Category Archives: Republicans

UPDATED (11/23): NEW ON YOUTUBE: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency

Argument, Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Free Speech, Ilana Mercer, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Politics, Populism, Republicans, Secession

NEW ON YOUTUBE: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency:

Here is my positive, anti-politics message about the 2020 elections:

“Trump is just now getting into Beast Mode. Dissident Donald will be rising now for real. The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at Establishment respectability. From now on, he’ll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—after all, he owns the Republican Party. ”

Subscribe to the channel here.


An unkind cut leveled against me has been that my YouTube comments are a love fest of rotating, unchanging visitors.

Yes, it’s a great deal of fun when YouTube ALLOWS ME ONLY what the left calls female-objectifying comments. YouTube’s  “sensitive content-blocking,” “shadow-banning and follower-throttling” means I can’t post these comments which I have approved:

UPDATED (11/20): NEW COLUMN: Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System

Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Government, IMMIGRATION, Law, Race, Racism, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN is “Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System.” It has appeared on WND.COMThe Unz Review ,, American Renaissance, and NAEBC

It is now a feature on American Greatness.

… many of Trump’s supporters are less likely to have been brainwashed and propagandized by the asphyxiating, postmodern, racial and gender agitprop that makes college-educated kids insufferable, and subject to group-think and to the atavistic acting-out, commensurate with “education” emphasizing a wanton abandoning of inhibitions.

Spending protracted time in college or university is almost guaranteed to turn-out individuals whose uniformity of opinion is as scary as its uninformed nature.

Support for Trump is associated with a less propagandized population.

In my thoroughly propagandized County, 70% approved a Charter Amendment to transfer property (we all pay for) to be used for low-income housing (read the homeless, to whom the City of Seattle has already been ceded.) Don’t complain, neighbors, when IT hits the fan.

Also, 57% percent of subjects  in my county, King County, decided to relinquish their sovereignty and let a Council of Jenny Durkans choose their sheriff for them—make the sheriff a patronage position.

Most of my neighbors voted to allow the political class to invest public money in causes driven by their politics.

Majorities opted to assign more taxpayer-funded lawyers to assorted claims-makers and add more protected-species categories to already oppressively expansive, extant law.

Washingtonians said “hell yes” to more twerking, transgendered genitalia in the faces of their toddlers.

The neighbors seconded Charter Amendment No. 3, which trashes the word “citizen,” and replaces it with “member of the public” or “resident,” all the better to facilitate wealth transfer. The People of The World passing through our county may get goodies not theirs or vote to get them if denied.

Neighbors voted to double down on our demoralized and defunded police force with more sensitivity training. Oh, and should you call in a burglary, why, a “mental-health professional” may arrive on your doorstep. It’s called “resourcing alternatives.” Yes, English is also on the wane in the Evergreen State.

Gov. Jay Inslee won 58% of the vote. If you’re among the business owners who voted for this chap—suck it up! Having voted for Inslee’s internment terrorism, you can’t expect sympathy, now, can you?

Love thy neighbor as thyself? Forgive me, vengeful God of the Hebrews, but it’s getting harder and harder …

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN is now a feature on American Greatness.

* Image: Made in America: Oregon City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty hates the police, hates cabbies and hates whites.

UPDATE (11/20/020):

It’s not that easy to move, Strider73. But it would be a dream-come-true to live amid kind-hearted normies.

GOP Punditry And Politicians Keep Tinkering Around The Gulag’s Edges

Conservatism, Private Property, Republicans, Technology, The State

On the Republican game reserve, things continue as usual. As I was driving to my running turf, I tuned into radio mouth Jason Rantz, out of Washington State—who is also being mysteriously promoted by Tucker Carlson.

Gov. Jay Inslee won 58% of the vote. If you are among the business owners who voted for this chap—then you can’t expect any sympathy, now, can you?

Rantz was pondering how to improve the lot of business in Washington State, following the latest internment, courtesy of Gov. Inslee. Jason also beats on breast a lot about the lot of  Seattle’s residents, who voted overwhelmingly to continue to live in a city that resembles Mogadishu (on Lake Washington).

