Category Archives: Canada

UPDATED (1/31/022): Dispatch From Ottawa, Canada: ‘FUCK YOU, TRUDEAU’

Canada, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Multiculturalism, Race

An intrepid, freedom-loving friend traveled from Quebec to Ottawa, Saturday, for the Truckers rally on Parliament Hill. It was, “A wonderful afternoon on Parliament Hill. There were tens of thousands of people, all peaceful and ranging in age from 1 to 91. And trucks galore with blasting horns. It felt more like a Canada Day celebration, but with lots of ‘fuck Trudeau’ chants”

He writes:

Ottawa, January 29, 2022

In Trudeau’s words, the protesters were just a fringe minority. A couple of extremists.

Borrowing a line from the great Johnny Cash, I came, I saw, and behold, I did see extremists on that frigid day of January in Ottawa… tens of thousands of them! And trucks as far as you could see with horns blaring, sounding like the last stand at Helm Hammerhand. What I saw was a multitude of amazingly good people who are:

Extreme in their love of Canada and their fellow citizens.
Extreme in their appreciation and respect of the Canadian constitution and Charter of Rights.
– Extreme in the defence of freedom of speech.
Extreme in the belief that mafia-style threats and coercion by government is an unacceptable way to rule.
Extreme in their conviction that forcing people to get injected with an experimental mRNA drug might not be a good idea, especially for kids and young adults who are not significantly affected by covid SARs-2, and anyone else, for that matter.

So yep, these were extremists, but that kind of extremism gives me hope that we, the people of Canada, are indeed a resilient, united, and spiritually healthy society that will outlast the ruling elite and keep in check their penchant for subversive, corrosive ideologies.

UPDATE: Justine Trudeau is on the run, fleeing like a girl…

UPDATE (1/31/022): Tucker Carlson, who has exposed Justine Trudeau in all his phony, moral and mental flaccidity, nevertheless will still persist in pretending the Trucker rally ending in Ottawa, Canada, was purely class based. Race is another variable—a blind-spot papered-over by conservatives who just want to be nice.

So, this Hard Truther, yours truly, put the question to our friend and correspondent, who had sent us the above touching impressions and images from Ottawa:

Question: The rally looked pretty white. Was there a noticeable multicultural participation?
Reply: I also noticed the majority white presence at the protest. There were North American Indians beating drums and chanting, which was pretty cool. They hate Trudeau even as he bends backwards trying to absolve the white man’s past crimes.

Indeed. “Conservatism’s perennial piñata,” our Amerindians, whose influence over our politics is pitifully negligible, still drum for freedom, somehow maintaining their hatred of the oppressive federal authorities, stateside, too—despite the nonsense neoconservative deity Dinesh D’Souza (and other like him) spouts about them.

READ: Conservatism’s Perennial Piñata


UPDATED (8/8/021): ‘American Children Came Top At Thinking They Were Good At Math, But Bottom At Math’

America, Canada, Education, Kids, Pop-Culture, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

On average, Canadian schools, primary and secondary, are better than American schools. When we arrived in Canada from Cape Town, South Africa (in the good old days of high standards), my daughter had to be bumped up two years. Had we emigrated straight to the USA, it would have been three years, easily. A 12-year old South African would have been in class with 15 year-old Americans.

A US-based correspondent for The Economist confirms that, “After two years of school in England, our six-year-old was so far ahead of his American peers that he had to be bumped up a year, where he was also ahead.” And his child was in a “good” American school!

In fact, as our author notes, “At 15, children in Massachusetts, where education standards are higher than in most states, are so far behind their counterparts in Shanghai at math that it would take them more than two years of regular education to catch up.” UPDATE: (8/9/021): This last fact is enormously telling. Our best schools are un-competitive with the best in the world. 

He writes,

At the heart of the problem is an educational ethos that prizes building self-esteem over academic attainment. This is based on a theory that self-confidence leads to all manner of other virtues, including academic achievement, because children who feel good about themselves will love learning – right? Not entirely.

American children came top at thinking they were good at maths, but bottom at maths.

I covered the self-esteem cult for kids as far back as the year 2000, when I had reviewed the book of a brilliant Canadian professor by the name of Marilyn Bowman.

In a 1997 monograph, Bowman forewarned that, while “every kind of social problem is analyzed as the outgrowth of low self esteem,” and while “treatment programs to teach people how to love themselves are put forward as the means of raising self-esteem,” not only is “the relationship between emotion and well being not robust, causal or meaningful,” but, on the contrary, there is a dark side to self-esteem. “The prototype aggressor,” explains Bowman, “is a man whose self-appraisal is unrealistically positive.”

American kids have dangerously elevated self-esteems. Drumming up feel-good ignorance can be risky business.

Concludes the Economist in 2016:

American children came top at thinking they were good at maths, but bottom at maths. For Korean children, the inverse was true: they considered themselves poorer at maths than the children of any other country, but were the best. The OECD study, similarly, found that American children believe they are good at maths and, indeed, are adept at very simple sums; but give them something halfway tricky and they struggle.

This is perverse. The self-esteem movement is drenched in the language of mutual respect; yet encouraging in children an inflated idea of their accomplishments is not respectful at all. It is delusional.


New York Times:

On the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) two-thirds of American children were not proficient readers.

The most recent PISA test was given in 2018 to 600,000 15-year-olds in 79 education systems around the world, and included both public and private school students. In the United States, a demographically representative sample of 4,800 students from 215 schools took the test, which is given every three years.

Although math and science were also tested, about half of the questions were devoted to reading, the focus of the 2018 exam. Students were asked to determine when written evidence supported a particular claim and to distinguish between fact and opinion, among other tasks.

