More Mediocre, IT Worker-Bees On The Way From Bangalore

Economy, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Outsourcing, Regulation, Technology

Nothing much has changed. “Government”—what a neutral way way of putting it—is preparing to hand out H-1B visas for so-called high-skilled (they’re not) foreign workers by lottery, without changes to previous policy. See “U.S. Prepares to Distribute H-1B Visas Without Trump-Demanded Changes.” Who’s the biggest winner, Tata, Infosys or Microsoft?

Again and again this column has relayed the truth about the H1B scam. The last time was in Why The H-1B Visa Racket Should Be Abolished, Not Reformed“:

… Why doesn’t the president know that the H-1B visa category is not a special visa for highly skilled individuals, but goes mostly to average workers? “Indian business-process outsourcing companies, which predominantly provide technology support to corporate back offices,” by the Economist’s accounting.

Overall, the work done by the H-1B intake does not require independent judgment, critical reasoning or higher-order thinking. “Average workers; ordinary talent doing ordinary work,” attest the experts who’ve been studying this intake for years. The master’s degree is the exception within the H-1B visa category.

More significant: THERE IS a visa category that is reserved exclusively for individuals with extraordinary abilities and achievement. I know, because the principal sponsor in our family received this visa. I first wrote about the visa that doesn’t displace ordinary Americans in … 2008:

It’s the O-1 visa.

“Extraordinary ability in the fields of science, education, business or athletics,” states the Department of Homeland Security, “means a level of expertise indicating that the person is one of the small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.”

Most significant: There is no cap on the number of O-1 visa entrants allowed. Access to this limited pool of talent is unlimited.

My point vis-à-vis the O-1 visa is this: The H-1B hogs are forever claiming that they are desperate for talent. In reality, they have unlimited access to individuals with unique abilities through the open-ended O-1 visa program.

There is no limit to the number of geniuses American companies can import.

Theoretically, the H-1B program could be completely abolished and all needed Einsteins imported through the O-1 program. (Why, even future first ladies would stand a chance under the business category of the O-1A visa, as a wealth-generating supermodel could certainly qualify.)

Now you understand my disappointment. In his April 18 Executive Order, President Trump promised to merely reform a program that needs abolishing. That is if “Hire American” means anything to anybody anymore.

MORE: “Why The H-1B Visa Racket Should Be Abolished, Not Reformed.”

NEW COLUMN UPDATED (YIPPEE!): Trump Must Stop ‘Refugee Caravan’ Invasion With Executive Order

Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law, Natural Law, The State

Trump Must Stop ‘Refugee Caravan’ Invasion With Executive Order” is the current column, now on 

An excerpt:

Planning for a show-down, a column of 1,500 Central Americans, largely from Honduras, has been beating a path to the Mexican-American border.

Some report that the column has been halted; others dispute that. Interviewed by Reuters in Mexico, a sojourning mother of seven—what are the chances none is an MS13 gangster?—signaled her intention to proceed to the US, if only to teach President Trump a lesson.

Yes, “Make America Great Again” to you, too, Colindres Ortega.

Organizers and participants in this farce aim, very plainly, to publicly demonstrate that the US doesn’t have borders. Led by anti-American agitators, the procession catalyzed the urgency of action to stop an ongoing invasion.

Whether it arrives or not, the caravan is a positive bit of theatre. For one thing, the actors are quite correct. The US doesn’t have borders. For another, the caravan vividly exposes the antagonists in this ongoing tragedy: our overlords in DC. All of them.

To narrow the indictment a tad, note the extent to which the Democrats and their news media have avoided mentioning or covering the caravan. At a time when Democrats are fielding populists like Conor Lamb (who won in Pennsylvania) and former rodeo champion Billie Sutton (he hopes to govern South Dakota)—the mess on the border damns them like nothing else.

It’s these villains who’ve agreed to laws that permit anyone—other than white South Africans—to arrive at that border, do their Les Misérables act, claim to face a “credible fear” back home, get a court date, and bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations. They’re the malcontents holding up signs that read “America is racist.”

