Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

UPDATED: Solyndra Scandal

Barack Obama, Business, China, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Economy, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Ethics

“This new factory [Solyndra] is a result of the Recovery Act, a result of those loans,” puled Barack Obama back in 2009. “The company received the loan and expanded their operations,” the man continues with arrogant certitude. The president really doesn’t understand how a viable market functions. The fact that Solyndra was awarded $527 million from the taxpayers (at $479,000 per temporary job created), and was seen to be doing spiffy stuff with the funds—this, thinks Obama, is sufficient to secure a profitable market for the product.

Chris Horner, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism (Regnery, 2007), has the goods on the racket Obama is running for green energy’s special pleaders. Obama has created a bubble worth $80 billion dollars, stolen from productive workers and funneled into these unsustainable, gangrene “revenue streams”

The waste. The theft. The thug from Chicago.

UPDATE (Sept. 15): “At least four other companies have received stimulus funding only to later file for bankruptcy, and two of those were working on alternative energy,” reports Fox News. The companies implicate China in their uncompetitiveness. Prediction: American rent seeking will morph into a political opportunity for Donald-Trump like, bellicose synophobia. The perfect distraction.

UPDATE II: ‘The Myth That Democracy = Freedom’ (Man Up As I Have!)

Constitution, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Ilana Mercer, libertarianism, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Written by Professor Tom DiLorenzo, author of The Real Lincoln, on the hugely popular, iconic, website of, there is a wonderful review of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.

“One thing that Into the Cannibal’s Pot demonstrates is that democracy alone is not at all desirable if it is not attached to a culture that highly values the protection of life, liberty and property. The new rulers of South Africa do not. South Africa competes with Iraq and Colombia for the title of ‘the most violent’ country of the world. The homicide rate in South Africa today is twenty times what it is in the U.S., as Mercer documents. A rape occurs every twenty-six seconds. The annual murder rate in South Africa has increased three-and-a-half fold since the ending of the reprehensible apartheid regime. There are more than 52,000 rapes/year in South Africa today, ten percent of which victimize infants because of the bizarre superstition that is widely believed there that sex with a virgin is a cure for AIDS…”


A question that a reader had posed concerned secession. The reader took secession in the South African context (my book cites a classic book by that title published by the Mises Institute, and edited by David Gordon) to include only the Afrikaners. Of course, secessionists may include all people who are deemed desirable, no matter their color, religion or creed.

As I said on a radio show the other day, a secessionist state could incorporate any individual approved by by private property owners—blacks, whites, colored, Indians, pygmies, farmers, accountants, whomever—anyone with the skills and disposition property owners and their proxies saw fit to include in the arrangement. But a seceding state would defend itself vigorously against bad elements. I also wrote that it was not for me, an expat, to give territorial content to that state.

In addition, I made the point in the book that the much-revered South African Constitution is a horrible document; it has a section devoted to the “Limitation of Rights.” That section provides philosophical imprimatur to the destruction of property currently under way. I also make it clear that, whereby our overlords who art in DC flout the will of our Founding Fathers and our constitution—South Africa’s ruling, dominant-party-in-perpetuity is faithful, in a sort of sick way, to that country’s foul constitution and to the will of the majority.

UPDATE I (July 22): Westie: Would you put this exact comment you wrote hereunder on Amazon, please? The best way to raise awareness of the issues and the book’s angle is via Amazon. I appreciate and reply to every comment I get (a LOT!). But readers here already know the power of this pen. Let others know via Amazon.


Cuan: As one of the few privileged individuals who’ve received a book for the purpose of writing multiple reviews—in the plural—is there any chance that you might actually finally share these insights where they will make a difference, on Amazon!!!??? That was an expectation that came with a review copy from a cash-strapped operation such is mine. It is the least a reviewer can do: simply copy and paste to Amazon these insights you keep posting on BAB (and others send to my email). On this forum, we understand what you and others keep repeating. What good does it do to speak in an echo chamber; to preach to the converted? What will it take to get you and the rest to do the right thing by this book and its mission?

