Category Archives: The Zeitgeist

Updated: Media’s Judicial Jiu-Jitsu For ‘Da Big Man’


The excerpt is from my new column, now on Taki’s Magazine, “Big Man Obama and His Diversity Princess”:

“We’ve been ‘spared’ warning of Strongman Obama’s Orwellian overreach because a Big Man has big guns: the menagerie of morons that is the American media.

The Chief is working in the same tradition as The Decider, only with even less scrutiny and far more impunity.

…the media’s judicial jiu-jitsu has been unconscionable. Are the legal writings and judicial rulings of Judge Sotomayor being scrutinized? Not on your life. Right away, the usual menagerie of morons took on the construction of a meta-argument invalidating the GOP’s yet-to-be-made case against Sotomayor, if you get my drift.

An argument against an argument!

From NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell to the lowliest Democratic strategist: all are advising viewers, first, that to oppose Sotomayor is to risk Hispanic ire. And second, that in order to dodge death by demographics, Republicans must continue to court Latinos slavishly.

For example, making too much of Sotomayor’s Wise Latina Woman cretinous comment is unwise for Republicans, the talking twits tell us. Judge Sotomayor suggested in 2001 that ‘a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.’

The consensus among the commentariat is that this is no time for the GOP to come to the defense of paleface: white judges or white firefighters. (Sotomayor washed her hands off the white, New Haven firefighters, and upheld racial discrimination against them.) The so-called incontrovertible truth at which the Obama media minions are getting is this:

The GOP’s powerbase hangs on Hispanics.

Dogged demographer Steve Sailer has been dispelling this manufactured dogma convincingly for close to a decade …”

The complete column is “Media’s Judicial Jiu-Jitsu For ‘Da Big Man.'”

Miss the weekly column on WND? Catch it on Taki’s Magazine, every Saturday.

Talent, Beauty, Intelligence: Noa & Mira Awad


As a fan of chamber music and hard-core progressive rock, I don’t pay much attention to pop music, all the more so considering the genre has been overrun with the toxic sludge of American, booty shaking bimbos with bedroom voices and no talent.

(Pop rock is even worse. )

Me on “cut-and-paste” hip-hop electronica: “The P. Diddy or Missy Elliot-type electronica entails taking ready-made sample CDs on which drums, keyboards and guitar have been recorded. Aided by a computer program operable even by a simian, the mouse is used to drag and drop these samples anywhere along the track. Riffs and beats can also be dropped in the software way into the “song.” An entire band of backing tracks is thus “produced” with a computer and more often than not without a single instrumentalist.”

The overwhelming nature of the bad makes one forget that there is such a thing as a well-executed, pleasant warble, accompanied by competent musicians.

The gifted Noa is a striking Israeli Yemeni singer. Now Noa, in collaboration with Mira Awad, an Arab-Israeli talent, have united to represent Israel at the Eurovision. These are musical, intelligent, gracious, modest women, who speak soberly about the issues, and do not vaporize in the vernacular of Oprah—another American pop-pollutant.

I’ve heard some boosters tout American cultural products as export-worthy. I’ve argued that: “American mass entertainment continues to spread around the world like the cultural kudzu it is, not because of its quality or the vigor of its values, but because, in form and in content, it’s as easy as a prostitute on a street corner. It demands nothing but for the performer and his audience to relinquish artistic standards and shed inhibitions.”

I’m done. Over to the ladies. Here they spoke of what brought them together. And here they sang what ought to have been the winning “Eurovision” song, so achingly beautiful is it: There Must be Another Way

There must be another
Must be another way

Einaich, achot
Kol ma shelibi mevakesh omrot
Avarnu ad ko
Derech aruka, derech ko kasha yad beyad

Vehadma’ot zolgot, zormot lashav
Ke’ev lelo shem
Anachnu mechakot
Rak layom sheyavo achrei

There must be another way
There must be another way

Aynaki bit’ul
Rakh yiji yom wu’kul ilkhof yizul
B’aynaki israr
Inhu ana khayar
N’kamel halmasar
Mahma tal

Li’anhu ma fi anwan wakhid l’alakhzan
B’nadi lalmada
l’sama al’anida

There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another
Must be another way

Derech aruka na’avor
Derech ko kasha
Yachad el ha’or
Aynaki bit’ul
Kul ilkhof yizul

And when I cry, I cry for both of us
My pain has no name
And when I cry, I cry
To the merciless sky and say
There must be another way

Vehadma’ot zolgot, zormot lashav
Ke’ev lelo shem
Anachnu mechakot
Rak layom sheyavo achrei

There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another
Must be another way

Beautiful Noa in an old performance—interesting Yemeni beat, and a stage presence that is powerful, alluring, without being remotely slutty:

The Yemeni beat, Arabic beat, so so intricate and interesting; yet so foreign to North American ears schooled in the hip-hop, rap, deadening hump-a-long . 

