UPDATED (11/27): NEW COLUMN & Viewing: FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians

Comedy & Humor, COVID-19, Crime, Healthcare, libertarianism, Race, Racism, Republicans, The State

NEW COLUMN IS “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians.” It’s currently on WND.COM and the Unz Review:


… A knee-capping of a different kind was delivered to an exceedingly vulnerable Caucasian America by influencer Candace Owens. To wit, Darrell Brooks is the black supremacist, who used his vehicle to mow down and murder white grannies and grandkids parading in Waukesha, Wisconsin. But if you had dared to consider the race of Brooks in a hate crime manifestly motivated by race—you were boorishly berated by Owens as “brainwashed”:

“Darrell Brooks is a scumbag murderer—his race is irrelevant. …Disagree? You’re brainwashed!”

America is now systemically and institutionally anti-white. Black-on-white hate crime is rife, but it’s invariably not reported, underreported, or if reported, masked as something other than what it really is, precisely as Owens has done—and now orders you to do. Ignore her ilk—Republicans who’re always boasting about their color-blindness and their blindness to white suffering. Your life and the lives of those you love, very plainly, depend on it.

HARD TRUTH with David Vance and yours truly debates these and other thorny issues and wishes our American Hard Truthers a happy Thanksgiving.

WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE, please: “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians”:

NEW COLUMNS IS “FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians.” It’s currently on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

UPDATE (11/27/021): This was a wide-ranging discussion with David and myself. We touched on this interesting finer point:

Who demonstrates a ruthlessly “extractive approach” to political power? The much-abused Amerindians? No. Australia’s poor Aboriginal peoples? Hardly … Listen.

Western Man Forgives Unspeakable Violence Against Himself And Those He’s Obligated To Protect

Christianity, Crime, Education, Family, Kids, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, The Zeitgeist

Kids like Ethan Williams are sent into the world wide-eyed and filled with only wonderment. (Read “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism,” 2011 and “Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed.”) Nary a warning are they issued as to the reality of crime in America—and beyond. Parents are instrumental in these tragic events, having never given their kids “The Talk,” as John Derbyshire called it.

As a neighborhood to bunk down in, during a visit to New York City, Ethan Williams chose Bushwick (pictured). Bushwick is known as dangerously and diversely hip. Was this reckless decision not made against the background of a lifelong, familial devotion to such displays of hipness, “openness” and an obsession with The Other?

His father, Jason R. Williams, says the kid was all about curing “poverty and violence” and doing “mission work in Rwanda” (as opposed to in white, impoverish Appalachia).

Likely race-related, the murder of this typical innocent do-gooder, Ethan Williams, was masked as a ‘stray bullet.’ Writes his father, who—it has to be said—seems to have helped cement this delusional, progressive-Christian ideation in his kid’s mind:

Police believe our son’s killer mistook him and his friends for rival gang members. They were instead just a group of Midwestern boys on their first trip to see “the greatest city in the world.” If he had been given the chance, without question Ethan would have embraced his would-be killer, asked his name and hung out on those same steps with him swapping stories deep into the night.

From “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism (2011)“:

Here is how an alien from deep space would puzzle over the creatures who, by dint of a miracle, still dominate the Western world:

This prototypical Western man is flabby in body and mind. He is fearful and easily cowed. He erupts in tears at a drop of a hat. He is gripped by the culture of apology, and flagellates over sins he has not committed. His eternal state of expiation is driven not by goodness, but by insufferable self-righteousness.

This archetypal Western man forgives unspeakable violence against himself and those he is obligated to protect. He would not hurt a fly, much less repel a foe. An astute alien (from deep space) would notice that, in this regard, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the “conservative” and “liberal” earthling. Both insist on catering to and enabling organized entities—in politics and in other crime— that despise them for their abilities and frailties, and instinctively seek to harm them.

These hostile identity groups segregate themselves voluntarily from the western weakling …
Flash- feral mobs flood places of commerce across the once-great country of America. What does the overwhelmed creature under observation do? “Conservative” or liberal, he refuses to finger his assailants. Instead, his experts implicate abstractions (“risk-taking”), and his media mouthpieces (Daily Beast or and Fox News) point to technology such as social media. Yet another, least logical, bogus causal agent invoked: the racism of the Democratic Party.

Not only does this generic Joe refuse to identify his proud, empowered attackers, but he rejects the possibility that they act out of ingrained animus for his kind. The swarms that descended to take what is his—to hurt him and even kill him—he jocularly terms mischief-makers, teens, twitter-operators, technology savvy youth. Yes, this brow-beaten, emasculated, excuse-for-a-man uses diminutives to describe the contempt-filled stalkers who menace him and who would squash him like the bug he is.