The top performers in reading were four provinces of China — Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Also outperforming the United States were Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, Estonia, Canada, Finland and Ireland. The United Kingdom, Japan and Australia performed similarly to the United States.

UPDATED (5/22/021): NEW COLUMN: The Moral Writer’s Commandment: Cite Your Sources! (And A Bit Of A Salve: The Beatles)

Argument, Canada, Conservatism, Ethics, Etiquette, Free Speech, Ilana Mercer, Journalism, Morality, Music, Paleoconservatism

My first submission ever to an American news magazine was as a Canadian, in the early 2000s. What was visited upon me, on that occasion, shook me to the core.

I had been published by the Canadian Financial Post, a national newspaper, on the topic of intellectual property rights. Oh, the luxury of intellectual pursuit for the sake of it; these days, survival as free individuals is the pressing topic of the day.

Naturally, I credited scholarship galvanized in the making of my argument. And so, mentioned were Sir Arnold Plant, Tom G. Palmer and Stephan Kinsella, with whom I later collaborated in an IP symposium for the now-defunct Insight magazine.

The IP column submitted to the American Magazine was fielded by a well-known editor, a gate-keeper, who, in the unethical American model was both editor, writer and syndicated columnist. Still is.

Unethical, why? Because division of labor in our profession prevents corrupting conflict of interest. The latter always and everywhere gives rise to unethical conduct, all the more so given the grubby, ego-driven nature of journalism and journalists in America. With a few admirable exceptions (Townhall, American Greatness, CNSNews), almost all conservative editors also colonize their own editorial pages with their own copy.

Such opportunistic misconduct is zero-sum. The bad pushes out the good. In direct conflict with their mission, editors have the greatest incentive to keep talent off the pages, in-case it usurps theirs—and worse.

This particular editor-cum-writer-cum-syndicated columnist replied to my submission in the negative: My  piece (similar in “shoddiness” to “How Things Would Work In A Copyright Free Universe“) was just too shallow for his magazine. In other words, “Be gone with you lesser Canadian woman.”

My piece, however, was not too shallow for—wait for this—the American Editor’s syndicated column, where my column’s ideas cameoed in the United States under the dishonest man’s byline. Oh, yes. American Editor had excised smarty pants woman, seized upon her argument and her scrupulous citations of American scholars—and got himself a neat little column for his dry-as-dust syndicated slot.

Perhaps one day I shall name him, although to what avail, I don’t know. While it repulses me and I will not countenance it or be victim of it—unethical conduct doesn’t repulse many conservatives in the least.

I continue to be appalled afresh along this long and winding road (to conjure the pathos of the Beatles), and as the unfortunate topic of this week’s column attests.

Here’s the take-away lesson (as the kids like to say): Ecumenical submission to heavily promoted second-handers is not in me. When these second-handers pick the brains of longtime, marginalized, prolific, independent dissidents sans acknowledgement—they will be called out.

The new column is on WND.COM and The Unz Review, the staunchest defenders of my speech.

A bit of purity and inspiration amid a lot of moral ugliness:

The Beatles – The Long And Winding Road from Lennon-McCartney on Vimeo.

UPDATE (5/22/021):

This from a new and devoted reader I “met” through Michelle Malkin’s “Sovereign Nation”. His language is so vivid and filled with passion about ethics and justice.

Friday, May 21, 2021 11:30 PM

Dear Friends,

The following LINKS are for an excellent essay by Misses Ilana Mercer on ideas and their, not only origin, but the acknowledgement of credit where credit is due. And this is not a case of shallow egocentricity, of a blowing of one’s own horn, and at that, out of tune. It is something I imagine a number of you have come across; that which concerns one of the most vile forms of censorship. The DISPLACEMENT of a human being, by the dishonest pseudo-intellectual weakling, who subsequently RANSACKS his victim’s artistic-intellectual-scientific creation rendering it his own. The vomitory irony is that this dishonest action of cerebral faggotry is carried out by either one who has the power to bludgeon many a time the true creator into a living oblivion or is aided and abetted by those who’ve not any concern for the truth. Have no sympathy, their hearts are as cold as ice, and know not a beat of life. I am not preaching: they’re one degree of an evil hierarchy. Be forever courageous and take the ax of a woodman to this disease ridden tree.

What Misses Ilana Mercer has written is of a most profound importance, and always has been, with broad-spread consequences not just culturally, as in artistic production, but in all the dimensions of our lives, including the financial. I ask you all to think about this; truly contemplate it. Exactness and precision is called for to-day! or: Read and pass on.

Watch Your Backs, Whites. Black ‘Author’ Has a Zyklon B Moment

Affirmative Action, Canada, Crime, Critical Race Theory, English, Literature, Race, Racism, War

All Critical Race Theory, and our American politics in general, is is pure, unadulterated, systemic, institutionalized, ethnocidal hatred of whites. CRT is neither Marxism nor identity politics! This is what I told the great, gracious Michelle Malkin, briefly, on NewsMax TV.

Here’s but one exhibit of what I mean:

Clearly worse than mediocre, but thriving on a lucrative book deal, Ben Phillipe is high on his own righteous, murderous wrath. He dubs as “fun facts” a behind-the-scene look at his fantasies of gassing whites in an hermetically sealed room (no, he didn’t use that adjective).

Incidentally, because of this kind of bad, affirmative-action driven type of prose, I quit my guilty pleasure—a subscription to the Times Literary Supplement, once the best literary review magazine.

(A “detonator” that blinks? Exits that are “blocked” is better than ones that are locked. This awful writer has an awful editor. Do they realize they live off their piss-poor prose because of their so-called pigment burden?)

Postscript: CBC removed the interview. But not after their Jewish interviewer—and enabler of evil—commiserated with Phillipe for having been driven to such desperation.

Fucking dumb bitch.

*Zyklon B