Category Archives: Culture

Bearded Trans Men Chest-Feeding: Paternal Or Sexual?

Culture, Ethics, Etiquette, Gender, Hebrew Testament, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Propaganda, Sex

THE COLUMN, “Autoeroticism With An Infant Sanctioned By Society Of Deviants,” appeared on WND.COM this week. In it a question is posed:

Bearded trans men chest-feeding: Is that paternal or sexual behavior?

And, it is answered, alas. Is it not time to quit sanctioning, even celebrating, onanism with an innocent infant? (My publishers reject the biblical term “onanism.” I think it is perfect to the task. Why are conservatives so squeamish about truth? The Hebrew Bible wasn’t.)


… While breastfeeding is a much better formula for mother-child bonding than baby formula—gender-appropriators forget that baby nurses to survive, sate hunger and grow.

Thus, a member of the sexually exotic community who claims no longer to be woman cannot sustain an infant through breastfeeding because “he” doesn’t produce breast milk, having had the mammary glands removed. What then is the purpose of such showy displays of “chest-feeding”?

If it is not for the purpose of sustenance, then unsuccessful breastfeeding by a transgendered individual becomes merely an experience, even a production, in furtherance of that individual’s ego-bound gender- and sexual fulfillment. …”


Wishing my Jewish readers well over the Yom Kippur fast.


*Screen-picture capture courtesy of the Guardian

NEW COLUMN: On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate

America, Culture, Gender, Intelligence, Science, Sex, Sport

This beer baboonery is not Dylan Mulvaney’s doing; it’s not the fault of this poor waif; this sad, pathetic chimera of a creature ~ilana

Anheuser-Busch’s purpose is, very plainly, to unseat and insult the American moral majority ~ilana

NEW COLUMN IS “On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate“. It is featured on The Unz Review and The New American.

Now on

… A skinny transsexual called Jacqueline Jane waxes fat on TikTok about her designer vagina. Designer anything, she contends, is always better than the humdrum, off-the-rack item. Therefore, her new “coochie,” JJ’s term, is an improved version of an ordinary woman’s lady parts.

It is here that one needs a cultural companion guide to JJ’s unthinking “case” for the superiority of her newly fashioned snatch over that of a natural woman.

That America is “experiencing” historically unmatched levels of stupidity should not come as news. Risen to prominence around us is a sub-intelligent underclass of people, sexually straight and bent, whose behavior is grotesque. It is more patent in the female of the species, or in caricatures of it.

We don’t need to be told of the stupidity that saturates our surrounds and floods our senses. Nevertheless, America’s teens, we’re informed “are dumber than they’ve been in 100 years.”  “[T]he May-June 2023 issue of Intelligence,” reports Robert Spencer, “finds that young people are experiencing the most significant decline in intellectual abilities: ‘the greatest differences in annual scores were observed for 18- to 22-year-olds.’” Yet another “study by researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine reveals a significant decline in American IQ scores over the past couple of decades.”

And indispensable adjunct of American-style systemic stupidity is PRIDE; we’re loud-and-proud about being handsomely equipped to fail. At least the discredited, unthinking, clownish “scientific community” is not worried about a statistically significant drop in aggregate American intelligence. …

… READ THE REST, now on

* Image credit as screen picture & Dylan Mulvaney’s facial feminization




Harry Crews’ ‘Wildly Precise And Violent’ Excellence

Culture, English, Literature, Pop-Culture, Relatives, The South

What any good reader and writer will notice first about Harry Crews is his style, his English. Not a bit of the Yankee taint to it—that hackneyed idiom that predominates in our country ~ilana

Having stumbled on Harry Crews’ books recently, I think of him as perhaps our greatest novelist, story-teller, and stylist, who writes exquisite English; a disturbing genius, but that is what good literature does. It disturbs, rivets,  inspires, wows, and above all, it avoids the cardinal sin of boring.

Good writing is, moreover, wicked hard. Yes, the gifted few are born with The Gift. But the truths that jump out at me from this interview are these:

Gift or not, you have nothing unless you hone it, practice, know how bad you are and watch the best like a hawk. A really good writer knows exactly what is remarkable.

The other thing Crews, an ungainly man, says which is immutable truth is that the champion is in competition with the self. I can’t count the times a pompous older (always white) male wrote to put the Little Woman down for her English (“$5 dollar words”) something that, I venture, would never have been suggested to a male writer. My reply, of course, was:

“First, fuck off. Next, just to be safe, stay away from the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, too.”

I can recommend “A Childhood: A Biography of a Place” (1978) and “The Gospel Singer.”

Just the title of the first!!!! Obviously: There is no home without a place, without kin. That’s Harry Crews. Straight to the truth.

What any good reader and writer will notice first about Crews is his style, his English. It’s what struck me. Not a bit of the Yankee taint to it—that hackneyed vernacular and idiom that predominate in the country. Nothing but exquisite English, idiosyncratically used.

Tennessee writer Kevin Wilson, professor at Sewanee, wrote the introduction for “The Gospel Singer.” He has similarly observed the following about Harry Crews’ style:

The novel is “horrific,” … — and yet “the sentences at times are just unbelievably beautiful.” Building on this contrast, Wilson debunks any rumor of sentimentality in the work: “Crews doesn’t have nuance regarding race or gender or religion or really anything, but the one place he is nuanced is his language.” By being “wildly precise and violent…”

The best of fiction is similarly unencumbered and thus endowed. “Wildly precise and violent” with one’s language is the way to be. If you can.

UPDATED: NEW COLUMN: Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna

Aesthetics, Art, Conservatism, COVID-19, Critique, Culture, Music, Pop-Culture, Sex, The Zeitgeist

NEW COLUMN IS “Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna.” It was a feature on WND, The New American, Unz Review and

Now easily accessed and read on


…  THE ONLY SUBSTANTIVE CONSERVATIVE CASE to make over the Grammys is that it signifies the complete loss of immutable artistic standards. For while artistic taste is subjective and personal; artistic standards are everywhere and always objective.

Nobody looking at, and listening to, the 2023 Grammys should dare talk about beauty—of melody or movement—harmony (as in consonance and counterpoint), chord progression, and a facility with musical instruments, for these were nowhere apparent. Better melodic progression is to be found in “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and “Three Blind Mice.”

Nobody watching these erogenous-zone centered extravaganzas, for which the celebrity Idiocracy clapped like clapped-out whores, should dare conclude anything but this:

The Grammys were about the end of art—about the loss of all meritocratic, objective standards in art.

THE TRUE MEANING OF THE WEST is not to be found in the staged acts of ugly exhibitionists and filthy pornographers who bedeck our cultural and sporting events, the likes of loud, lousy Lizzo, a mountain of meritless flesh, and the Sam Smith Sicko—demented degenerates who are all engaged in publicly tolerated indecent exposure and tuneless yelping, that not even the Auto-tune magic software, the “holy grail of recording” technology, can correct.

THE MEANING OF THE WEST is not in this ghastly culture, in which our kids, liberal and conservative, are allowed to wallow, or in our ugly, grubby, tit-for-tat politics.

IT’S NOT in the Woke, postmodern perverts degrading the language, literature, music, art and sciences.

IT’S NOWHERE IN THE COVID CARTEL and its army of goons, medical and bureaucratic, devoid of intelligence and bereft of proficiency in anything but the use of force.

The aforementioned are imposters, interlopers; frauds, freaks and fetishists.

Beethoven is The West. It’s men like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Brahms, Bruckner, Debussy, César Franck, Dvorák, Tchaikovsky (a Russian homosexual, whose manly music could never be queered), Elgar, Fauré and more—they embody The West. They and the many young performers furthering their work, the work of the Lord, are examples of the best of the West. …

…READ THE REST. “Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna” was a feature on WND, The New American, Unz Review and

It’s now here, on