Manhattan Tel Aviv
With a detour to the deep southside
Where it’s very violent
A bouquet of violets
Lies trampled to the ground
Manhattan Tel Aviv
With a detour to the deep southside
Where it’s very violent
A bouquet of violets
Lies trampled to the ground
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
With the changing tide
Manhattan Tel Aviv
With a detour to the deep southside
Where it’s hot and steamy
Don’t go around too dreamy
You’ll be trampled to the ground
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
With the changing tide
Can I find a future here?
Everything is so unclear
(Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Can I ever find a life?
Under threat of fire and knife
(Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Changing tide
Manhattan Tel Aviv
With a detour to the deep southside
It’s a game we play
And it’s very scary
With all those maniacs running around
Manhattan Tel Aviv
With a detour, 18 years old
Caught under the wheels
It’s a pretty bad deal
But this is my hometown
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
Falling, calling, tryin’ to survive
Doing a quick-step
Keeping in stride
With the changing tide
Changing tide
Changing tide

Update III: A Cow Is Born (About The Title)


“Ann Coulter could have easily dispatched of the ding-dong, as she did Keith Olbermann. A couple of masterful syllogisms mixed in with a few devastating facts, and that would be it. Alas, by denying Meghan McCain the satisfaction, Annie Orkin has left us with a pest-control problem.”

The excerpt is from “A Cow Is Born,” my latest WND column. You can catch it now on Taki’s Magazine, where the weekly column appears each Saturday. The current column is titled deliciously, “Media Discovers Woman Even Dumber Than John McCain.” Here’s more:

“… Just as you thought American pop-politics could go no lower, a woman with real curb appeal appears on the political scene. Meghan McCain might just be the greatest ditz to date to emerge from that big tent Republicans keep touting.

… Ms. McCain is not working with much—and is eminently qualified to dim debate in the Age of the Idiot. …

Yes, idiots have come into their own in a big way, courtesy of depraved consumers, and complicit TV producers and publishers, of pixel and paper alike. The duller you are and the louder you crow in contemporary America, the better you do. …

The housing house-of-cards was not the only ‘bubble in search of a pin’ in the modern-day USA. The intellectual bubble is also begging to be burst.

As for Republicans, if they don’t stop their love affair with idiots, it’s not a bigger tent they’ll be seeking, but a giant tin-foil hat.”

Read the complete column, “Media Discovers Woman Even Dumber Than John McCain,” now on Taki’s.

Update I (May 8): ABOUT THE WND TITLE. The original column came with an asterisk near the title and the following explanation and link:

*Title: “A Star Is Born” was a 1976 film starring Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson, about a love affair between two rock stars; one a has-been, the other a wanna-be.

Ira, a reader (and BAB resident composer), was the only one to date who was familiar with the reference. I see that Free Republic has a lengthy thread about the title, asserting that the reference is to the heft of the heifer discussed.

An email to me would have clarified the matter, but, hey, this is the Age of the idiot. Complete knowledge is assumed. Conjecture soon morphs into assertion and certainty, and no one is the wiser. Curiosity can kill.

Incidentally, I owe the Age of the Idiot concept to my father, Rabbi Ben Isaacson. He truly captured the Zeitgeist with that one.

Update II: My dear WND editor added the original asterisked title explanation. I’ll have to avoid esoterica; it dates me. My editor at Taki’s simply chose to improve the title. Good call.

Madonna Accessorizing Again


Ankle biters are still a chic accoutrement in Hollywood. You know, “Angie” has not yet launched a trendy, new fashion line, so brown babies are still very much “in” with the idiots.

As toxic as a Madonna-style upbringing will be, you must admit that it is far preferable to growing up in Malawi.

Also, when “the Malawian man thought to be the biological father of a four-year-old girl Madonna hopes to adopt says he’s opposed to it,” you just know he’s looking to be bought out—enticed away from the baby bidding business.

“James Kambewa,” reports the Christian Science Monitor,” wears a necklace he made bearing his daughter’s name, has never held or even met her, and says he’s only seen her ‘in newspapers and TV, not face to face.'”

Suffer the children.