Category Archives: Democracy

The Des Moines Desperado


The Des Moines Register has bedecked the frontage of its online version with the advertised achievements of America’s sitting desperado in chief. Juxtaposed with Ron Paul’s “entrance poll” numbers on the same page, Obama’s “accomplishments,” which amount to increasing the national debt by many trillions of depreciated dollars, are a rude wake-up call for America. Could the silent majority in this great country of ours be awakening to the lies of mainstream media and their promiscuous spender? Just the thought brings tears to this cynic’s eyes. (Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews are visibly panicked. This too bodes well for our side.)

UPDATED: RIP GOP & Party of Liberty


Smug, self-satisfied left-libertarians like to dream that their constituency is differently derived, but the demographic facts are straightforward. As the GOP goes, so goes the libertarian movement. We know this, but reminders are necessary: The upshot of continued, unfettered, mass immigration—as it is currently practiced and preached by American central planners—is the triumph of tribalism, pillage politics, and left-liberalism.

Over to Patrick J. Buchanan, in “Suicide of a Superpower”:

“White Americans, who provide nine out of ten Republican votes every presidential year, have fallen to less than two-thirds of the U.S. population and three-fourths of the electorate. Meanwhile, the number of people of color is growing, both as a share of the population and as a share of the electorate. An in presidential elections, people of color vote Democratic—in landslides. Asians vote 60 percent Democratic, Hispanic 60-70 percent, and African American 90-95 percent.” (Page 338.)

POIGNANTLY PUT, “Either the Republican Party puts an end to mass immigration, or mass immigration will put an end to the Republican Party.” (Page 423.)


Ditto the future of a philosophy (libertarianism) which offers far fewer distributive spoils than does the Republican Party, yet demands from voters more by way of reason, for they must understand that less loot is better for them and their posterity.

The future dispensation of America, once the host population has been swamped and consigned to minority status, will be that of a third-world dominated, dominant-party state.

UPDATE: Texas is most certainly not “stubbornly Republican,” it is barely Republican; it is hanging on to a Republican slim majority by the proverbial hairs of its chinny chin chin:

“For the first time in the state’s history, Texas is now a majority-minority state, and the new round of redistricting will likely create at least one, and probably two majority-minority districts in Texas.” (via Race 4 2012)

Texas won’t be Republican for long.

Michel Cloutier: Canada has a different immigration complexion. It also has a different immigration process. Canada has something of a merit system, although, like the US, the overwhelming numbers of incomers result from the family unification aberration. However, in Canada legal immigration is driven by a point system. You get points for education, language (only English or French: OMG, how chauvinistic) and age. Your profession should also be in-line with the country’s needs. The US is a work-visa system, with one, not-always worthy sponsor acting as a ticket for a tribe.

As Michel points out, Canada has large Chinese and Indian immigration populations, which are somewhat less welfare dependent, more educated and socially conservative, and have less of a representation among the ranks of law-breakers. Are they less inclined to vote liberal?

UPDATED: Workers Vs. Voters (Parasites Looking for a Host)


About the New Deal, H.L. Mencken quipped that it divided America into “those who work for a living and those who vote for a living.”

TIME magazine has chosen its archetype hero. He is the voter, not the worker, also known as that habitual “Protester.” The Protester sticks around for lack of anything else to do.

No wonder Tea Party America failed to make it into TIME’s pantheon of protesters. These middle-class, upstanding folks returned to “petty” duties like jobs, families and other such unworldly, provincial preoccupations.

Or in Barack Obama speak: Back they went to their guns, bibles, and bigotries.

Workers unite! You who bear the burden of taxes, unshakable yourselves. Break free from the chains with which the moochers and looters seek to imprison you (using the power of the state, naturally).

UPDATE (Dec. 25): The professional voters cost the professional workers a whole lot:

Los Angeles City Atty. Carmen Trutanich is considering a lawsuit against Occupy L.A. protesters to reimburse the city for damage caused during the occupation of the City Hall lawn. The two-month encampment cost the city at least $2.35 million, not counting repairs to the lawn and fountain outside City Hall, according to a report issued Friday.
Much of that cost — more than $1.7 million — will be added to the growing pool of red ink in this year’s city budget. The Occupy bills will increase an anticipated $72-million shortfall over the next six months, City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana said.

(LA Times)

The AG doesn’t say who she will sue and how. Parasites are like a big amorphous amoeba. This single-celled organism acts in unison because it’s so unevolved. Occupy L.A. is flopping about looking for a viable host.

Merry Xmas.

Refugees In The Failed State of Iraq


Saddam Hussein ruled over what the state department considered a rogue state, Iraq. The US eliminated Hussein and invaded his country (not in that order). Thanks to the American invasion, Iraq is now a failed state, where the politically weak are forsaken, and a muscular majority exercises its authority (a dispensation also known as democracy). The deposed dictator had kept a lid on the cauldron of sectarian strife, now boiling over in Iraq.

I’ve covered the plight of the millions of Iraqi refugees we helped uproot.

Against the backdrop of “Obama basking in the Iraq withdrawal” comes a reality check: a report, via CNN, on those Iraqis who have been internally displaced.

While war supporters may console themselves with the fact that “displacement is not new in Iraq,” as this Brookings-Institute observes, Iraq since the blessings of Bush is suffering a displacement crisis.