From janitor to general, in deeds and in words—Israel had established intent to commit genocide early in its industrial-scale mass murder of the Palestinians of Gaza and, now, the West Bank.
From the ugly gob of a former IDF colonel, Gabi Siboni, comes the latest in Israeli public expressions of genocidal intent. Said this unthinking member of Israel’s think-tank ranks:
“Hamas is not the problem in Gaza. Hamas is a symptom of a bigger problem. The population in Gaza is a barbaric mob. If we don’t wish to bleed our soldiers for decades—because in Gaza there will be Hamas B and C—the only solution is Trump’s vision.”
As I’ve documented throughout the genocide, “The Jewish State and Israeli Society are equally sick” (May 21, 2024). No doubt, the Israeli State is genocidal, but, by the numbers and by their own statements enacted—Israeli society is sociopathic.
As uncomfortable as this is for the libertarian methodological individualist; the facts are clear. On the matter of the mass murder of the Palestinians of Gaza; Jewish-Israeli society does not stand apart from the Jewish State.
The remarkable Norm Finkelstein says so repeatedly, too—also with empirical backing and proof galore. For example, the archival material of Lee Mordechai, an Israeli historian’s examination and documentation of the genocide. As has Professor Finkelstein mentioned one Omer Shatz, an Israeli law professor, who has focused his research on the “distinct crime of incitement to genocide.” Many others have shown that, by their actions and words—Israeli society is genocidal to its rotting core.
As if verification is still needed. For heaven’s sake, listen and look—believe your lying eyes. Given the number of American Idolaters still claiming that conditions in Gaza belie what our “lying eyes” tell us—I continue to recommend a variation on Richard Pryor’s wry logic about he who has been caught in flagrante delicto. The reader must believe his eyes, not the lying Israelis and the mainstream media which will teach you obfuscation, and, more crucially, rob you of the ability to express and correlate reality with language. Believe the evidence in front of your eyes. The Israelis and their Israel First American enablers are, plainly put, lying.
Personally, in my sourcing, I’ve privileged Palestinians, whose lived experience this genocide is. I’ve found that Palestinians have done the best job of transmitting what Western journalism has buried. Palestinian journalists are paragons of virtue and courage. Owen Jones, while not an intellectual (for example, like many others he fails to understand that “Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War”), is, nevertheless, a deeply devoted and feeling British podcaster. Please take the time to watch his tribute to twenty-three year old Journalist Hossam Shabat, murdered, the other day, by Satan. How does a parent live after losing a son such as Hossam Shabat, noble, kind, and brave? With difficulty.
To have a son like #HussamShabat is a gift from God.
To have a son like this taken is unbearable. Excruciating.
An angel taken by human detritus, by specimen–#JewishIsraelis–so grotesque, so pornographic, so kinky and cowardly that words—my forte—fail.…— ILANA Mercer ?? (@IlanaMercer) March 27, 2025
Similarly, when I watch Bisan Owda’s videos from Gaza, I think, “If only I could protect her, spoil her, spirit her away to safety.” What a beautiful and rare gem is Bisan. Kind, courageous, sweet, despite being forced to chronicle the genocide of her people at so young an age. I’ve never heard a cruel, crude word from this young woman. Her parents must be so proud. G-d Damn IsraHel for threatening this soul, this treasure, and protect Bisan.
Don’t restart as if we are in a game.
— Bisan Owda (@bisanowda01) March 23, 2025
For that matter, never believe any Hebrew-English translation come to you via Israel (ask me, first). If Israelis are moving that grimacing cavity on their faces; they are lying. Here Genocider Israel Katz, a defense minister, broadcasts in real time his intent to commit a crime. His is the sound of impunity, says Craig Mokhiber, another stellar thinker in law, international and natural.
Should you choose to follow the malfunctioning mainstream media—left & right—you will be years out-of-date with respect to facts and Truth, analytical and empirical.
Katz’ precise words:
“Residents of Gaza, this is the last warning. The 1st Sinwar destroyed Gaza. The second Sinwar will ruin her completely. The assault of the air force against the Hamas terrorists is just the first step. The rest will be many times harder, and you will pay the full price. Evacuations will soon start from areas of battle. If all the Israeli hostages are not released, and Hamas is not expelled from Gaza—Israel will act with the kind of force unfamiliar to you. Take the offer of the president of the US: return the hostages and expel ‘The Hamas’, and other options will then open before you, including migration to other places across the world, for whomever wishes it. The alternative is destruction and complete ruin.
“A child collects up the blood and flesh of his mother.”
UPDATE (3/27): You must quit the media system, which is heir to Julius Streicher. (He was founder of Der Stürmer, and a Hitler propagandist.) If you don’t, you will fall into error, lose touch with reality; and speak and think like the abetters of genocide at CNN (or FoxNews, for that matter).
Your thinking will be infested with bogus concepts that do not reflect, but rape reality. Such as: both-sideism (there is no “other side” to genocide), conflict (Israel wants to exterminate Palestinians; Palestinians want to LIVE), war (genocide is not war, not legally, not morally), battles (there are no armies arrayed one against the other; Israelis have an Air Force not a fighting force), and “Palestinians killed” (rather than Palestinians murdered en masse). An example of mainstream-media propaganda via CNN:
The image of mass-casualty murder over which Gaza’s civilians pray is described, by CNN, as occurring “amid ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.”
This is the worst of agitprop. As was said above, and as I explained in “Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War” (September, 2024), “In Gaza, there are no armies arrayed one against the other. This is no war between equal, opposing warrior forces. There is no parity on the battle field, only, for the most, the bullyboy’s aerial blitzkrieg carried out against a trapped civilian population.”
Craig Mokhiber has underscored that the use of “conflict” nomenclature allows the culprits to leave out the concepts of criminal culpability and genocide.
A day in the life of this poor, poor people forced to live alongside Satan: