UPDATE III (8/8/023) Ukraine Destroyed On The Altar Of The Imploding, Morally and Fiscally Bankrupt American Empire

America, Bush, Canada, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Foreign Policy, Ilana Mercer, Republicans, Russia

WIN OR DIE, DUMMIES is what Ukrainians are being instructed by the US, its NATO marionettes and the treacherous leader Zelensky, who is protected by the aforementioned forces ~ilana The depravity—the immorality—of Ukraine’s America-engineered existential reality … ~ilana Four minutes and 21 seconds into his YouTube interview with Aaron Mate, John Mearsheimer, a utilitarian political […Read On]

NEW COLUMN: Subpar Submersible: Woke Will Implode, On Land And Underwater

America, Conservatism, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Intelligence, Natural Law, Technology

Truth to tell, the Titan resembled nothing so much as a ‘Hold My Beer’ contraption, assembled with parts as good as you get from Home Depot …a carbon fiber cylindrical hull, topped and tailed with Titanium hemispheres. Titanium glued to carbon fiber with an epoxy-type resin and fastened with bolts: Just image the iffy quality […Read On]

UPDATED (6/24): He’d Never Hire ’50-Year-Old White Guys,’ Said Stockton Rush, RIP, Titan’s Submersible’s CEO. Oops.

Critique, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Race, Racism, Technology

TITAN’S SUBMERSIBLE’S CEO STOCKTON RUSH, RIP, once declared that he, “[D]idn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ with military experience to captain his vessels because they weren’t ‘inspirational.’ Stockton Rush, 61, added that … ‘anybody can drive the sub’ with a $30 video game controller. OOPS. A bum’s rush. “Speaking to CBS News in November,” Reports RT, […Read On]

NEW COLUMN: On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate

America, Culture, Gender, Intelligence, Science, Sex, Sport

This beer baboonery is not Dylan Mulvaney’s doing; it’s not the fault of this poor waif; this sad, pathetic chimera of a creature ~ilana Anheuser-Busch’s purpose is, very plainly, to unseat and insult the American moral majority ~ilana NEW COLUMN IS “On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate“. It is featured on The Unz […Read On]