UPDATE II (5/10): Bill Cosby: The Matriarchy Is Merciless, And It Has Thoroughly Feminized & Twisted US Law

Celebrity, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Culture, Feminism, Gender, Law

This is where the #MeToo movement has led. A revenge prosecution, based on hearsay evidence, from women who act and sound demented, and facts that can’t possibly meet the rules of evidence (the ones we once abided), or be corroborated for the purposes of a just prosecution, in accordance with the legal standards of Western law (of blessed memory).

These women demand Bill Cosby, a near-blind octogenarian, be jailed for what remains of his life.

This type of woman, to the cheers of so-called conservatives, had seen to it that a groper of gymnasts  (a disgusting man, for sure)—girls abandoned by their ambitious, greedy parents—was sentenced to 175 years behind bars, more than serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

That’s the law feminized.

The jury in Bill Cosby’s retrial found the TV icon guilty of all three counts of aggravated indecent assault on Thursday for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in a Philadelphia suburb in 2004.
The 80-year-old comedian faces up to 10 years in prison on each count, but would likely serve them concurrently.
The verdict came a year after Cosby’s previous trial ended in a mistrial, as a different panel of jurors said they were deadlocked and could not unanimously agree on a verdict. This jury began deliberating Wednesday around 11 a.m., and worked for more than 14 hours over two days to reach the verdict.


UPDATE: Tom Masereau is USUALLY an amazing champion for justice. His strategy: was it at fault?

UPDATE II (5/10): Decent logic and law. Finally.

Hideous Nikki Halley. And Some Other Awful Fems In Power.

Donald Trump, Feminism, Foreign Policy, Hollywood, Racism, South-Africa

Trump campaigned on cooperation with the Kremlin against Islamists; Nikki Haley can’t quit running her mouth off about war and sanctions on the world. But who unleashed Haley on the world? Was is not POTUS? Haley has been allowed to freelance as a hateful hawk. But oh yes. We hire only the best people …

In my June, 2016 book, I first recommended Tulsi Gabbard (and was first to recommend her) as Secretary of State or anything in foreign policy. Wonderful woman.

Charlize Theron is certainly not hideous. If anything, she’s beautiful. But she’s also a dumb brick whose flesh will one day reflect her vapid soul. Nary a word has she ever said about the death in droves of her Afrikaner brethren. Instead, she calls America racist. I lived in Benoni, Transvaal, where Theron is from. It was a place full of sensible sorts, not pretentious types like Charlize.


A fake-news item circulated unduly flattered Theresa May. The clip claimed she had announced a boycott on South Africa for smoothing the way for land expropriation. May was given undeserved credit. She actually congratulated new South-African President Cyril Ramaphosa. I found no verifiable evidence that the British Prime Minister had voiced opposition to land expropriation.

Perfidious Albion is always predictable in its perfidy.

By the way, Nikki Haley’s British soul sister is the ghastly warmonger Karen Pierce.

NEW COLUMN: Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?

America, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, The West

NEW COLUMN: “Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?” It’s now on WorldNetDaily.com and American Renaissance.

And excerpt:

An “aging white population [is] speeding [up] diversity,” blared a headline in The Hill.

Could this be a case of confusing cause-and-effect? Are the two trends—whites dying-out and minorities thriving—really spontaneous and strictly parallel?

The reverse is likely true. Corrected, The Hill headline should have read:

Could speeding up diversity contribute to a decline in the white population?

We learn that “there are growing signs that the rate of change is increasing.” Well of course. America welcomes well over 1 million, mostly non-white, immigrants a year.

If white lives mattered at all to the liberal establishment, an inquiry would ensue:

Is it possibility that an enormous influx of legal and illegal migrants over decades is playing a role in the decline of America’s founding population? (A similar, sad fate was visited on their predecessors, the Amerindians.)

On the one hand, we have the drastic, ongoing decline of America’s white population; on the other, a massive, incessant inpouring of minority immigrants, since 1965. A correlation between the two is not impossible.

A large, well-controlled national survey conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, in 2006, found that diversity immiserates and that the historic population is most affected.

Perhaps protracted misery associated with loss of community hastens death?

The logic posits a zero-sum game. The native population has been swamped over time. Resources are scarce—especially when allocated by a wastrel, white-hating Administrative State. In hating on whites, civil society’s institutions are as culpable.

Is it not highly plausible, then, that immigration social engineering, compounded by state policies that privilege non-white newcomers, could contribute to a population decline in white America? …

… READ THE REST. “Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?” is now on WorldNetDaily.com and American Renaissance.

Using Wall Money To Bomb Syria

Constitution, Debt, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Just War, Nationhood, Reason, War

No idea why bootlickers are elevating Laura Ingraham’s mild objections to the Syria strikes. It looks like what she’s saying is that “if we had the money; then OK. But we’re broke, so not now.” Tucker Carlson, on the other hand, offers principled objections to The American Way (intervening everywhere).

Sure, money is an important consideration, but it’s entirely a side issue here—Ingraham’s utilitarianism makes no appeal to the Constitution, to the War Powers Act (a bad bit of legislation, but still); not to the sovereignty of nations, or to justice. Yes, her protestation is better than nothing, but arguments like hers are dodgy.

You see, the same argument is made against The Wall. This, as we use so-called wall money to bomb Syria. Even if we had the money, we don’t have the right, really. We do, however, have the obligation to stop aggressors from entering the US—whether they wage welfare, bring in hitherto eradicated diseases, or harbor hatred for Americans that spills over into hate crimes (terrorism and racially motivated crime).