Category Archives: Donald Trump

UPDATED (3/6) NEW COLUMN: AOC’s Coven of Spitting, #MeFirst Cobras Comes To Congress

Argument, Critique, Culture, Democrats, Donald Trump, Etiquette, Feminism, Gender, Government, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

NEW COLUMN is “AOC’s Coven of Spitting, #MeFirst Cobras Comes To Congress” is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and the great American Greatness.

The column debuted on CNS.News.


The media scrum framed the Trump impeachment circus, round two, as an “emotional” affair.

Headlines homed in on the “emotion” surrounding the trial. “It Tears at Your Heart. Democrats Make an Emotional Case to Senators — and America — Against Trump,” blared one of many hackneyed screamers, this one from

The case made by the managers “was both meticulous and emotional,” came the repetitive refrain.

Democrat Jamie Raskin, a representative from Maryland and a lead impeachment manager, sniffed “emotionally” as he related what to him was a heartbreaking tidbit: His (privileged) daughter expressed fear of visiting the Capitol again, presumably because of the January 6 fracas. That made Jamie cry. And when Jamie Raskin cries, normies outside Rome-on-the-Potomac laugh. Uproariously.

Impeachment managers had warned all present in the Senate Chamber that evidentiary footage would be upsetting. Their presentations were “intentionally emotional,” intoned CNN’s Dana Bash, who had paired up with one Abby Phillips for the “solemn” affair. Phillips’ “coverage” of all things Trump, in scratchy vocal fry, was a reminder that the Left’s “empaneled witches and their housebroken boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by lady justice.”

A lady in an armadillo outfit emoted a lot. She was impeachment manager Stacey Plaskett. Although not particularly fashionable or feminine, there was a ton of “emotional” praise on the Internet for Plaskett’s attire. Armani’s armadillo apparel was certainly a preferred distraction to the decibels of weepy rage emitted over the Trump protest.

The “intentionally emotional” affair, the last impeachment trial conducted by the Senate, had been preceded by an even more “emotionally” bizarre “healing” coven in Congress, led by the representative from New York, one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio-Cortez set up an hour-long primitive, ritualistic session conducted, putatively, to purge the pain over the January 6 protest on the Capitol.

Early in February, a coven of “prominent Democratic lawmakers, including Reps. Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts) and Rashida Tlaib (Michigan),” joined Ocasio-Cortez in forcing such a session, with the aim of “creating space for members to talk about their ‘lived experience’” during that Capitol Hill riot.

Big League Politics, a news website, was incredulous, reporting that “congress [had] devolved into an AOC-led therapy session,” during which “House members cried while detailing their ‘lived experiences.’”

This American “thought” leader, Ocasio-Cortez, and her “harrowing” ordeal dominated the corporate press as well.

Here are some of the histrionic headlines as to what befell Congress’s queen of #MeFirst solipsism.

See if you can spot the operative word that animated the writers’ impoverished text:

“AOC reveals more personal details in new harrowing video …”

“AOC shares harrowing Capitol riot experience, reveals she’s a victim of …”. …


NEW COLUMN is “AOC’s Coven of Spitting, #MeFirst Cobras Comes To Congress” is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, on CNS.News, and the great American Greatness.

CPUKE: GOP Has The Babes. Nothing More! The Future Belongs To Prouder Boys & Girls

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Elections, Founding Fathers, Politics, Populism, Republicans

On a frivolous note, Kristi Noem’s a pretty woman, but why the Michelle Obama arms? Too awful. All that manly weight-lifting and working out arms a woman with a man’s arms and a ropy neck, too.

On a serious note, the dull, dumb lineup at CPUKE—namely the establishment-approved stars of the GOP—only drives home that Trump alone provides any excitement (and impetus when Ivanka leaves him alone) in the moribund Republican Party. (Where in this lineup is flamethrower Marjorie Taylor Greene?)

Besides which, remember this: With control of both Chambers, the presidency and the gubernatorial scene across the country—Republicans delivered nothing much for ordinary Americans.

Time to quit buying the fiction that all you need do to have relief is vote Republican. Nonsense on stilts!


The future of The Struggle belongs to men and women who speak like this:

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Most recently, the man to channel Thomas Jefferson—for this piercing and beautiful aphorism belongs to said Founding Father—was Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio.

The man echoed the sentiments yours truly articulated more carefully on 01/21/2021, in “A Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Storming Of The Capitol Building.

“I’m not gonna cry about people who don’t give a crap about their constituents. I’m not going to sympathize with them,” he continued. “When they support drone-bombing children in the Middle East … [and] those people are dead and they’re just cowering because a group of misfits came into the Capitol, I’m not going to be sympathetic.”

*Image I credit here.
* Image II credit here.

