and disrespectful, and lousy at writing, reasoning, and speaking about anything other than raaaaaacism—the Chinese are returning to classical, traditional education.

In Confucianism, the Chinese had a grand and ancient tradition before their native culture was decimated by communism. Unlike our own Traitor Class, their leaders know what strengthens the soul, and they want to infuse the nation with that cultural sustenance the better to make it stronger. Bereft of militarist, American-style multiculturalism to hobble the national spirit, and with their Muslim population heavily controlled—there is no stopping the Chinese.

“Chinese parents are keen on a more Confucian education,” explains The Economist, “so is the government, hoping it will boost patriotism and fill a moral vacuum”:

There is “a growing nationwide demand for guoxue, or ‘national studies.'”

This usually involves learning classical Chinese thought, texts and morals, especially those associated with Confucius. Children … are taught how to bow, how to greet each other politely in the street and how to sit attentively, with back straight and hands placed carefully in their laps. In one room they noisily stamp leaves onto muslin bags to learn an ancient dyeing technique. In others they recite poems, practise calligraphy, perform tea ceremonies and play Chinese chess. But, say teachers, mastering skills is secondary to building character. A child learns to “respect her rival and accept defeat” in chess; in the tea room, to “value what is fragile as you would a porcelain cup”.

After decades of worshiping foreign trends, many people are now interested in such traditions. Television shows include “Chinese Poetry Conference”, in which members of the public are quizzed on classical stanzas. Young people don traditional robes in public. At the heart of the trend is education. …

Revered for 2,500 years, Confucius was vilified during the 20th century. Guoxue fans speak of “a hundred-year gap”. In 1905 the failing Qing dynasty abolished imperial civil-service examinations based on the sishu, the four Confucian texts. Modernisers saw the beliefs as blocking progress.

The worst assaults were after the Communists came to power in 1949. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao exhorted people to smash anything old. Gangs of Red Guards swarmed Qufu, the sage’s hometown, and blew up his tomb. It was only in the mid-1980s, nearly a decade after Mao’s death, that the anniversary of Confucius’s birth could be marked once again. …

China’s return to tradition is driven in part by a sense of cultural loss. Many Chinese people are eager to rediscover their heritage, stripped away by decades of Communist rule. But it is also flourishing because it now meshes with official objectives. President Xi Jinping has done more than any other modern leader to elevate Confucian ideas. Soon after coming to power in 2013, Mr Xi visited Qufu, as emperors had done before him. He called for “new and positive roles” for Confucianism.

The ancient system of thought emphasises respect for authority, reverence for ancestors and deference to elders. Confucius taught that such values were essential to achieve moral excellence as an individual. Such upstanding citizens would form the basis for wider social harmony and political stability. Emperors used the philosophy to instill obedience. Mr Xi wants to do the same. Party leaders also approve of Confucianism because, unlike socialism, it is home-grown. It appeals to young nationalists who cheer the party’s call for wenhua zixin, or cultural self-confidence….

…The number of classical texts to be taught in schools increased from 14 to 72. In 2017 the government put out guidelines for having a comprehensive guoxue syllabus in primary and secondary schools by 2025. …

…For many Chinese, the sage’s musings hold a different appeal. In neglected Confucian morals, educators see a set of values that may be a solution to modern social ills, just as some in the West turn to traditional Christian values. Jia Hong, who set up Huaguoshan and two other guoxue pre-schools, says, “Nowadays we hear about so much bullying and brattish behaviour.” Many think a lack of good manners is to blame. Three-quarters of the 200 children at Ms Jia’s kindergartens used to attend regular ones. She says parents remark on how Confucian rituals have calmed their children and helped them focus.

The Economist, May 22, 2021.

UPDATED III (3/31/021): The Developing Orwellian Covid Terminology. Will Vaccine Resisters Be WACOed?

Argument, Canada, COVID-19, Critique, Healthcare, Liberty, Nationalism, Politics, Propaganda

The “vaccine hesitancy” pejorative is an attempt to demonize clear thinking and reasoning.

Apropos the COVID-19 vaccine: Not one TV ego in an anchor’s chair has had the intelligence to ask about longitudinal studies.

The creation of a vaccine involves scientists and medical experts from around the world, and it usually requires 10 to 15 years of research before the vaccine is made available to the general public. [HERE]

There are none! The Covid vaccines are just too new; they were rushed to market. I’m all for well-tested vaccines. (Especially when liability is attached to the manufacturers. This is not the case with Covid-vaccine manufacturers.)

Then there is the Covid variants saga. It is clear to anyone with a critical mind thinks Covid vaccines will go the way of the flu vaccines: An annual affair if one chooses to make it so, because of the natural mutation these clever RNA strands undergo.

