Category Archives: Cultural Marxism

NEW COLUMN: CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism

China, Communism, Cultural Marxism, Culture, History, Multiculturalism, Nationalism

NEW COLUMN is “CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism.” It’s currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and


… Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that China is returning to communism is shallow, even stupid, given the concerted quest among Chinese to reverse the communist Cultural Revolution and reclaim Confucianism, which is antithetical to communism.


While America crumbles into a deadening, brutal wokeness; China, interestingly, seeks spiritual sustenance in its ancient, grand tradition of Confucianism.

Native to China, Confucianism was decimated by socialism, which—Mr. Zakaria may have forgotten—came out of the West. Unlike our own Traitor Class, China’s leaders know what succors the soul, and they want to infuse the nation with that home-grown cultural sustenance.

The Chinese are not a multicultural pottage; they are a real nation that shares a rich and ancient culture. The beauty of a shared, admired heritage is that the country can reclaim it as it works to reverse the foreign cultural revolution, which forbade Confucianism. And indeed, “Chinese parents are keen on a more Confucian education,” confirms The Economist.

Core curriculum and Western classical texts have been all but purged from American schools. In China, the number of “classical texts to be taught in schools has increased from 14 to 72.” From here on, China’s kids will be “learning classical Chinese thought, texts and morals, especially those associated with Confucius.”

So, which is the more exulted and elevated quest, Confucianism or charter schools?

As you see, Zakaria’s rah-rah America uber ales hysteria, mirrored in conservative narrative about China, is worse than incomplete; it’s half-assed. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and

* Image courtesy Unz Review

The Democrats’ Worldview Distilled

COVID-19, Cultural Marxism, Democrats, English, Free Speech, IMMIGRATION, Race, Racism, Socialism

As I noted on August 8, 2019, during the Democratic debates, the worldview of the Democrats curdled into ruthlessly radical formulations, which they did not hide:

“End Anglo-America. Welcome The World. Evict the unborn and the native born. English is your second language.”

“Race—more accurately, anti-white politics—is [to be ] the Democrats’ central cri de coeur. They have no other passion other than hounding and excommunicating others for what are thought crimes—for thinking, speaking or tweeting in politically unpleasing ways.”

Drain and dry the Rio Grande! Level the land to ease the passage of Central America into North America. Let them come in their millions, no, in their billions. Decriminalize crossings. Disband ICE. Deify DACA. Deny no asylum claim. Table a marshal plan for Central America. Immigrants are America. In fact, immigrants are Americans, only better and more inspiring. All Democrats want more refugees.

Democrat women—many of them having since assumed their place as overlords in the Covid Cartel—alternate between the roles of shrew, scold and bully (of whites, in particular).

They all adhere to a “pathological, self-immolating progressivism … and an unspoken pack hierarchy is apparent among them, that pecking order being racial. The culturally more exotic are the undeclared top dogs. The commonplace, palefaced are the political underdogs, with little street cred.

In “Dem’s Dystopia: End Anglo-America, Welcome the World, Evict the Unborn.”

UPDATE II (11/30/021): ‘American Foreign Policy Advances the Globalist Revolution’

America, Boyd Cathey, Cultural Marxism, Foreign Policy, Ilana Mercer, libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, South-Africa

Boyd D. Cathey at about my column at, “Americans Should Recall How Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa“: 

“… One writer who is also a dear friend is Ilana Mercer. Ilana writes a regular column that is printed in various venues. A former citizen of South Africa, she has seen quite personally how the ravages of Marxist and Communist revolution can destroy a civilized country and its social structures. And she has recounted that experience—and warning to the West—in detail in her necessary volume, Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa. It’s a book that more Americans should know and pay heed to, for there are certain parallels with the insane post- or neo-Marxist ‘woke’ anti-racist and anti-white revolution now occurring almost unopposed here in the United States. Indeed, what is now happening here makes the revolution in and transformation of South Africa seem mild in comparison. 

In a recent column, Mercer offers a broad survey which examines the tragically obtuse and wrongheaded policies of the United States around the globe: for decades, whether under Democratic or Republican presidents—it seems to make little difference—American policy has been to impose on other countries by whatever method was convenient or available an egalitarian leftist-liberal ‘democratism,’ a uniform global model as part of a universal zeal to remake the world. Older traditions, inherited religious belief, valued customs, and forms of government and statecraft which do not hew the ‘democratic’ line and do not celebrate “equality” (as our government apparatchiks define it successively to suit their globalism) become pariah states. And soon, with the influence of US government-supported and financed NGOs (non-government organizations), ‘opposition’ groups pop up in those non-juring countries. With American funding and the enthusiastic participation of almost the entirety of the US media, including most so-called ‘conservative media’ (e.g. Fox News, National Review, The Wall Street Journal, etc.), new paper ‘heroes of democracy’ are created and showcased. …”

MORE: “American Foreign Policy Advances the Globalist Revolution.

