Category Archives: Republicans

DeSantis Law Doesn’t Give Private Citizens Deserving, Unfettered Access To The Social Media Super Highway


From the fact that Ron DeSantis is the only Republican to have proceeded against Deep Tech in any meaningful way—it doesn’t follow that his bill, the “Big Tech” bill, is useful or fair to the Little Guy or Gal. Not unless he or she is prepared to and can afford to launch law suits.

All you and I really want, as innocent, law-abiding individuals, is to have unfettered access to the social-media public square.

Politicians, of course, get protections, no problems. DeSantis has made “it illegal for large technology companies to remove candidates for office from their platforms in the run-up to an election.”

Close to useless tokenism in solving Deep Tech tyranny.

Yes, the Section 230 grant-of-government privilege should be done away with, but this more conventional solution is insufficient for the reasons DeSantis’ law is insufficent.

The only two best solutions are, my own: 1. Civil rights based litigation and the setting of a Supreme Court precedent, a direction I first floated in “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley,” and have motivated for repeatedly.

2. Declare social media platforms to be free speech, censorship-free spheres, a Richard Spencer idea. Republicans will have to contend with speech they don’t like.

*Image credit

A White-Out On Whites In Critical Race Theory Conversations


This look-away idiocy is fascinating me. Other than Michelle Malkin (who seems to be barred from mainstream TV), I can’t think of one conservative commentator who has articulated the crux of Critical Race Theory, which necessitates uttering of the word “anti-white.”

Nobody in mainstream conservative media will puncture the Big Lie, which is that the Critical Race Grand Project is about the “reeducation, subjugation and intimidation of whites” qua whites.

Critical Race Theory in schools, for example, is always and everywhere euphemized as things other than anti-white. Without exceptions.

Dr. Swain’s discussion of the “anti-racism journey” mandated in school agitprop is one of countless examples:

The video Dr. Swain is asked to comment about is unambiguous: It displays an aggressive black narrators gesticulating in gangster-vocals against “white privilege.” Another “unhelpful” white individual, a stupidly-dressed Stepford wife, makes an appearance to belittle herself. The whole thing aims untoward hostility against innocent whites.

The reply from Ingraham’s guest is a white-out of whites: Critical race theory is rooted in Marxism, she says, as they all do, and it harms America. Well, yeah, if making students even stupider than they are harms all Americans, then yes.

Omitted is that whites are the sole repository of hate and aggression in the critical race campaign sweeping these particular DC schools.

UPDATE III (5/11): NEW COLUMN: Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics


NEW COLUMN is, “Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” It’s currently on The Unz Review, WND.COM, CNSNews,
and American Greatness.

An excerpt:

Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot, hatred of whites: That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the U.S.

Chiseled down, these are also the building blocks of Critical Race Theory, a specious, subintelligent concoction, originated by subpar intellectuals.

The Critical Race project now pervades private and political life.

A further twist of the screw (or the shrew) was delivered recently by Vice President Kamala Harris, who insists on yammering about white America’s historic racism.

In practice, whites are being singled out for a punishing, institutionalized program of reeducation, subjugation and continued intimidation.

Dangerous in isolation, the entrenchment of anti-white animus is indisputable. It is made worse in combination with the conservative cognoscenti’s inability to come out with it. Too many conservatives euphemize our anti-white culture.

In particular, they will typically deflect from any anti-white outrage du jour by dubbing it identity politics: “Boohoo. Democrats are dividing us via identity politics.” This is an obfuscation.

Here’s why: Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. Hence, anti-white politics or animus. The multicultural multitudes are gunning for whites and their putative privilege.

The tarring of whites is now close to becoming a curricular requirement in education (primary, secondary, tertiary), and from entertainment to technology, anti-white racial “redress” is the all-important object of industry.

When they are not lamenting Democrat-driven, divisive “identity politics”; conservatives will wax to you about Marxism and communism. The anti-white theoretical kudzu enervating every aspect of life is, apparently, just a manifestation of the radical Left’s Marxism. Or, so you are told. This further downplays the anti-white project of the purveyors of Critical Race policy prescriptions.

Put it this way: If your first response to “Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer,” chanted by South Africa’s murderous Julius Malema, is, “Marxism, identity politics”—you are going to come short in the survival department. …

READ THE REST… NEW COLUMN is “Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” It’s currently on The Unz Review, WND.COM, CNSNews, and American Greatness.

UPDATES I (5/7): Genocide Watch Wokes Up

Jack Kerwick Got It, In 2012:

Anti-whiteness warnings:

Google voids searches?

The Regime:

UPDATE II (5/8): An impressive reader, who first wrote after my appearance on Michelle Malkin’s Sovereign Nation:

From: eric
Sent: Saturday, May 8, 2021 6:05 AM

Dear Comrades & Friends,

[HERE] is the LINK to [the courageous] CNSNews for an exceptional linguistically accurate yet frightening article by Misses Ilana Mercer. This intelligent courageous lady, who originally came from South Africa, goes straight to the jugular vein for the truth of the matter: she clearly states that pigmentation, skin colour does matter, because it is about hating, murdering and reducing Whites and their European culture and traditions to nothing but a zero factor in the history of mankind. Also, inherently her criticism of the wrong terminology used by The Right reveals nothing but deliberate ignorance, by this I mean they suffer from the psychological disorder known as Confabulation, pseudo-intellectualism and, I will say, cowardice on the part of its doyens, … Those who say skin colour or race does not enter the equation should not avoid the internal LINK in Misses Mercer’s article “Kill The Farmer, Kill The Boer” by Mister Loyiso Sidimba.
God Bless You All & The Brave Ilana, Eric

UPDATE III (5/3/021) LETTERS: On ‘Sovereign Nation’ With Michelle Malkin


The short segment aired on Michelle Malkin’s Sovereign Nation, on News Max TV, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, Saturday, May 1.