What all the veiled allusions to “catch-and-release loopholes in American immigration law” imply is this: Ostensibly, there’s no way to turn interlopers away once they plonk themselves on the US border, demand a translator and spin some yarn.

So far, President Trump has “signed a proclamation ordering the deployment of the National Guard to the border with Mexico.” This changes nothing. It remains illegal to defend the border by turning these particular trespassers away.

Other than stare these brazen people down, what will the National Guard do? Change diapers, as they did during the 2014 rush on the border?

Flash back more recently to January of 2016, when candidate Trump began alluding to “President Obama’s irresponsible use of executive orders” having paved the way for him, Trump, to also use them freely if he won the presidential race.

“Amen,” I said at that time—provided Trump uses executive power to repeal lots of laws, not make them. …

“… READ THE REST.  “Trump Must Stop ‘Refugee Caravan’ Invasion With Executive Order” is now on  Read it also on, the Unz Review,, and others.


“Memo” or “executive order,” who cares? “Trump has sighed memo ending Catch And Release immigration policy.” A wish come true.

Of interest:

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UPDATE (8/13/018): Sweden: ‘Hornets’ Nest Of Revolutionary Feminism’ & ‘Saudi Arabia Of Feminism’

Affirmative Action, Europe, Feminism, Gender

“Ninety percent of the content on Wikipedia is created by men,” reports The Economist.

And in the West’s egalitarian, social democracies, where equality of outcomes is enforced with zeal, this state-of-affairs can’t be allowed to continue. Men must be demoted in every field of endeavor.

Not for nothing has Julian Assange “referred to Sweden as a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism” and as “Saudi Arabia of feminism.” Sweden is leading the charge against men, for that’s what this is.

Clearly, Swedish representatives haven’t a care in the world. It’s not like their women are being raped and murdered by the Middle-Eastern and North-African migrants they insist on importing. It’s not like their country is turning into  a gangland. These great female minds have their priorities straight. They know their political mandate: Oust men from Wikipedia:

“Knowledge is power,” explains Margot Wallström, the foreign minister, and because these days knowledge and information come from the “clearly unbalanced” internet, this is a problem, she adds. A more gender-equal Wikipedia and internet more broadly should help create a more gender-equal world, goes the thinking. Of course, the web is a lot bigger than Wikipedia, but it makes sense as a starting point. The Swedes hope that tech firms will be inspired to take gender inequality in online content more seriously.
Wikimedia supports trying to narrow the gap. Since a survey in 2011 revealed that Wikipedia was largely written by men under 40, it set targets for greater participation of women (and of people from the southern hemisphere). “We want the best content,” says John Andersson from Wikimedia Sweden. “By bringing in a more diverse group of people, particularly women, this leads to a better set of articles.” But the goal is not gender parity across biographies. “If there is a bias towards men, coming from history books, Wikipedia merely reflects this. …”

… MORE: “Sweden tries to increase gender equality on the web: Together with Wikimedia, Swedish diplomats are hosting #WikiGap edit-a-thons in 54 embassies.

UPDATE (8/13/018):

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‘What If Democrats Win Enough Seats In Congress To Override A Presidential Veto’?

Democrats, Elections, Federalism, Government, Labor, Welfare

The Conor Lamb victory in Pennsylvania raises the fear that, “When the mid-terms roll round, [Democrats] would win enough seats in Congress to override a presidential veto.

Democrats far from the seats of power and from Nancy Pelosi’s orbit are looking to appeal to regular Americans, namely the Trump constituency.

* Duly, Lamb is “a former marine and federal prosecutor.” (Used to be the armed fores were squarely in the conservative camp.)

* Mr Lamb campaigned at rallies with unions, such as the steelworkers, the coalminers at a United Mine Workers.

* “Mr Lamb promised to protect pensions of union members as well as Social Security and Medicare benefits for all.”

* “Lamb was ‘a God-fearing, union-supporting, gun-owning, job-protecting, pension-defending, Social-Security-believing … sending-drug-dealers-to-jail Democrat,’ enthused Cecil Roberts, the union boss. The Democrats need more like him.”

MORE: “Conor Lamb has shown Democrats how to win in places they usually lose.”