UPDATE I (4/6/021): Nothing escapes my loyal, and oh-so smart readers. Musil Protege writes quite frankly:

“That’s pretty good. Dr Cathey promoting you on the website that should’ve been carrying you all along.”

UPDATE II (11/30/021):
I said once or twice or thrice to paleos who have consistently submerged my work, pretended it does not exist; and wished me weakly away: Good or bad, your duty is to reflect reality among our ranks . To the extent you cover your faces and wish scary lady ilana mercer away—that she and her wonder-words would vanish—to the extent you’re reality testing has failed. Miserably. A recent eruption from an enforcer of the pack-animal camp reminded me of Musil Protege’s feisty words.

UPDATED (3/27): NEW COLUMN: America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!

Cultural Marxism, Foreign Policy, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN is “America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!” It is currently on WND.COM, the Unz Review, CNSNews, “Americans Should Recall How Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa.

And, newly on the great


Certain national-conservative governments in East Europe should be natural allies to conservative policy makers, stateside, if such unicorns existed.

Vladimir Putin’s, for example.

Before his death, from the safety of exile, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of Russia’s bravest and most brilliant sons, praised Putin’s efforts to revive Russia’s traditional Christian and moral heritage. For example:

In October 2010, it was announced that The Gulag Archipelago would become required reading for all Russian high-school students. In a meeting with Solzhenitsyn’s widow, Mr. Putin described The Gulag Archipelago as ‘essential reading’: ‘Without the knowledge of that book, we would lack a full understanding of our country and it would be difficult for us to think about the future.’ …
If [only] the same could be said of the high schools of the United States. (Via The Imaginative Conservative.)

The Russian president patiently tolerates America’s demented, anti-Russia monomania. And, as America sinks into the quicksands of Cultural Marxism, Putin’s inclinations are decidedly reactionary and traditionalist.

He prohibited sexual evangelizing by LGBTQ activists. He comes down squarely on the side of the Russian Orthodox church, such as when vandals, the Pussy Riot whores, obscenely desecrated the cathedral of Christ the Savior. The Russian leader has also welcomed as refugees persecuted white South Africans, where America’s successive governments won’t even officially acknowledge that they’re under threat of extermination. Also, policies to stimulate Russian birthrates have been put in place by the conservative leader.

Hungary is oh-so happy in its homogeneity and wants to keep it. But not if Washington can help it. Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s motto is, “Procreation, not immigration.” Orban plumps for closed borders, and pro-Western, Christian, Hungarian-families-first policies. Yet his ongoing campaign against George Soros, an agitator for global government, was met by Donald Trump’s State Department with a stern rebuke to … Hungary claiming that its anti-Soros law will cost the country dearly.

Americans on the Right could only dream that, like Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic—the US would “shut its border to Islamic migrants to keep potential terrorists out.”

America: A Notion, Not A Nation

Perplexing as it may seem, American foreign policy has been informed less by what Samuel P. Huntington termed civilizational consciousness, than by the idea of the propositional nation. America, to her governing neoconservative and left-liberal elites, is not a nation but a notion, a community of disparate peoples coalescing around an abstract, highly manipulable, state-sanctioned ideology. Democracy, for one.

Yet to Russell Kirk, the father of American conservatism, and an old-school conservative—as well as, arguably, to the founders of the nation themselves—society was a community of souls, joining the dead, the living, and those yet unborn. It cohered through what Aristotle called friendship and what Christians call love of neighbor, facilitated by a shared language, literature, history, habits and heroes.

These factors, taken together, constitute the glue that binds the nation.

By contrast, the rather flimsy whimsy that is the American “creedal nation” is, ostensibly, united in “a common commitment to a set of ideas and ideals.” If anything, when expressed by the historical majority, the natural affinity for one’s tribe—a connection to kith, kin and culture—is deemed inauthentic, xenophobic, and racist, unless asserted by non-Occidentals.

… READ ON … NEW COLUMN is “America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!” It is currently on WND.COM, the Unz Review, CNSNews, “Americans Should Recall How Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa.

And, newly on the great

UPDATED (3/27): People are getting it. Conservative press is doing wonders in radically questioning past dogma.

Readers at


Thanks for this profound column which pushed me to ponder America’s image abroad, as well as our own obvious moral decline. I have shared it with an Afrikaner relation & I await his views.

A very intelligent piece. Thank you.