Monthly Archives: June 2012

Mesmerizing The Musri (Egyptian) Mamba

Democracy, Elections, Islam, Israel, Middle East

Take your cues from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He approached the new, democratically elected Egyptian Prime Minister, Mohammed Musri, as a snake charmer would: with caution and sweet-sounding words.

Reacting to the announcement that the Muslim Brotherhood candidate won, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hoped the treaty would stand.
“Israel expects to continue cooperation with the Egyptian government on the basis of the peace agreement between the two countries, which is of interest to the two peoples and contributes to regional stability,” Netanyahu said in a statement Sunday.

In reply, Musri dispensed with the formality of Taqiyya (obfuscating facts for the faith), and got down to business. Basically, Musri’s message for Israel is, We’re coming for “al-Quds,” Jerusalem in Arabic.“Egypt: Our Capital Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing”

Yes, particularly pertinent is the Muslims’ fabrication about their attachment to Jerusalem.

“Yerushalaim” is the Hebrew biblical name for the city that was sacred to Jews for nearly two thousand years before Muhammad. Not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran. Muhammad was said to have departed to the heavens from the Al Aksa Mosque, but there was no mosque in Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aksa Mosque were built on the Jewish Temple Mount. This usurpation was subsequently justified by Muslim theologians by superimposing their relatively recent fondness for Jerusalem upon the existing, ancient sanctity of the place to Jews.
Samuel Katz, in Battleground: Fact & Fantasy In Palestine, poses this question: What would the Christian reaction be if the same Muslim theologians had chosen to appropriate the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, re-name it, declare it Muslim property (which means killing for it), and demand Arafat be buried in it?
Israel’s justice minister Yosef Lapid provided a wonderfully apposite response: “Jerusalem is the city where Jewish kings are buried and not Arab terrorists.”


UPDATED: Warn White Kids? Fogetaboutit (Culling Your Kids)

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Journalism, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Propaganda, Race, Racism

If you want the truth about the plague of black-on-white violence, don’t watch Big Media’s news reports, where they work overtime to mask the facts. Don’t tune in to the vain chit-chat on Judge Jeanine’s show; read the Comments section. Despite the baffle-gab on cable, Americans get it. But why don’t they warn their vulnerable kids?

Here is a comment one wise guy appended to the tangent title on Judge Jenine’s Page (“Judge Jeanine Investigates the Mysterious Death of a High School Graduate.” She did no such thing.)


Let’s cut through the chase, the High School Graduate was killed because he was White. Don’t insult the rest of us with everything under the sun except what it really is, and very common. Let’s look at FBI murder stats, put that on TV.

“Alanbanford” was referring to Marley Lion, RIP, the prototype child, with the prototypical WASP parents I wrote about in “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism”:

Mild and meek, vulnerable boys like Carter Strange [or Marley Lion] deserve to be informed of the real dangers they face by the formative figures in their lives. Instead, these errant adults feed these precious people a pack of lies, and enfeeble them with pieties …

In any event, it’s not easy to find the Marley Lion story, and when it is “written up”—journalism of white-on-black hate crimes being so shoddy—the details are purposefully sketchy. Here is a journalism 101 FAIL from the Post and Courier’s EDWARD C. FENNELL:

Lion was shot multiple times early Saturday in a sport utility vehicle he had parked off Savannah Highway. Before dying, Lion told police he parked to sleep because he’d had too much to drink and was unable to drive home.

Paul Bowers of the Charleston City Paper does the bare minimum:

Marley Lion, a recent graduate of Academic Magnet High School, was shot inside his Nissan Pathfinder early Saturday morning in the parking lot by Famous Joe’s Bar and Grill at 1662 Savannah Highway, and around 4:05 a.m., police found him lying on the ground beside the vehicle. Lion was still alive at the time, and he told an officer he had been sleeping in the car because he was too intoxicated to drive home. He said two black males walked up to the vehicle and one of them shot him five times before they left the parking lot on a gravel path toward Yew Street.
The video shows someone walking up to the vehicle, doing something near the driver’s-side front door, and then leaving the scene when the vehicle’s headlights start flashing on and off. Detective Richard Burckhardt, the lead investigator in the case, says this is the point where Lion presses a button on a key fob to trigger the vehicle’s alarm system. About 20 seconds later, someone approaches Lion’s car with a gun and fires several times.
Police say the gunman is a black male who appears to be taller than the vehicle, putting him in the range of 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall. He has a medium to stocky build and was wearing a striped or checker-patterned shirt at the time of the murder, and he fled on foot toward the Ardmore neighborhood afterward, according to the police investigation.