The tinkering the GOP is ever poised to partake in amounts to tweaking the Gulag: better barbed wire, less of a jolt from the electrified fence, and so on. No exhortation to rise up… No sense of justice, just tit-for-tat politicking.

More of the wishy-washy swamp crap for which we’ve come to loathe GOP punditry: Rantz says let’s have a bit of give-and-take with Great, Crooked Tech. Richard Spencer advocates the only true American solution: Make Tech a completely free-speech zone.

The occasion for the windy punditry: The Tech crooks appeared on The Hill to make fun of the country’s comical representatives.

Even Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is occasionally right:

When you have companies that have the power of governments, have more power than traditional media outlets, something has to give.

The next Tech vexation I find particualry egregious. By Deep Tech’s doing, some are serfs in American society; others are free.

To wit, Why is it legal for PayPal to prevent law-abiding individuals from transacting financially, but it’s illegal for a small business owner to refuse to bake a cake for someone? Civil Rights law is an ass, but, GOP, see that it is at least applied evenly, for heaven’s sake!

NEW COLUMN: UPDATED III (11/15): Trump Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency

Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Nationalism, Nationhood, Republicans, Secession

NEW COLUMN is “Trump Going Into Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency.” It appeared on WND and the Unz Review. It is now a feature on American Greatness.

An excerpt:

… The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at Establishment respectability. From now on, he’ll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—for he owns the Republican Party—parallel to an administration that’s viewed by 72 million Deplorables as illegitimate.

Under the Harris Administration, “The Process of Trump” will continue apace. As outlined in my book “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” that process consists of “action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty.” It’ll see Trump, a political Samson, continue to threaten to bring the rotting house crashing down on its patrons. And he’ll do so as the parallel president.

Democracy is when everything is up for grabs without constitutional limits. Globalism is an extension of that. Globalism Trump has exposed as democracy on a global scale, funded by Americans.

Trump’s latest, inadvertent victory is to unmask raw, ripe, unfettered democracy as a travesty to all, unworkable except in a territory the size of the ancient Athenian polis, or maybe modern-day Monaco, at most Liechtenstein or Estonia.

Democracy is toxic, from both party perspectives—especially since we no longer have a republic where the central authority has limited and delimited powers.

Distilled, this is the meaning of the elections: 77,170,769 million people, or 50.8% of those who voted, not of the people, get to impose their will on 72,057,511, or 47.5% of the voters, as well as on the millions who didn’t vote.

The healthiest and most intuitive response to deep-seated, irreconcilable unhappiness—political or personal—is to peacefully exit the abusive relationship.

Above and beyond holding rallies and countering the Kamala Administration policies—Donald J. Trump will catalyze many more creative, informal acts of secession. Patriots will congregate in compounds of likeminded individuals. They’ll migrate virtually to Parler, the Free Speech Social Network. And they’ll withdraw en masse from the miseducation system (primary, secondary and tertiary).

Two parallel nations and attendant presidencies will form. The low-grade upheaval against Deep State and Deep Tech will continue apace. And the sprawling political machine that makes up the D.C. Comitatus will keep writhing like a fire-breathing mythical monster in the throes of death. All good things.

To borrow and bowdlerize William Butler Yeats’ “The Second Coming” (1865-1939):

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere [secession] is loosed upon the world.”

NEW COLUMN is “Trump Going Into Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency.” It appeared on WND and the Unz Review. It is now a feature on American Greatness

UPDATED I: ON “Trump Going Beast Mode,” Mr. .357 x 6 (love that bullet) writes at WND what readers have written for … 20 yrs., every other week. Is that my batting average? LOL.

357×6 • an hour ago

Aside from the quoted – and still unconfirmed – poll numbers, your article deserves 6 stars on the 5 star scale.
The best I read from you, Ilana. Cheers.


UPDATE III (11/15): Trump Going Into Beast Mode “Dissident Donald” will be rising now for real.