Category Archives: South-Africa

South Africa Practiced Good Science And Good Sense: The OMG! Variant

America, Conservatism, COVID-19, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, South-Africa, The West

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, was first to alert South African epidemiologists to what has now been named the Omicron variant of COVID. Or, as I’ve dubbed it, the “OMG! Variant.”

Dr. Coetzee’s suspected a variant with attendant mild disease in her patients. She quickly alerted South Africa’s skilled and responsible epidemiologists, who, I believe, have been doing the genetic sequencing. The COVID cartel has done the panicking and the banning. With the audacity and equanimity conferred by ignorance did the magical, medical, menagerie of morons stateside claim more knowledge than those medics who were working with the infected. As I write, TV’s bimbos and their house-trained boys are aflutter, speaking with certainty about destructive policies.

READ the good doctor’s summation: “I’ve seen nothing in this variant that warrants Britain’s extreme response to it.”

South Africa has practiced and modeled good science and good sense. The cretins of the COVID cartel recoiled. The West is a disgrace.

The audacity: The magical, medical, menagerie of morons stateside ALREADY knows ALL about new OMG! Covid variant. TV bimbos and their house-trained boys are aflutter.

It’s Democratic And It’s Tyrannical

China, COVID-19, Democracy, Individual Rights, Private Property, Race, Racism, South-Africa, The State, The West

“The Australian State is to seize the savings, homes, driver’s licenses of people with unpaid COVID fines,” reports the New American.

Get caught too far from home, outside your permitted bubble, and you get a ticket. Get caught spending more than the permitted 1 hour outside, get a ticket. Get caught without a mask, even by yourself — and yep, ticket. Enter a closed quarantine zone (park, venue, etc.) and you get a ticket. Tickets were being handed out by police on the street as well as during random checkpoints on the roadways.

Democracy is a tyranny of the majority where minority rights are forfeit. Boycott Australia, and shut the hell up about China and their Uyghurs. AUSTRALIA IS US. As goes the Anglosphere—so go we.

Once democracy reaches its ripe, raw stage—also called “mature democracy” by promoters of this form of tyranny—it shows its true colors. Polite disagreement is no longer an option. Was not Socrates forced by the masses to drink the Hemlock because he rejected democracy?

From my “How Democracy Made Us Dumb“:

The Athenian philosophers disdained democracy. Deeply so. They held that democracy “distrusts ability and has a reverence for numbers over knowledge.” (Will Durant, “The Story of Philosophy,” New York, New York, 1961, p. 10.)

Certainly, among the ancients who mattered, there was a keen contempt for “a mob-led, passion-ridden democracy.” The complaint among Athenians who occupied themselves with thinking and debating was that “there would be chaos where there is no thought,” and that “it was a base superstition that numbers give wisdom. On the contrary, it is universally seen that men in crowds are more foolish, violent and cruel than men separate and alone.” (p. 11)

Underground already then, because so subversive—anti-democratic thinking was the aristocratic gospel in Athens. Socrates (born in 470 B.C.) was the intellectual leader against democracy and for the even-then hated aristocratic philosophy. Socrates’ acolytes, young and brilliant, questioned the “specious replacement of the old virtues by unsocial intelligence.”

The proof of the foolish, violent and cruel nature of the crowds is that the crowds, not the judges, insisted on making Socrates the first martyr of philosophy. He drank the poison at the behest of the people.

No wonder Plato, Socrates’ most gifted student, harbored such scorn for democracy and hatred for the mob—so extreme that it led this controversial genius to resolve that democracy must be destroyed, to be replaced by his planned society; “the rule of the wisest and the best, who would have to be discovered and enabled.”

Despite the terrible prognosis I’ve given South Africa, it is no surprise that, being a mature democracy to South Africa’s infant democratic dispensation—America is now worse than South Africa for its Orwellian, systemic anti-Whiteness.

White AT & T Corporation employees who are unwilling to admit to being complicit in white privilege and systemic racism can be penalized in their performance reviews.”

MORE Democracy.

The Do-Nothing Republicans’ Reliable Impotence And Inaction

Argument, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Republicans, South-Africa, The Establishment

A previous blog post, “In Praise Of The Whip: To Whip Or To Rein Is Not The Question,” highlighted the anatomy of a typical Republican retort to the perennial winners, the Democrats.

