Category Archives: Technology

PODCAST: Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords

Affirmative Action, China, Communism, Conservatism, COVID-19, Foreign Policy, Free Markets, Republicans, Russia, South-Africa, Technology, The State, The West, War

THE LIVE HARD TRUTH PODCAST, March 7, 2023, with David Vance and myself, was a great deal of fun. It is definitely worth postponing all midday appointments for. We go deep.

I question US belligerence against China whilst being buoyed by African resistance to US foreign policy diktats. David exposes Covid lies and distractions peddled by the spineless media. AND MUCH MORE.

We really enjoy your comments, so do make a point of joining us next time.

You can now watchOh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords,” and still leave your comments. We always reply.

We appreciate your Subscribe.

UPDATED (1/28): Democrats’ Biden Classified-Doc Breech: Republican Political Eunuchs Swallow The Bait

COVID-19, Democrats, Donald Trump, Free Speech, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans, Technology, The State

The Republican orgy over the orchestrated ouster of Biden in the matter of classified, “highly sensitive” state-documents, demonstrates how this lot, the GOP, is unseriousness about first-principle obligations to the voters. These are:

* Impeaching Biden for the country invaded and consequently permanently altered. From here on in, America will be what I term in my book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot, a dominant-party state.

* Demanding day-in, day-out that the 4-5 million outlaws invited into out country illegally be rounded up and deported, and not one more penny be stolen from taxpayers to pay for their keep and safe passage into American communities.

* Repealing all manner of Covid tyranny, including the ban on white, unvaccinated non-citizens from vising the US. Why do I assert that the travel ban on the unvaccinated is anti-white ? Because the reg says that foreigners from “countries with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability” may stream into the USA unvaccinated! This rule is a proxy for race, engineered to privilege brown and black Third Worlders and oust whites.

*Besides, why is the Administrative State—the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) legislating around our right of freedom of movement, and that of our friends and trading partners? Is it not an opportune time for the fucking GOP castrati to challenge the Managerial State’s usurpation of constitutional rights?

*Beating back crime and lawlessness: Clearing cities of homeless encampments, allowing cops to stop crime and for citizens to defend person and property against it.

*Defunding all institutions that practice woke anti-whiteness: schools, tertiary, secondary, primary.

*Launching Civil Rights action against any financial institution engaged in financial deplatforming based on thought crimes and impolite speech.

* Ceasing to bait the Russian bear, forcing a diplomatic solution on that kept man, Zelensky.

Or, given how dumb the GOP (RIP) is, just do what the good Governor Ron DeSantis is doing, but amplified.

UPDATE (1/28): The Mar-a-Lago Vs. Delaware distinction.

Other strictly partisan, less-philosophical conservatives, like Victor Davis Hansen, will try and draw distinctions around classified documents between their guy’s infractions, Biden’s, and our guy’s transgressions. This “Trump did it right” vs. “Biden did it wrong” case is an extension of the original distraction.

In fact, you don’t have to read such an undignified argument—I don’t—to know that it is NOT and argument from first principles.

*Screen picture credit



NEW COLUMN: Forget Iran, China And Hunter: Americans Are Suffering

COVID-19, Crime, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Iran, Latin American, Neoconservatism, Race, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN, “Forget Iran, China And Hunter: Americans Are Suffering,” is currently featured on WND, The Unz Review, The New American. It’s scheduled on

And is now on


… Eddies of passion now flow from the conservative commentariat to the Chinese locked down by their government. And for Iranian women locked behind the hijab. Iran is no great shakes. China is terrible. But how dare our “thought leaders” agitate at cyclone strength for Chinese and Iranian protesters, yet offer a collective yawn over liberty sundered at home!

Americans have endured lockdowns, still battle vaccine mandates, cannot unite with unvaccinated friends and family outside the US and are subjected to FBI raids and other Security State surveillance.

The pincer for the person bucking orthodoxy comes when, with state acquiescence, corporate thought police cancels nonconformists, publicly shames and financially ousts them. Jan. 6 protesters and other prisoners of conscience are denied their due process rights. Other than Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican from Georgia, no representatives intervene on their behalf. Libertarian activist Julian Assange is slowly being murdered by the Anglo-American axis of evil for exposing its machinations; and Americans are maimed and murdered daily by a sinecured, coddled criminal class, imported or hot-housed here at home by elected officials who reject the Sixth Commandment. …

It so happens that the real story in Iran is not the women and their nosebags—who, once in the US, become indistinguishable from our own woke witches, down to the tumbleweed hair and the banalities that tumble from their motor mouths. Rather, the real story is our successive, neoconservative administrations starving the Iranian people. If they can’t kill directly, the neocons of Foggy Bottom and DOJ, whichever party is in charge, steal from Iranians or starve ’em. …

… READ THE REST on WND, The Unz Review, The New American.

NEW COLUMN: Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action

Canada, COVID-19, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Neoconservatism, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN is “Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action.” It appeared on The New American, The Unz Review, WND.COM, and

It is now easiest read on

(The attendant podcast will be posted as soon as it is available on Rumble.)


…DeSantis: Principled Pragmatist

In Ron DeSantis we have a man who is acutely aware of the systemic rights violations to which Deplorables are subjected and is attempting to pragmatically govern in accordance with first principles.

Let us recount some of the ways:

When Texas’ Greg Abbott “flat-out banned vaccine requirements; Florida Gov. DeSantis quickly followed suit. Rejecting the jabs-for-jobs deformed public policy, DeSantis vowed to sue the Biden administration. These two governors have been unique in upholding natural, inalienable, individual rights—the right of self-ownership and bodily dominion.

As inoptimal as DeSantis’ “Big Tech” bill was—the governor was the only Republican to have proceeded against Deep Tech in any meaningful way.

The governor was also unique among powerful men to spring into actions on behalf of the Canadian Truckers for Freedom. The Canadian Truckers converged on Ottawa, early in 2022, to reclaim their Charter rights and protest Trudeau’s anti-constitutional Covid-driven apartheid.

GoFundMe is an American crowd-funding site. It had happily collected and distributed funds to detritus like BLM (Black Lives Matter), which, by the most basic of measures, are scum of the earth. Having received $9 million dollars in donations for the Canadian truckers, GoFundMe right away announced it would steal the funds and funnel them to charities of its choosing.

Here was a crime in progress. DeSantis’s response to the GoFundMe cyber-robbery was righteous, principled and proactive. He tweeted:

“It is a fraud for Go-Fund Me to commandeer $9M in donations sent to support truckers and give it to causes of their own choosing. I will work with AG Ashley Moody to investigate these deceptive practices — these donors should be given a refund.” The thieving outfit soon backtracked pursuant to DeSantis’ show of force.

And how is it that only Gov. Ron DeSantis grasps that it’s illegal for state attorneys, whose job description is to uphold the law, to nullify the very law they are paid to enforce?

As the only elected official smart and dedicated enough to grasp and govern in accordance with first principles, DeSantis fired State Attorney Andrew Warren for “effectively nullifying Florida’s criminal law.” Unheard of. The great governor of Florida has also been steadfast in accelerating his pipeline of criminal aliens to the affluent areas of the northeast. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action.” It’s now on

*Screen pic image credit