Category Archives: The State

UPDATED (11/27): NEW COLUMN & Viewing: FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians

Comedy & Humor, COVID-19, Crime, Healthcare, libertarianism, Race, Racism, Republicans, The State

NEW COLUMN IS “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians.” It’s currently on WND.COM and the Unz Review:


… A knee-capping of a different kind was delivered to an exceedingly vulnerable Caucasian America by influencer Candace Owens. To wit, Darrell Brooks is the black supremacist, who used his vehicle to mow down and murder white grannies and grandkids parading in Waukesha, Wisconsin. But if you had dared to consider the race of Brooks in a hate crime manifestly motivated by race—you were boorishly berated by Owens as “brainwashed”:

“Darrell Brooks is a scumbag murderer—his race is irrelevant. …Disagree? You’re brainwashed!”

America is now systemically and institutionally anti-white. Black-on-white hate crime is rife, but it’s invariably not reported, underreported, or if reported, masked as something other than what it really is, precisely as Owens has done—and now orders you to do. Ignore her ilk—Republicans who’re always boasting about their color-blindness and their blindness to white suffering. Your life and the lives of those you love, very plainly, depend on it.

HARD TRUTH with David Vance and yours truly debates these and other thorny issues and wishes our American Hard Truthers a happy Thanksgiving.

WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE, please: “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians”:

NEW COLUMNS IS “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians.” It’s currently on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

UPDATE (11/27/021): This was a wide-ranging discussion with David and myself. We touched on this interesting finer point:

Who demonstrates a ruthlessly “extractive approach” to political power? The much-abused Amerindians? No. Australia’s poor Aboriginal peoples? Hardly … Listen.

The FDA Has De Facto Classified The Data Upon Which It Relied To License Pfizer’s mRNA Covid Vaccine

Argument, COVID-19, Crime, Democrats, GUNS, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Justice, Law, Pseudoscience, The State

IF THIS DOESN’T GET THE SHEEPLE “THINKING,” nothing will. And no, this is not the Onion:

Apparently, the menageries of medical and news propagandists for the “clot shot” on the teli have not seen or studied the data upon which the government relied to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

In response to a belated Freedom of Information Act request by “more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown,” the Food & Drug Administration has agreed to release the requested data by the year … 2076, over the course of the next 55 years.

The plaintiffs pleaded the obvious when their lawyer said,

It is difficult to imagine a greater need for transparency than immediate disclosure of the documents relied upon by the FDA to license a product that is now being mandated to over 100 million Americans under penalty of losing their careers, their income, their military service status, and far worse.

If this doesn’t tell you what the US government and bureaucracies think of The People, their rights and well-being; nothing does.

This is Sir Humphrey Appleby funny. (Every paleolibertarian is obliged to watch and worship the famed British satires about The State: “Yes, Prime Minister” and “Yes, Minister.”

Sir Humphrey Appleby to the PM: “Yes, Prime Minister: 55 years to produce the Pfizer Covid vaccine data is well within the law. No need to rush , if you know what I mean. But I’ll start the paperwork, shall I?” (Me channeling Sir Humphrey)

By making Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data essentially unavailable for scrutiny in their totality for decades to come—the FDA has in effect classified the data upon which it based a decision to license Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.



UPDATE (11/16/021): NEW Video: Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

COVID-19, Globalism, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Labor, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, THE ELITES, The State

Working Brits have more COVID liberty than Americans – really! On vax mandates, Pfizer’s ‘new’ pill, and the latest on ‘charmless’ Greta Thunberg

America, wake up! The British, from whom we seceded for freedom’s sake, don’t have vaccine mandates. These particular individual rights are more protected in the UK than in the US.

This week’s Hard Truth with David Vance and yours truly teases out the difference between British and American vaccine-mandate tyranny: The US loses. And, it’s not even close!

The World Health Organization has redefined what vaccines are whilst Pfizer produces a Pill less effective than Ivermectin, costs vastly more, yet works in the same way as a protease inhibitor!

Finally, global warming activist Greta Thunberg goes death metal! To this poor, singularly charmless girl we say, “Growl on Greta!”

Watch: “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

Listen via the Hard Truth podcast to “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket.

UPDATE (11/16/021): Lose your meal ticket and your freedom of movement:

The Left is Hitlerian! Austria has placed the unvaccinated under house arrest. The Austrian government now deserves to be reminded of its past: Anschluss, its collaboration with Hitler and its virulent, deadly Anti-Semitism.

It’s Democratic And It’s Tyrannical

China, COVID-19, Democracy, Individual Rights, Private Property, Race, Racism, South-Africa, The State, The West

“The Australian State is to seize the savings, homes, driver’s licenses of people with unpaid COVID fines,” reports the New American.

Get caught too far from home, outside your permitted bubble, and you get a ticket. Get caught spending more than the permitted 1 hour outside, get a ticket. Get caught without a mask, even by yourself — and yep, ticket. Enter a closed quarantine zone (park, venue, etc.) and you get a ticket. Tickets were being handed out by police on the street as well as during random checkpoints on the roadways.

Democracy is a tyranny of the majority where minority rights are forfeit. Boycott Australia, and shut the hell up about China and their Uyghurs. AUSTRALIA IS US. As goes the Anglosphere—so go we.

Once democracy reaches its ripe, raw stage—also called “mature democracy” by promoters of this form of tyranny—it shows its true colors. Polite disagreement is no longer an option. Was not Socrates forced by the masses to drink the Hemlock because he rejected democracy?

From my “How Democracy Made Us Dumb“:

The Athenian philosophers disdained democracy. Deeply so. They held that democracy “distrusts ability and has a reverence for numbers over knowledge.” (Will Durant, “The Story of Philosophy,” New York, New York, 1961, p. 10.)

Certainly, among the ancients who mattered, there was a keen contempt for “a mob-led, passion-ridden democracy.” The complaint among Athenians who occupied themselves with thinking and debating was that “there would be chaos where there is no thought,” and that “it was a base superstition that numbers give wisdom. On the contrary, it is universally seen that men in crowds are more foolish, violent and cruel than men separate and alone.” (p. 11)

Underground already then, because so subversive—anti-democratic thinking was the aristocratic gospel in Athens. Socrates (born in 470 B.C.) was the intellectual leader against democracy and for the even-then hated aristocratic philosophy. Socrates’ acolytes, young and brilliant, questioned the “specious replacement of the old virtues by unsocial intelligence.”

The proof of the foolish, violent and cruel nature of the crowds is that the crowds, not the judges, insisted on making Socrates the first martyr of philosophy. He drank the poison at the behest of the people.

No wonder Plato, Socrates’ most gifted student, harbored such scorn for democracy and hatred for the mob—so extreme that it led this controversial genius to resolve that democracy must be destroyed, to be replaced by his planned society; “the rule of the wisest and the best, who would have to be discovered and enabled.”

Despite the terrible prognosis I’ve given South Africa, it is no surprise that, being a mature democracy to South Africa’s infant democratic dispensation—America is now worse than South Africa for its Orwellian, systemic anti-Whiteness.

White AT & T Corporation employees who are unwilling to admit to being complicit in white privilege and systemic racism can be penalized in their performance reviews.”

MORE Democracy.