Category Archives: Racism

NEW ON YouTube: WHITEOUT FOR WHITES! The BLM Monomania With David Vance

Britain, Conservatism, Ilana Mercer, Race, Racism, Republicans, THE ELITES


Weekly with David Vance: A wide-ranging discussion on the cancelling of whites and the substitution of bogus socialism arguments for anti-whiteness.

For example, Nigel Farage, a very clever Briton, popped in on Laura  Ingraham, the other evening. There, on “The Ingraham Angle,” he committed a non sequitur all in the service of not mentioning “anti-whiteness.”

You might say, Mr. Farage twisted like a Cirque du Soleil contortionist to ignore anti-whiteness.


Twisting Like Cirque du Soleil Contortionists To Ignore Anti-Whiteness

Argument, Britain, Communism, Critical Race Theory, Logic, Race, Racism, Reason, Socialism

Nigel Farage, a very clever Briton (see “BREXIT: It Takes Brains To Understand Liberty“), popped in on Laura  Ingraham, the other evening. There, on “The Ingraham Angle,” he committed a non sequitur—all in the service of not mentioning “anti-whiteness.”

Conservatives will twist like Cirque du Soleil contortionists, to avoid dubbing as anti-white the Black Lives Matter dangerous monomania.

The non sequitur logical error is when a conclusion doesn’t follow from a premise.

Here is Farage’s non sequitur:

“Socialism is dead in England,” he concluded. That conclusion was meant to follow from his premise. His premise was that the British were fed up with the Black Lives Matter agitprop and other antics.

But from the fact that Britons are fed-up with BLM—it doesn’t follow that socialism is dead in Britain.

This is because socialism is not central in the BLM list of coups; socialism is BLM’s secondary program. It doesn’t feature compared to the central aim of terrorizing whites. BLM is working predominantly to marginalize and cancel whites.

*Image credit

A White-Out On Whites In Critical Race Theory Conversations

Communism, Critical Race Theory, Education, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Republicans

This look-away idiocy is fascinating me. Other than Michelle Malkin (who seems to be barred from mainstream TV), I can’t think of one conservative commentator who has articulated the crux of Critical Race Theory, which necessitates uttering of the word “anti-white.”

Nobody in mainstream conservative media will puncture the Big Lie, which is that the Critical Race Grand Project is about the “reeducation, subjugation and intimidation of whites” qua whites.

Critical Race Theory in schools, for example, is always and everywhere euphemized as things other than anti-white. Without exceptions.

Dr. Swain’s discussion of the “anti-racism journey” mandated in school agitprop is one of countless examples:

The video Dr. Swain is asked to comment about is unambiguous: It displays an aggressive black narrators gesticulating in gangster-vocals against “white privilege.” Another “unhelpful” white individual, a stupidly-dressed Stepford wife, makes an appearance to belittle herself. The whole thing aims untoward hostility against innocent whites.

The reply from Ingraham’s guest is a white-out of whites: Critical race theory is rooted in Marxism, she says, as they all do, and it harms America. Well, yeah, if making students even stupider than they are harms all Americans, then yes.

Omitted is that whites are the sole repository of hate and aggression in the critical race campaign sweeping these particular DC schools.

UPDATED (5/14): Video: ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’ – Here And Across The Pond

Argument, Britain, Critical Race Theory, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa

This week, British broadcaster and commentator David Vance and myself discussed ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’ in the US and across the pond.

Watch our wide-ranging conversation on YouTube:

Watch the abridged, rendition of the essay upon which the Vance-Mercer discussion was based (“Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics”) on YouTube, too:

UPDATE (5/14): On WND.COM and on The Unz Review

The “Videos of ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’ – Here and Across the Pond” are now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.