Here is the video.

It was a great honor to be asked on: Michelle doesn’t sit comfortably in an anchor’s chair like the other egos, feeding off the public’s (justifiable) fear and hopelessness; she acts. She fights for deplorables. She’s a warrior.

Our polity, state and civil society, is now based on anti-whiteness (ethnocidal levels thereof), plain and simple; not communism or identity politics.

UPDATE II (5/2/021) Fascinating LETTER From a Ms. Malkin fan:

*Dear Miss Mercer,*

* I just had to make contact with you by way of this electronic
mail message. My name is …. I tuned again to-day May 2nd, 2021 to
the Newsmax television news show, “Sovereign Nation”, hosted by Misses
Michelle Malkin. I caught you yesterday, the 1st of May, 2021 when it first
was telecast, and I just had to watch the rebroadcast this afternoon.*

* You prove that you’re a person who just does not remain satisfied
with knowledge but you pursue it, not afraid to bear the cross it can have
for one, yet you come out on top for your lack of fear. This is what I

* A few years ago Mister Graham Ledger host of One America News’
“The Daily Ledger”, made popular the erroneous definition of Black Lives
Matter and AntiFascist as THE FASCIST LEFT. Quite a number of Conservative
news hosts such as Mister Sean Hannity jumped on the lack of effort
bandwagon. Likewise,there were and are others who would call
President Barack Hussein Obama a Communist, and going back in the years
many would be called Nazis, and by almost everyone then and now who do not
even know it’s an acronym for National Socialism. And this is where I must
compliment you, truly, for your understanding as to how mistaken these
persons are, and many like them by perpetually adopting terms inexactly. *

* They are lazy with language, many outrightly ignorant, with the
monikers they apply to ideas and persons. Anti-Fascist and Black Lives
Matter aren’t The Fascist Left, or are those in political power of the
Left. I coined a term, perhaps not 100% correct, that they are
Neo-Bolsheviks. The Fascist Left refers only to a two year period in Italy
beginning March 23rd, 1919 when Mister Benito Mussolini founded Fascism
and didn’t reemerge to be a prominent factor until the Italian Social
Republic from 1943-1945. I am keeping this simple. *

* You’re ever so right when you intelligently discard and call out for
the disuse and misuse of euphemisms such as Communists and so forth for the
mentally unstable Far Left in this country and elsewhere. I have said to my
wife and some friends that if one continues to use these
shibboleths such as the many cerebrally slothful and witless politicians
and news commentators-interviewers of the Myopic Right, both Conservative
and Libertarian, what they’re actually doing and accomplishing is
the anesthetization of the people, **Americans and perhaps others,** into
a state of inactivity except only to enact their revolutionary, heavens,
patriotic duty of casting a vote in democratic elections. The average
person is clueless as to what they are really having to confront, and in my
opinion even more brutally so, are the victims of it. It’s as if on a
silver platter gilded in gold they gladly accept what these political hacks
and pundits of deliberate dumbing down misinform them, which procreates
disinformation, ergo the real nature of the enemy will never be understood.

The lack of comprehension of what the reality of the situation is, oddly
enough gives birth to a comfort and security that people assume to know
what they are really up against, and conversely only assists the Left
opposition which, in fact, accurately states that these political extreme
labels are scaremongering and witch hunt tactics. *

* May God Bless You Ilana Mercer

UPDATE II (5/3): The same gentleman is galvanized to spread the word about the work done here:

Dear Friends,

What a find! And another exceptional woman with a mind! I discovered her when [watching] Misses Michelle Malkin’s show “Sovereign Nation” on the television network, Newsmax. She is for absolute freedom, of course outside the boundaries of true crime being permitted, and isn’t without a moral criterion. A different type of Libertarian, Paleo-Libertarian. Now, I am not a Libertarian, I’m an Eclectic and I do not categorize myself except for being Christcentric, but please give this highly cultured and very positive individualistic lady a chance. I can tell you right now, with her as a Head Of State, persons some of you know and have known or anyone for whatever free speech, would not at present be incarcerated or have their civil liberties abused, as long as it is not promoting crime, such as homicide, and sexual child abuse, and similar.

The following three LINKS are for the Misses Malkin show, where Misses Mercer is interviewed beginning at the twenty-first minute fifty-first second (21:57). NOTA BENE: Misses Malkin was refused to appear and speak at The Conservative Political Action Conference. She’s banned!

The second is for a very likable Englishman whom I am delighted to be introduced to by Misses Mercer, Mister David Vance. This interview runs thirty-seven minutes and twenty seconds (37:20)

The third LINK you should study through. She’s unique even amongst Conservatives, Libertarians, and any of The Traditional Right. Very very close to my views. A great find; take your time to read through her writings:

God Bless