Category Archives: Foreign Policy

WATCH: Ukraine’s Azov Brigade: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?


ON HARD TRUTH this week, David Vance and I were joined by Nebojsa Malic to discuss his RT column, “Western media clubs together to white-wash Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.

I questioned the Nazi designation attached to the Azov Brigade, suggesting that, if Azov are not engaged in palpable acts of violence against the traditional Nazi victims and other ethnics, and are merely a military battalion fighting in the Russia-Ukraine military arena—then the Nazi insignia and paraphernalia are irrelevant. These symbols then fall into the category of ritual, impolite speech, thought crimes, the kind the Left is always criminalizing the Right for. Nebojsa and David counter my argument with facts to the contrary. All had a jolly good time. Join us and SUBSCRIBE. Get friends and family to Subscribe.

NEBOJSA MALIC is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Telegram @TheNebulator and on Twitter @NebojsaMalic



NEW COLUMN: Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next ‘Color Revolution’


NEW COLUMN, now on WorldNetDaily, The Unz Review, and the New American, is “Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution,” wherein a distinction is made between a “justification” for war and a “reason” for war, I ponder whether Putin’s avid patriotism is matched by that of a younger Russian generation, and dole out some love for Tsarist Russia and Tchaikovsky.


… A trickier question for those of us on the Old Right is this: Putin is a Russian patriot. This, in-depth interviews with the Russian president amply evince. He adores and is deeply acquainted with the nation’s “ancient faith,” its history and traditions. But could it be that we of the Old Russell Kirk Right, nostalgic for the very same things absent in our own societies, are romanticizing the Russian people? This writer shares Dr. Cathey’s love of Tsarist Russia’s great culture before communism. (Boyd says Rachmaninov; I say Tchaikovsky’s “Pathetique,” his Symphony No. 6 is a singularly intense and sublime expression of the agonies of the individual, caught between salvation, sin and love of Mother Russia.)

But is this same sensibility present in younger Russians? No doubt, Putin is steeped in Russian culture. But do younger Russians share his traditionalism? True, very many hate communism, but that hatred is devoid of a civilizational dimension. I fear younger Russians are already in the market for a Western life filled with sexual titillation and consumerism. …

… The Rest of “Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution” is on WorldNetDaily,  The Unz Review, and the New American.



UPDATED (5/6/022): WATCH HARD TRUTH: Bleeding Russia Dry With Boyd Cathey


ON HARD TRUTH this week, David Vance and myself are joined by a fearless and learned dissident scholar, DR. BOYD D. CATHEY, for a wide-ranging discussion on the US plan to bleed Russia dry. While the Americans, from their Ukrainian-manned vantage points, seem willing to fight to the last Ukrainian; Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has vowed that Russia “would never accept the global village under the command of the American sheriff.”

Some breaking developments come to me about little Jasper, who cameos at the end of our broadcast with Boyd: Jasper has begun to lord it over Boyd something fierce due to his new, if modest, video fame! Last night he demanded filet mignon and Boyd had to relent and give him a sizable portion of his supper! Oh, well, that’s what we pet lovers must do…. Here is Oscar-Wood, Mercer parrot, surveying the new building materials–aluminum & glass–for the kitchen cabinets, on which he has been “working.”


BOYD D. CATHEY earned an MA in history at the University of Virginia (as a Thomas Jefferson Fellow), and a doctorate in history and political philosophy at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. He did additional studies in theology and philosophy in Switzerland. He was State Registrar of the North Carolina State Archives before retiring in 2011. He writes for The Unz Review, The Abbeville Institute, Confederate Veteran magazine, The Remnant, and other publications in the United States and Europe on a variety of topics, including politics, religion and culture.


BOYD On The Unz Review:


Sigh. Tucker Bashes Biden For The Two Things He’s Doing Right: Iran And Yemen


Tucker Carlson does splendid work from his mainstream perch, but because of his philosophical limitations and many blind-spots—the kind that had him join the neoconerie in killing Iraq, in the first place; the kind that saw him laud the murder of Iranian major general Qassim Soleimani; the kind that has him bash The South; and call on Canadian truckers to prove a negative, namely, that they aren’t racists; the kind that whined, whined, whined non-stop about Harvey Weinstein, in effect talking-up the MeToo fraud—he stumbles all the time. All the time. Without fail.

Thus did I urge ideological caution on a good friend who got carried away in giving too much street cred to Tucker, and, by extension, enthusing about a Tucker-endorsed Iranian warmonger, Sohrab Ahmari, who has reinvented himself and now peddles retread banalities (or stuff the Old Right—myself included—had espoused decades ago). At best, Ahmari, this ex-agitator for war in Iran, is an unoriginal second hander.

Today (4/12/022), Tucker played a piss-poor satirical skit—just plain bad—of Biden and Harris  being lampooned in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis, explained Tucker, are angry with the awful Biden Administration over Iran and the war in Yemen. I imagine Biden is perceived by the Saudis—and ConOink—to be insufficiently belligerent about destroying Iran, a longtime mission the Saudis share with the neocons. As is Biden considered to be unhelpful to the Saudis in his impetus (albeit weak) to end Saudi Arabia’s protracted war on an impoverished Yemen.

Both these Biden positions, as limp as they are, are better than the positions adopted by ConInc and, yes, Trump. The Saudi war on Yemen is a scandal.

Likewise the unchanging agitation against Iran.

MORE CONTEXT on regional Sunni-Shia squabbles: “Lies About Putin, Syria & The Alawite Alliance