Personally, I’ve never taken the flu vaccine. My doctor concurs: The flu shots aren’t very effective.

UPDATE I (3/29/021): Logically, the COVID vaccine is likely to be an annual affair.

Who predicted that, above, on ? The same person who urged you to wear the N95 mask, on 3/5/020, when St. Fauci was cautioning you against protecting your life with a mask (for which that man should stand in the dock).

The planet could have a year or less before first-generation Covid-19 vaccines are ineffective and modified formulations are needed, according to a survey of epidemiologists, virologists and infectious disease specialists. …

Instead of listening to America’s crooked medical talking-head imbeciles, all clawing their way to becoming part of the Biden—or, before that Trump’s—task force—or consultants to the corporate media—here is an aggregated opinion:

The grim forecast of a year or less comes from two-thirds of respondents, according to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a coalition of organisations including Amnesty International, Oxfam, and UNAIDS, who carried out the survey of 77 scientists from 28 countries. Nearly one-third of the respondents indicated that the time-frame was likely nine months or less.

…“New mutations arise every day. Sometimes they find a niche that makes them more fit than their predecessors. These lucky variants could transmit more efficiently and potentially evade immune responses to previous strains,” said Gregg Gonsalves, associate professor of epidemiology at Yale University, in a statement.

For the evolutionary advantage—mutation—of a clever little RNA coil the experts blame the “vaccine hesitancy” of the population at large. Or, global, systemic racism: Not enough sharing by the developed world.

We vaccinate every year for the flu because of mutations, don’t we? Why would the clever SARS-CoV-2 be less efficient?

MORE:New Covid vaccines needed globally within a year, say scientists.”

UPDATE II (3/31/021): Strokes.

Correlation is not causation, but a person I love dearly had a stroke a few weeks after the vaccine. The individual was NOT AT RISK FOR A STROKE. WTF!

Trace Alex Berenson’s Socratic questions about the correlation of all the new, messenger-RNA technology vaccinations to strokes:

UPDATE III: Will They WACO Vaccine Resisters?

As surmised in this space, the Covid vaccines last as long as the virus’s next mutation.

Israel’s Netanyahoo, however, has floated the freaky idea of a six-monthly vaccine schedule:

“The vaccines we have, no one knows how long they last…We need to prepare for the worst scenario. The worst scenario is that we have to vaccinate every half year.”

Do they plan to intern or force the stuff into the resister community’s veins? Upon arriving in Canada, the newly arrived must submit to being corralled into a government-designated “hotel.” There is an exorbitant shakedown fee, too. The policy was instituted by Justin Trudeau, who is both despicable as he is deeply stupid.

Could they WACO resisters? Will WACO now become a verb? Oh, I forget: the kids don’t learn history, ancient or recent. It might teach them something.

Joan Of Arc Or Thaïs d’Escufon Of Generation Identitaire

Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Nationalism, Nationhood, Racism, The State

Joan Of Arc or Thaïs d’Escufon: If men of the West are being demonized and emasculated, then good women must step in to fight The State instead.

This young lady, so natural-looking compared to the typical American or Canadian, selfie-obsessed, painted Foxette, is fit to be the new bust of Marianne.

Here is an interview with Thaïs d’Escufon from Generation Identitaire, who belongs to an “anti-immigration lobby which seeks to defend French and European identity, facing mass immigration, Islamisation, and its consequences: sexual harassment, insecurity, anti-white racism etc.”

Poland Pushing Back Against Deep State Digital Oligarchy (And A Caveat)

Europe, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Nationalism, Nationhood, Natural Law, Republicans, Technology

How pathetic is it that, outside of our country, leaders are doing more to defend their citizen’s free speech than anyone in the USA, including the Republicans, who did nothing when they had the chance.—Michelle Malkin

I am envious that the Polish government, as opposed to the American regime, including the just-departed administration, appears to be looking to force the American “Deep Tech” companies to respect the freedom of speech of its citizens. In Poland, social media will be unable to take cover behind, “Your speech violates our community standards” ploy, deployed by the tech oligarchy stateside.

However, if the Polish government simply replaces Deep Tech’s speech politburos with their own—this won’t necessarily be a triumph for speech unpoliced. What must be emphasized is a return to unfettered speech (however abhorrent) for all.

Caveat notwithstanding, Poland is streaks ahead of America.

Meanwhile, and much like Wikipedia, the repulsive “Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ feature embraces its self-appointed thought police, giving citizen censors stamp of approval.”

And below, fighting words from Michelle Malkin and guest Matthew Tyrmand. Bravo.

IMPORTANT READ: “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley.”