Poor boy. He pulled over because intoxicated. He used good judgement—and lived long enough to tell the tale. But Marley’s dying words were for naught. As expected, an “errant adult” in the person of Charleston Police Chief Gregory Mullen has issued the standard obfuscations. “There is no indication that this crime was anything other than random, senseless violence.”

UPDATE (June 24): Anyone who has a child who looks vaguely like Morely—clean-cut, enviably pretty, all-American—will find it near impossible to watch this devilish culling of the boy. (I analyze the envy that propels en masse slaughter in Africa in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot.”)
And anybody who has a child that has been through the “system,” as has my own, will find that that kid has been groomed for sacrifice—and turns on her parent for warning her off.
Public education (helped by parents) has turned our kids into the prototypical white left-liberals, whose creed is PC pietism, and who are passionate about sacrificing their precious lives for Da Creed.

Your Republican Reptile In Action

Ethics, Etiquette, Individual Rights, Internet, Private Property, Republicans, Ron Paul, The State

Fredrick Ray Hartman, a DC-based statist Republican, in the employ of the government, had petitioned me for Facebook Friendship (not the other way around).

On getting notice of my Facebook Policy, he writes furiously:

“don’t send people [note the royal plural] a copy of facebook policies again…you are being deleted…..i was your friend ditto… removing you from my friends list…..i tried to friend you from another wall and you had the gull [sic] to respond with a facebook policy note….you don’t know your friends i guess…..good luck”

Your Republican politician (or aspiring overlord) in action.

And OMG! What will I do without these Republican faithful “pals” of mine, of whom I have none, as they deserted me on September 19, 2002, when I wrote this op-ed for the Globe & Mail, one of Canada’s national newspapers.

Let me remind Hartman and his ilk (statist, power-hungry Republicans, whom we libertarians disavow) that he was the one to petition me for Facebook Friendship, not the other way around. This statist and I (a long-time paleolibertarian) have nothing in common.

This conduct is a taste of what you should expect from your reptilian Republican in office, should you demand that he comply with YOUR rules, enacted on your turf, or property.

This is the chance of all like-minded Republicans on this Wall to join Fredrick Ray Hartman; Unfriend me please.

Ron Paul for president.

CNN Bimbo Holds Out Hope For Socialism

EU, Europe, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Socialism

This week, CNN’s ERIN BURNETT, HOST of OUTFRONT, and “a valued member of the OUTFRONT Strike Team,” whatever gimmick that stands for, entertained the possibility that President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party might just “save Europe’s economy and ours.”

Burnett’s babbling was boosted by “striker” Bill Gross, CO-CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER of PIMCO, who positively spun the political platform of Francois Hollande by describing France’s manifestly socialist agenda as “pro-growth,” and as “a different way forward.”

I listened to the Gross man live on TV. CNN’s transcriber failed to transcribe Gross’s salutary reference to France’s founding principles of “liberté, égalité, fraternité, writing in their place: “(INAUDIBLE)”

But here is Mr. Gross(out)’s verbatim nod to the blood-drenched, illiberal French Revolution and its legacy:

I think what [Hollande] is trying to do is favor labor as opposed to capital. Remember the (INAUDIBLE) [Gross actually said “liberté, égalité, fraternité”] and you know he’s moving in that direction. To the extent that he moves only gradually, I think that’s a positive. What France needs, what Euro land needs is growth. And to the extent that they can prevent a continuing recession, then the growth is going to be positive.

An “anti-austerity vote in France” Erin’s strike-man has conflated with a “pro-growth” agenda.

The Law is a pamphlet published in June, 1850, by Frédéric Bastiat, a great classical liberal “economist, statesman, and author.” Bastiat castigated his countrymen for becoming “the most governed, the most regulated, the most imposed upon, the most harnessed, and the most exploited people in Europe.”

In 1860, Bastiat saw France as a society that “receives its momentum from power”; a passive people who “consider themselves incapable of bettering their prosperity and happiness by their own intelligence and their own energy.”

“So long as they expect everything from the law,” he warned, “their relationship to the state [would be] the same as that of the sheep to the shepherd.”

Moreover, Bastiat, who had a mind like no other, did not share Mr. Gross’s fondness for French “fraternity.” “Enforced Fraternity Destroys Liberty,” he proclaimed.

“In fact, it is impossible for me,” wrote the great man, “to separate the word fraternity from the word voluntary. I cannot possibly understand how fraternity can be legally enforced without liberty being legally destroyed, and thus justice being legally trampled underfoot.”


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