Category Archives: Constitution

NEW COLUMN, UPDATED (2/5/023): GOP Swallows Classified-Doc Bait, Shirks Constitutional Obligations

Argument, Constitution, COVID-19, Free Speech, Political Philosophy, Race, Republicans

The US military’s triumph over a Chinese weather balloon belongs in this latest column. Alas, it was written before The Great Event.

The reader should just substitute Classified-Documents distraction with Chinese-Spy-Balloon?distraction.

Boobus Americanus cannot be helped, he will be puffed up with the rah-rah of phony patriotism, or hot air.

Patriotism is rounding-up and repatriating all 4-5 million of Biden’s criminal aliens.

AND, patriotism is all the things specified in “GOP Swallows Classified-Doc Bait, Shirks Constitutional Obligations,” now available on

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NEW COLUMN is “GOP Swallows Classified-Doc Bait, Shirks Constitutional Obligations.” It’s on WND.COM, The New American, and The Unz Review.

To be on shortly.


…”The overtone window alludes to a range of ideas once considered unthinkable, but now normalized.

With their flaccid, crushingly stupid responses to most situations, for example the self-induced ‘crisis’ on the south-western border—Republicans have normalized an open border, through which millions of impoverished people may flow, are flowing.

The range of responses issuing from GOP representatives consists in nauseating treacle about a ‘humanitarian disaster,’ a ‘crisis,’ and mumbo-jumbo about cartels-in-control: Blame the cartels for the choice made by American leaderships to shirk their constitutional duty to uphold the country’s territorial integrity. …

… the Mexican crime cartels are merely filling a power vacuum willfully created by American elected traitors. The last are guilty as sin for centrally orchestrating the invasion of their country and outlawing any effective defensive counter-action. The first are not to blame.

Criminals do what law-makers allow them to do.  …

… THE REST: “GOP Swallows Classified-Doc Bait, Shirks Constitutional Obligations” is on WND.COM, The New American, and The Unz Review.

Column will be on shortly.

NEW COLUMN: The Hell With Hunter; Call Joe In For Hearings On Treason, Cancel The Neocons While You’re At It

Conservatism, Constitution, Critique, Democracy, Elections, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Government, IMMIGRATION, Neoconservatism, Republicans, War

NEW COLUMN is “The Hell With Hunter; Call Joe In For Hearings On Treason, Cancel The Neocons While You’re At It.” It is featured on The Unz Review, WND and The New American on Friday.

The Republicans are investigating the Hunter “Baaaden” affair, to imitate the repetitive intonations emitted by Fox News’ Australian journalist, about the ‘Baaaden’ laptop.

Deplorables, don’t be misled into this dummies-and-ditto-heads dead-end. This is vintage lightweight, GOP tit-for-tat distraction, on par with the Democrats’ ongoing January 6 production.

The Hunter Biden preoccupation amounts to, “They (Democrats) do January 6; we (Republicans) hack away at—or hit back with—Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell.”

The outcome: The Democrats get what they want: détente. They neuter Deplorables, sending us down a political rabbit hole.

We gain nothing from such a foray. It’s zero-sum for Deplorables.

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, whom I respect, disagrees. Turley, understand, operates within the philosophical parameters of the state. By and large, he believes in the extant integrity of American institutions, even confident that one party is more righteous than the other. When out-of-sync, the good party led by the right people, or so the good professor imagines, is sure to right wrongs through a congressional committee.

Wrong. Not for nothing do we call it the Permanent State, fronted as it is by evil and stupid-party operatives.

Correctly so, the matter of the FBI’s endemic corruption and bias has been settled both in the minds of deplorables and by the objective facts. (FBI Director James Comey anyone? Director Christopher Wray?)

If the GOP were seriously working for Deplorables, and not engaged in tit-for-tat political gotcha—they’d pursue First Principles driven congressional oversight.

Duly, Biden would be summonsed for a hearing charging that by intentionally, and as a matter of policy, leaving the Southern border wide-open and unguarded—in effect inviting the world to invade our country—the president is willfully flouting his constitutional obligation to protect Americans from foreign invaders, and is thus committing treason.

The obligation of a Republican congressional majority is to pursue oversight by investigating and prosecuting a flagrant violation by the president of his constitutional obligation to defend the United States and its people from foreign invasions.

That the incoming Republican congressional majority is already falling flat, opting for showy politicking, instead of a solemn focus on Biden’s treason against his people, is all the more jarring given the GOP’s abject failure to deliver as promised in the 2022 midterms.

Other predictably ominous signs were on display at a recent Republican Jewish Coalition conference, where some Republicans who ought to disappear reappeared …

… THE REST. “The Hell With Hunter; Call Joe In For Hearings On Treason, Cancel The Neocons While You’re At It” is featured on The Unz Review, WND and The New American on Friday.

UPDATED (11/22/022): Tit-For-Tat Politicking By The Republicans, Instead Of Solemn Focus On Biden’s Treason

Conservatism, Constitution, Democrats, Government, IMMIGRATION, Political Philosophy, Republicans, The State

Biden is willfully flouting his constitutional obligation to protect Americans from an invasion, and is thus committing treason

THE IDIOT Republicans are investigating the Hunter “Baaaden” affair, to imitate the repetitive intonations emitted by Fox News’ Australian journalist, about the ‘Baaaden’ laptop.

Don’t be misled into this dummies-and-ditto-heads dead-end, folks. This is vintage lightweight, GOP tit-for-tat distraction.

The Hunter Baaden preoccupation amounts to, “They (Democrats) do January 6; we (Republicans) hack away at—or hit back with—Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell.”

YOU (Deplorables) gain nothing from such a foray.

It’s zero-sum for us the people.

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, whom I respect, disagrees. However, Turley operates within the philosophical parameters of the state. By and large, professor Turley believes in the integrity of American institutions, and is confident that one party is probably more righteous than the other. When out-of-sync, the good professor is sure that a congressional committee, led by the right people, can right matters.

Wrong. Not for nothing do we call IT the Deep State.

The matter of the FBI’s corruption and bias has been settled both in the minds of deplorables and by the objective facts (FBI director James Comey anyone?). Correctly so.

If The GOP were seriously working for We The Deplorable People, they’d pursue First Principles driven congressional oversight.  They’d duly summons Biden for a hearing charging that by intentionally leaving the Southern border wide-open and unguarded—in effect inviting the world to invade our country—Biden is willfully flouting his constitutional obligation to protect Americans from such depredations, and is thus committing treason.

The obligation of a Republican congressional majority is to pursue oversight by investigating and prosecuting a flagrant violation by the president of his constitutional obligation to defend the USA and its people from invasions.

OH, AND INVESTIGATING THE ORIGINS OF THE COVID VIRUS is the worst distraction. Don’t start me on the American COVID criminal class: Media, medical, corporate, state. What dangerous, deranged, demented, criminally negligent cretins, who never pay for their crimes.

With few exceptions such as Governors Ron DeSantis (Florida) and Kristi Noem (South Dakota), Republican politicians failed to uphold the natural rights of their constituents during the COVID onslaught.

Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock,” written on October 28, 2021, the Republican case against the sundering of constitutional and natural rights was summed up in all its cavernous emptiness

“Republicans prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!) from the Covid jab—but they have not the faintest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership.”

Any investigation that strays from such fundamentals is the GOP pulling one over Deplorables.

That the GOP is already falling flat on this front is all the more jarring given Republicans’ abject failure to deliver as promised in the midterms.

* Credit for Image screen pic

US Extends Vaccine Passport Requirement To Enter Country, As The World Drops Requirement

Canada, Constitution, COVID-19, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Democrats, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Israel, Law, Propaganda, Regulation, Republicans, The State

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well as valid, reliably low IQ and literacy scores—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered

…Nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of their constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work

Unvaccinated non-citizens are still barred from entering the Evil Empire’s territory, despite the fact that it has been widely accepted by the criminally negligent Covid cartel that the vaccines—issued under and Emergency Use Authorizations, absent longitudinal clinical studies and while exempting vaccine makers from product liability—are ineffectual and might be dangerous.

As of November 2022,

eligible international visitors must [still] have a current Covid-19 vaccination to enter the country.

As of Thursday, April 21, 2022, DHS will extend COVID-19-related land border entry requirements. Non-U.S. travelers seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination upon request.

Defund and abolish TSA and DHS (established by Genghis Bush Republicans, if memory serves).

The human detritus known as the US president had, originally, On October 25, 2021, … issued a Proclamation requiring that non-U.S. citizen show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before traveling by air to the United States from a foreign country.

The famed CDC—so institutionally rotten that it now is regularly usurped by Israeli research— (“Israeli study: Natural immunity gives better protection than COVID shot” 8/2021) has extended that restriction to 2023.

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well low scores on IQ and literacy tests—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered.

The Evil Empire is among the last countries to persist in extending the Covid tyranny. And don’t be fooled by Republican campaign foreplay. They looked the other way during the commission of Covid-related constitutional infractions and they continue to do nothing.

I’ve come to believe that our US elected representatives think their role is to tweet their outrage (we’ve got that covered, @laurenboebert). Or, rant flamboyantly on the Tucker Carlson show.

Notice that no TV bobble-head EVER asks these people, “What are you doing about said urgent matter? Tell us how you mean to work for the people to repeal Covid tyranny,” for instance.

Why? Because nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of the constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work.

I suspect that the intellectual quality of our representatives and the voters has so degraded—that both voters and candidates know not the channels and ropes through which to act on our behalf. The American federal scheme is no longer straightforward.

Note how Boeberts speaks like an outsider to power, like one of us, when she is an insider. A tweet by an elected representative like herself should go something as follows:

“X is an outrage, in violation of … and flouting all the scientific evidence. I intend to call on … and make sure the Republican caucus does … ”

But no. Colorado Representative Boebert, and many of her colleagues, conducts herself as though she’s just a girl tweeting out to her followers on twatter.  American democracy is an idiocracy.


*Image screen shot credit