If not for YouTube footage of the racially uniform formations terrorizing businesses in Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, in the upmarket area of Streeterville, in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., in Las Vegas, in St. Paul, Minnesota, in Philadelphia, on and on—our studious alien from outer space would be none the wiser about the hue of hatred on Planet Earth. As the man from outer space has surmised, his strange subjects are certainly impervious to facts.


* Image thanks.

The FDA Has De Facto Classified The Data Upon Which It Relied To License Pfizer’s mRNA Covid Vaccine

Argument, COVID-19, Crime, Democrats, GUNS, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Justice, Law, Pseudoscience, The State

IF THIS DOESN’T GET THE SHEEPLE “THINKING,” nothing will. And no, this is not the Onion:

Apparently, the menageries of medical and news propagandists for the “clot shot” on the teli have not seen or studied the data upon which the government relied to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

In response to a belated Freedom of Information Act request by “more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown,” the Food & Drug Administration has agreed to release the requested data by the year … 2076, over the course of the next 55 years.

The plaintiffs pleaded the obvious when their lawyer said,

It is difficult to imagine a greater need for transparency than immediate disclosure of the documents relied upon by the FDA to license a product that is now being mandated to over 100 million Americans under penalty of losing their careers, their income, their military service status, and far worse.

If this doesn’t tell you what the US government and bureaucracies think of The People, their rights and well-being; nothing does.

This is Sir Humphrey Appleby funny. (Every paleolibertarian is obliged to watch and worship the famed British satires about The State: “Yes, Prime Minister” and “Yes, Minister.”

Sir Humphrey Appleby to the PM: “Yes, Prime Minister: 55 years to produce the Pfizer Covid vaccine data is well within the law. No need to rush , if you know what I mean. But I’ll start the paperwork, shall I?” (Me channeling Sir Humphrey)

By making Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data essentially unavailable for scrutiny in their totality for decades to come—the FDA has in effect classified the data upon which it based a decision to license Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.



UPDATED (11/22/021): NEW COLUMN: Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are

Argument, Crime, Democrats, Race, Racism, Republicans

NEW COLUMN, “Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are,” is currently on WND.COM, Unz Review, CNSNews and American Greatness.

An excerpt:

For the longest time, the American People—an inchoate concept that sadly no longer means much—have endured great wrongs. Examples of these wrongs are legal and illegal mass immigration, open-borders, the kind of multilateral trade deals that immiserate, impoverish, and hollow out communities once staid and settled. And now, vaccine mandates: Take the State’s hemlock or lose your job.

As a rule, private property—corporations—once shielded the individual from the State. No longer. American Big Business now gleefully enforces the State’s regulatory despotism. There is nowhere left to run.

Ubiquitous black-on-white crime inflicted by a coddled criminal class, native born and energetically imported, is high on the list of State and corporate crimes against the citizenry.

Whether he postures on tv or on the Hill—the arguments advanced by the typical Republican front man against these expanding depredations are, however, empty.

The “objections” put forth by Republicans in defense of their constituency are all theater and farce. It is essential to alert the voter to this void, foretold, for example, in this columnist’s February 2019 warning that, “Every time a manifestly racist, anti-white event goes down, which is frequently, conservative media and politicians can be relied on to dub it ‘identity politics.’ ‘The left is playing identity politics,’ they intone. “They are dividing us,” they’ll lament.

However, “Whatever is convulsing the country, it’s not identity politics, but anti-white politics, pure, simple and systemic.

Identify the bogus argument—and you will have exposed the frauds who want you to send them to live off the fleshpots in Rome-on-the-Potomac. (Actually, as one wag perspicaciously pointed out, “The comparison to Rome [is unfair].” After all, Rome built two great civilizations and is a site of enormous cultural significance.”)

Although not exclusive to him, my example today comes from Fox News’ Jesse Watters. When speaking loudly over his guest—why invite them on, if you intend to drown them out?—Mr. Watters made the usual Republican straw argument against black crime. You hear it routinely from Sean Hannity, Candace Owens and the rest:

Democrats “only care when a white person takes a black life. If a black person takes a black life, they don’t even care at all.”

Likewise, it can be said that Republican don’t much care when a black person takes a white life.

Seldom mentioned in Republican argumentation is the real hate crime in the room: black-on-white crime which is invariably not reported, underreported, or if reported, masked as something other than what it really is, which is systemic, institutionalized, white-hot hatred of whites.

Republicans just can’t seem to protect or stick up for besieged whites and are forever searching their brains for ways to show off their Abe Lincoln pedigrees….

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN is “Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are.” Read it on WND.COM, Unz Review, CNSNews and American Greatness.

UPDATE (11/22/021): For every hate crime unnamed that makes its way into the news, there are countless daily beatings and bullying in public places.