This woman has manned-up. A few good men have. But where are the rest, especially the South Africans, who are best able to affirms their experience as captured in this book, at great cost (professional and other) to its author?

American Veteran-Hero Jailed

Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Law, Private Property, Racism, Regulation, South-Africa

The following is from “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM:

“As I document in my new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, ‘South Africa’s ruling dominant party disregards the importance of private property and public order and the remedial value of punitive justice. Consequently, innocent victims of crime often defend themselves in their own homes and businesses on pain of imprisonment.’

But are the impediments to the defense of life and property enacted by South Africa’s dominant-party-in-perpetuity so different from the decisions issuing from American courts?

A world away from South Africa, Dr. Jerome Ersland was recently condemned to life in prison for defending his property and his employers from a gang of armed robbers.

As reports,

“Ersland, 59, had been hailed as a hero for protecting two co-workers during the May 19, 2009, robbery attempt at the Reliable Discount Pharmacy in south Oklahoma City. Dramatic surveillance video of the attempted burglary shows 16 year-old Antwun Parker and an accomplice running into the pharmacy in the crime-ridden neighborhood and pointing a gun directly at Ersland. The video then shows Ersland, a former Air Force lieutenant colonel, firing a pistol at the two men, hitting Parker with one shot that knocked him to the ground. After chasing Parker’s accomplice out of the store, Ersland retrieved a second gun and returned to shoot Parker five more times, 46 seconds after firing the first shot.”

Ersland was accused of hastening the descent into hell of “Parker” with excess zeal.” …

The complete column is “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM

My new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon.

Please note that you can purchase the lower-cost Kindle copy of “The Cannibal” without having to own a Kindle – all you need is a PC or a hand-held device (iPad or phone). This hyperlink describes the free Amazon software application for these devices. So you do not require a new gadget to read the book on Kindle.

The print copy is available from the Publisher too. Hurry: Publisher is currently offering free shipping, including to our readers in South Africa. To purchase, click on the “Buy From StairwayPress” Button.

A good way to help this work’s mission is to post your reviews to Amazon. Us talking among ourselves will do nothing to raise awareness of the issues covered in depth and in detail in the book. And you don’t have to have purchased the book from Amazon to review it on the site.

Man up!

Make a note of upcoming Mercer media appearances here.

Positive-Law Arguments For The Anthony Outcome

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, libertarianism, Natural Law

Of course, “Caylee’s Law,” Radley Balko points out, is a horrible idea. Stupid too. However, to neglect real evidence because one is against the death penalty is as horrible and stupid, if not more so. These are separate issues.

Alan Dershowitz has been arguing that the Casey Anthony verdict is an embodiment of “our legal system.” In making this case, Dershowitz alludes, curiously, to the positive law, not to any natural-law aspect of the American legal system, or to this woman’s prosecution.

To support his view of the impetus of America’s legal system, Dershowitz (on Huckabee), for example, touted the Exclusionary Rule as exemplifying his view of the impetus of America’s legal system. (I say “curiously,” because libertarians seem not to be distinguishing positive- from negative-law arguments in support of the jury’s innocent ruling.)

The Exclusionary Rule is a technicality tarted up as a real right. Hardly libertarian—at least not if one is a proponent of the natural law.

In the same vein, a procedural violation of the Fourth Amendment, say, an improper search, can get evidence of guilt—-a bloodied knife or a smoking gun—-barred from being presented at trial. Fail to Mirandize a murderer properly, and his confession will be tossed out. Such procedural defaults are very often used to suppress immutable physical facts, thus serving to subvert the spirit of the law and natural justice.

More minted “rights” are “consular rights.” A procedural default such as the failure to apprise a defendant of his consular contacts is never a violation of a natural right. “Consular rights” are of a piece with Miranda rights and the Exclusionary Rule. Again, these are technicalities tarted up as real rights.

Might these gaps of understanding between libertarians touch on the distinction, in our multi-factioned movement, between the hardcore, life-liberty-property classical liberal, and civil libertarianism and “libertarianism lite”?

Dershowitz is a civil libertarian who once conflated the natural law with the law of the jungle.