It is always the Democrats that set the terms of the debate. Republicans simply internalize the rules of the game set by their masters, the Democrats,  and then play a reactive, rather than a proactive, game. Panting hard. Mentally unfit and flaccid.

Before Trump, those who crashed the Southern border conducted themselves as they are doing now.

During the Trump presidency, a “bureaucratic wall was erected, “expelling every unauthorized immigrant on the southern border.” Trump had tightened eligibility criteria for asylum-seekers at the border, as well as forcing a wait in Mexico while decisions were being made. Glacially.

The US doesn’t have borders, a fact President Trump tried hard to remedy by erecting a “bureaucratic wall.”

US laws permit anyone—other than white South Africans—to arrive at that border, do their Les Misérables act, claim to face a “credible fear” back home, get a court date, and bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations.

Have you heard how loud the Haitians interviewed complain? Not once have I heard gracious, civilizing, polite words, such as “please” and “thank you.” Instead, it’s, “America hasn’t provided us with food, a place to sleep, to bathe; healed my baby”. Already entitled and angry, these are people who are coming here not to forge a better life, but to receive one. The incoming Haitians are the future malcontents holding up signs that read “America is racist.”

What all the veiled allusions to “catch-and-release loopholes in American immigration law” imply is this: Ostensibly, there’s no way to turn interlopers away once they plonk themselves on the US border, demand a translator and spin some yarn.

Republicans had the opportunity to change the law when, a few years back, they dominated both Congress and Senate,  the presidency and the gubernatorial field. They opted against it. The immigration tipping point has long since come and gone.

Against the impotency of the Republicans, observe the Democrats. These vampiric operatives have focused the first term of the Biden presidency on using the DOJ, the Security and the Surveillance State to destroy Trump and as many of his followers as possible. These good people have been thoroughly marginalized and demonized—their country made diverse to the point of distrust.

The best the GOP can do for you, MAGA America, is a LETTER. The World is flowing into the US, no end in sight. Instead of on-camera vigils at the Open Border, impeachment attempts, law suits, state legislation, daily pressers; Republican have been penning polite letters about the threat at our Southern border from terrorists. More recent laughable, ‘dear Democrat’ letters from the GOP have inquired whence go the Haitians once released, all via a polite letter campaign. Letters—and TV visits with Tucker to commiserate.

* Image credit

UPDATED (9/10): NEW COLUMN/Video: Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys

Foreign Policy, Racism, Republicans, South-Africa, THE ELITES, War

NEW COLUMN is “Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys.” The column and accompanying video are on WND.COM and the Unz Review.


Fox News celebrity anchors and their tough-talking guests continue to trip over one another to talk up the wonders of our Afghan allies and the legions of Afghan Americans who have American citizenship, but happen to hang out a lot in Afghanistan. It’s a terrible affront, they all say, that America has failed to lift them all to safety.

Between the Republicans and the Democrats, there isn’t a country in the world that could not be a target for resettlement in America.

Wait a sec, there is: South Africa. Truth be told, I’m deeply repulsed by legions of Americans, ex-soldiers and other sentimental sniveling wrecks, rushing to bring Afghanistan to the United States.

I’m a South-African American. Who’s rescuing the people I love and left in South Africa? We South-African Americans never think to demand it, although Afghan-Americans stridently do.

Some of my people have been robbed and beaten within an inch of their lives. And others are subjected to daily racial depredations and discrimination; their white kids having no future to speak of. All are far more compatible with life here, although, to be fair, my South Africans do suffer a comorbidity: they’re white.

One of the networks interviewed one Tim Kennedy, a hardened, yet teary ex-military man, Special Forces.

On August the 26th, as he packed his bag, Kennedy waxed fat to his interviewer about dying for anyone who wanted to fight for a freer world.

And off this globalist went to fight for his people du jour, the Afghans. (On Twitter he promotes Special Visas for Afghan.) …

The rest can be read on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys

UPDATE (9/10):
The Global Military playing with the The Homeboys. How glad am I that our tax dollars are going toward this feel-good shit? Read “Empire’s Soldiers Head to Afghanistan to Defend The Homeland and Their Homeboys.

More vomitous?displays from the cosmopolitan military. Read how I feel about the tough-talking fans of—and fighters for—The World: