NEW COLUMN: ‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?

Affirmative Action, America, Argument, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, South-Africa

THE NEW COLUMN is “Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish?” It was featured first on It is also on WND.COM, the Unz Review and American Renaissance. On Sunday, you can read it on the great American Greatness. The column is first in a series of three. Excerpt: The “systemic racism” refrain is a meaningless abstraction. […Read On]

‘The Kochtopus’ (Koch Brothers) Want Outsourcing & Globalism Back

Donald Trump, Labor, Outsourcing, THE ELITES, Trade

Bless the farmers. A pox on the Koch Brothers, known by good libertarians as that invasive organism called “The Kochtopus.” The Koch Brothers, or the “The Kochtopus,” worship the Gods of Globalism, says Laura Ingraham, and the American Worker be damned. He is just a stick-in-the mud. He hasn’t embraced progress. Therefore, he should be […Read On]

I Told You The FBI Is Rotten & Responsible For Terror Unleashed

Government, GUNS, Homeland Security, Islam, Political Correctness, Private Property, Terrorism

It now transpires that the “FBI [had] instructed local authorities not to release any information to the public regarding the Orlando shooting and the redacted recordings of the incoming, desperate, unrequited 911 calls. Orlando Sentinel: The FBI has asked law enforcement agencies who responded to Pulse nightclub to withhold records from the public, according to […Read On]

Female Officer Doesn’t Know Her Revolver From Her Lipstick

Affirmative Action, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Feminism, Gender, Law

The female officer who killed a man, because she reached for her service revolver instead of her taser, is another item in the case made in this column, “Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali.” Clearly, Kim Potter accidentally discharged her weapon. She did not mean to kill Daunte Wright.  This […Read On]