UPDATE (2/28):

From LinkedIn:

Immutable truth: “With control of both Chambers, the presidency and the gubernatorial scene across the country—Republicans delivered nothing much for ordinary Americans.” Time to quit buying the fiction that all you need do to have relief is vote Republican. Nonsense on stilts!
So, GOP, RIP.”
Time to secede–dissociate from the dual-party game conducted for the benefits of Rome on the Potomac. Build self-determining societies of like-minded; seceded from politics.

NEW COLUMN: Still Addicted To That Rush: Revisiting The ‘09 CPAC Speech

Barack Obama, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Economy, Neoconservatism, Republicans, The Establishment, War, Welfare

NEW COLUMN, “Still Addicted To That Rush: Revisiting The ‘09 CPAC Speech,” is now WND.COM and The Unz Review.


Rush Limbaugh died on February the 17th. In the encomiums to conservatism’s radio king, mention was made of his 2009 address at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.

CPAC for short, or CPUKE before Trump.

At the time, I had surveyed the perennial, Republican Party dynamics surrounding the event. “Addicted to that Rush,” the March 6, 2009 column’s title, came not from Rush’s brief addiction to painkillers, following surgery, but from an eponymous hit by the band Mr. Big. (It, in turn, came from an earlier time when the American music scene produced not pornographers like Cardi B, but musicians like Paul Gilbert and Billy Sheehan.)

Nevertheless, that title alluded to one of Rush’s missed opportunities: Speaking against a war into which he was involuntarily drafted and by which he was almost destroyed: The War on Drugs.

Still, how petty does that war, in all its depredations, seem now?! How unimaginably remote do the issues Rush spoke to, in 2009, seem in light of a country that has come a cropper in the course of one year, due to an unprecedented consolidation of state power around COVID, compounded by an amped up, institutionalized campaign against white America. And, in particular, against white Trump voters.

Other than champion tax cuts and globalization, the Rovian cadre of the GOP had been doing what it has always done: Calling for a more upbeat, inclusive and diverse party. Michael Steele, then chairman of the Republican National Committee, today an “analyst” for MSNBC, had derided Rush as a mere entertainer, describing “The Rush Limbaugh Show” as incendiary and ugly.

Then as now, Steele’s main concerns were not those of main-street Americans. Rather, Steele’s cares were “conciliatory.” The Rovians, like the Never Trumpers and the Lincoln-Project perverts, believed in the urgent need to broaden the Republican Party’s base and “appeal” to traditionally hostile minorities, when in fact the GOP had been courting traditional Democratic constituents with every trick possible, with little success, all the while sticking it to the base.

The Steele-Limbaugh spat fell into Barack Obama’s lap. The former president was losing it—throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the thing he called “the economy,” but which is really no more than the trillions upon trillions of voluntary, capitalistic acts individuals perform in order to make a living.

Introduce government force and coercion into this synchronized spontaneous order, and it starts to splutter. The economy responds poorly to economic planning and planners. BHO had imagined that he could walk on water. America facilitated his fantasy. The former president was realizing that he was not the magic man he imagined he was. Desperate times called for desperate distractions.

In short succession, Democratic henchmen—Paul Begala, Stanley Greenberg, James Carville, and Robert Gibbs—began picking on Limbaugh. Strong-armed too by the Obama administration was CNBC reporter Rick Santelli, who led a revolt from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange against the bailout billions for mortgage delinquents. Little wonder, then, that the contents of Limbaugh’s speech at CPAC garnered less attention than the characters involved.

Rush spoke stirringly. He railed against the enormous expansion of government in the first few, frightening weeks of the Obama presidency.

But, as I noted at the time, not a word did one hear against the man who began what Barack was just completing. George Bush set the scene for Barack. Stimulus, bailouts, a house for every Hispanic—these were Bush’s babies. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights had been abandoned well before the fist-bumping Obamas moved into the White House. …

…  As rousing as his speech was, not a word did Limbaugh devote to the Warfare State, every bit as corrupt, corrupting, and bankrupting as the Welfare State. As I observed, at the time, over $1 trillion was being spent yearly on imperial expeditions that were awash in American blood, but offered few benefits to the sacrificed, stateside and abroad.

Besides, I asked, “what kind of a nation neglects its own borders while defending to the death borders not its own?” …

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN, “Still Addicted To That Rush: Revisiting The ‘09 CPAC Speech,” is now WND.COM and The Unz Review.


UPDATED (3/9/021): Why MAGA America Has Reached The End Of Stupid-Party Politics

Conservatism, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Liberty, Republicans, Secession

The 2020 election, I marked with “a positive, anti-politics message to 74 million patriots,” in which the emphasis was on “creative, informal acts of secession.”

We have reached The End of Politics, or, at least, a tipping point in politics was my message. MAGA America ought to go into post-politics mode. It is a matter of urgency to understand the precarious nature in which the Deplorable voting block finds itself and develop a plan.  An adaptive post-politics reality would not be found in anodyne Republican assurances.

