Nigel Farage, a very clever Briton (see “BREXIT: It Takes Brains To Understand Liberty“), popped in on Laura Ingraham, the other evening. There, on “The Ingraham Angle,” he committed a non sequitur—all in the service of not mentioning “anti-whiteness.”
Conservatives will twist like Cirque du Soleil contortionists, to avoid dubbing as anti-white the Black Lives Matter dangerous monomania.
The non sequitur logical error is when a conclusion doesn’t follow from a premise.
Here is Farage’s non sequitur:
“Socialism is dead in England,” he concluded. That conclusion was meant to follow from his premise. His premise was that the British were fed up with the Black Lives Matter agitprop and other antics.
But from the fact that Britons are fed-up with BLM—it doesn’t follow that socialism is dead in Britain.
This is because socialism is not central in the BLM list of coups; socialism is BLM’s secondary program. It doesn’t feature compared to the central aim of terrorizing whites. BLM is working predominantly to marginalize and cancel whites.
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