Consider: Your favorite pundit makes out like a bandit but offers you “no direction or solution other than to vote for the Republican politicians for whom they daily apologize. …

As you read this, the meaning of post-politics will become clearer.

We are, to all intents and purposes, two parallel nations, I argued. Why force MAGA America into the company of the loathsome Left? Slowly but purposefully we must congregate in compounds of like-minded individuals. Migrate we must to our own free-speech social networks. And withdraw we should from the Left’s miseducation system, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Commentator Jack Kerwick has been thinking deeply on the meaning of it all—the never-changing cycles of elections and the tension that keeps the duopoly going, at the expense of MAGA America. Excerpted here are the most poignant tracts in his latest thinking on what I’d frame as the end of politics and on an adaptive post-politics reality.

Key paragraph: All the horrors we’ve experienced of late have “occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican.”

The writers and talkers of both the Big Conservative Media Complex (“the Big Con”), as well as lesser known libertarian and conservative outlets inexhaustibly wax hysterical about the impending and, to hear them tell it, imminent leftist Apocalypse—all while making fortunes, achieving fame, and, critically, supplying their followers with no direction or solution other than to vote for the Republican politicians for whom they daily apologize. …

Those who compose the Big Conservative Media Industrial Complex promote, tirelessly, the anxiety, depression, helplessness, and demoralization of the millions whose fears they exist to stoke.  To what end, one finally has to ask, for the only prescription these merchants of fear offer their customers (their audiences) is to vote Republican.  However, besides the fact that the leftward drift of the country has proceeded apace for decades, even while Republicans held power, the election thievery of 2020 should suffice to show that it is not now (nor has it ever been) possible to simply and solely vote one’s way out of this cesspool.

It is time for patriotic, God-fearing men and women to focus upon their own self-empowerment.  This means ridding their lives, as much as it is possible to do so, of all potentially toxic influences.  This, obviously, requires the expungement from their orbit of all Democrat Party propaganda organs, those which President Trump rightfully referred to as “fake news,” but, as well, that of the conservative (and libertarian) media outlets that, in their way, also purvey fake news. (“BE STRONG–and Live WELL.”)

(“Of Fraudulence and Fear: The GOP/Big Conservative Media Machine“)

And from Post-2020: The Time for NeverGOP“:

… your average conservative [must move] beyond his comfort zone and adopt a mindset dramatically different in many respects from anything that he has ever experienced before. It will require the average conservative to liberate himself from the Matrix, the Fake Reality that has been concocted by the Big GAME (Government-Academia-Media-Entertainment) Complex and to the construction of which the Republican Party and Big Conservative media axis has contributed much.

… There is mountainous, incalculable, ubiquitous evidence that the country has steadily moved, and continues to move, leftward.  Due to space constraints, however, I won’t bother going back decades.  I’ll keep it simple and just focus on…2020.

Consider all that has occurred since just last March:

Almost overnight, the country bequeathed to us by the generation that, in the midst of a smallpox epidemic, fought and defeated the most powerful empire in the world in order to be a self-governing union of sovereign states—subjected itself to a nationwide internment.

The United State of America became the Interned States of America as the Constitution of the Old Republic was indefinitely revoked, the economy crushed, and “the little platoons”—as Burke referred to those buffers between the individual and the State, those forms of community constitutive of civil society and in the absence of which human flourishing would be impossible—were radically undermined. …

… And all of this occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican.

Then, but two months after the Internment began, Black Lives Matter and Antifa violence exploded throughout hundreds of American cities. Police stood down as they and, crucially, their supporters were victimized by thugs.  The White House itself was besieged as monuments to American heroes and other symbols of Western civilization were vandalized and destroyed with impunity while both the street vermin who were directly culpable for the destruction as well as the vermin who funded this campaign escaped the punishment that they deserved.

And all of this occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican. …

“The Republicans, along with Big Conservative media, not only didn’t prevent it; they encouraged it.”

Yes, MAGA voters handed the Republicans the presidency and both legislative chambers. There is nothing more voters can do.

So, why exactly is it imperative to vote Republican?  How, exactly, will Republicans stop the left, and stop them from doing what, exactly?  These are the questions that honest people, and honest conservatives, must ask themselves—even though the questions are self-evidently rhetorical. ” (“Post-2020: The Time for NeverGOP“)

UPDATE (3/9/021):

The GOP is RIP to me: Typically, Sen. John Kennedy, with his contrived Southern act (he’s Ivy League) and rehearsed, overwrought cracks, puts Trump’s party back decades, tells “Fox News Primetime” host Trey Gowdy that Americans love 1 million legal immigrants coming in annually, object ONLY to illegal, Biden-created chaos on border.