Category Archives: Islam

NEW HARD TRUTH PODCAST: How To Defeat Hamas And Stop The Carnage In Gaza

Argument, Foreign Policy, GAZA, Globalism, Individual Rights, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Morality, Nationalism, Natural Law, Palestinian Authority, Terrorism, The West, War

THE NEW HARD TRUTH PODCAST, with colleague David Vance, is “How To Defeat Hamas And Stop The Carnage In Gaza.

We argue that needed was a smarter, more effective response that targets only the culprits of the October 7 slaughter, and not innocents. Such a response is outlined in detail. UK’s David Vance and I further discuss the idea that Netanyahu has desecrated the memory of the Oct. 7 martyrs, creating new martyrs in Gaza, via his crude response to the Hamas massacre. Like previous forays into Gaza, Hamas will NOT be seriously harmed and will reconstitute. The world’s sympathy has been squandered. In all circumstances, David and I both agree that the US/UK interference in the region is not helpful and that REGIONALISM ALWAYS BEATS GLOBALISM. We also agree that Hamas should be destroyed but the question is, ‘How is this is best achieved’?

To receive ilana’s essay on the topic, please add your email to ilana’s newsletter .

To support David, please bookmark his website DavidVance.Net

NEW PODCAST: Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason

Ethics, Foreign Policy, Individual Rights, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jihad, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Terrorism, War

HARD TRUTH’s Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason,” with David Vance and ilana mercer deconstructs Hamas’s low-tech invasion into southern Israel and the massacre of hundreds of its civilians. Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property.

In a perspective like no other; HARD TRUTH—the episode titled Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason“—examines the complete failure of the Israeli State apparatus, the IDF and intelligence community being the face of the State. We anatomize the backdrop to Hamas’ pogrom, including the geopolitical and domestic forces at play, as well as the fraught history of the Gaza strip. Ilana lived through the 1967 and 1973 wars in Israel; David through the IRA terrorist onslaughts in Ireland. Our hearts ache for victims of barbarians wherever they are. Nevertheless, examine we must the “ethics” of collective punishment by the State.

To receive ilana’s essay on this topic and others, please add your email to ilana’s newsletter .


UPDATED (9/28): NEW COLUMN: No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple

Argument, Asia, Critique, Foreign Policy, Islam, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy, War

NEW COLUMN, “No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, CNSNews and American Greatness.

And excerpt:

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson appears in thrall to Lara Logan’s political observations—to her “philosophical” meditations, too. Alas, Logan is no Roger Scruton.

You might have heard Logan claim, recently and repetitively, that everything in the world is simple. “Everything is simple,” she keeps intoning in her appearances on Fox News.

Applied to the fiasco in Afghanistan, Logan’s Theory of Simple is that, considering that America is omnipotent, whatever occurs under its watch is always and everywhere planned and preventable.

Ridiculous and wrong, yet Tucker, whom we all love to bits, giggles in delight.

“They want you to believe Afghanistan is complicated,” lectured Logan. “Because if you complicate it, it is a tactic in information warfare called ‘ambiguity increasing.’”

“So now we’re talking about all the corruption and this and that,” she further vaporized. “But at its heart, every single thing in the world… always comes down to one or two things …”

Logan likely recently discovered Occam’s Razor and is promiscuously applying this principle to anything and everything, with little evidence or geopolitical and historic understanding in support of her Theory of Simple.

Occam’s Razor posits that, “the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex,” provided “simple” is “based on as much evidence as possible.”

A nifty principle—and certainly not a philosophy—Occam’s Razor was not meant to apply to everything under the sun.

Misapplied by Logan, why? Primarily because Logan’s explanation for America’s defeat in Afghanistan—that the United States threw the game—is hardly the simplest explanation, despite her assertion to the contrary.

The simplest explanation to the US defeat in Afghanistan, based on as much information as is possible to gather, is that, wait for this: America was defeated fair and square. As this columnist had argued, the US was outsmarted and outmaneuvered, in a mission impossible in the first place.

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN, “No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, CNSNews and American Greatness.

UPDATED (9/28): Afghans have hereditary disorders due to marriage between relatives.


NEW COLUMN: Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam)

Feminism, Foreign Policy, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Political Philosophy, Terrorism

NEW COLUMN is “Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam).” It’s currently on WND, The Unz Review, CNSNews and The New American.

An excerpt:
… The best way, then, to vet immigrants is by the faith they practice. As the data show, young, second-generation Muslims are well-represented among terrorists acting out against their hosts across the West. Second-generation Muslim-Americans are more prone to act out on their faith than their parents.


Omar Saddiqui Mateen shot up a Florida gay nightclub, in 2016. He was a second-generation Afghan-American. Although Mateern’s father was an admirer of the Taliban, the moron media concluded that junior was no Jihadist, only a latent, self-hating homosexual, fixated on phallic symbols like big guns.


Another proud Afghan-American who’ll be welcoming the hundreds of thousands of Afghans airlifted and funneled into America is Najibullah Zazi, arrested for plotting to blow up stuff stateside, in September 2009. He was released in 2019.


Since public policy is aimed at the common good—a cohort that commits more faith-based murders than another, say Christian Afghans, is, on average, unsuitable as a source of immigration to the US.


The reason for second-generation terrorism is no mystery. More so than girls, boys need strong men in their lives—men who’ll affirm their masculinity. Young men crave manly mentors with a strong moral message. But in contemporary American culture, men are sissified and feminized and biological boundaries blurred. American boys, K-12, are mired in an estrogen-infused, cloistered world, where strong men in authority are an endangered minority.


When a Muslim male, moreover, hears American preachers, parents, pedagogues and politicians pounding on about our country’s Founding Fathers as the archetypal pale, patriarchal oppressors—he quickly learns to reject his adopted country’s heritage and look elsewhere for masculine inspiration, maybe at Muhammad and his acolytes.


The fact that there are moderate Muslims doesn’t mean there is a moderate Islam—or that these moderates won’t sire sons who’ll embrace the unreformed Islam.


As painful as it is to say, being Muslim is a predisposing characteristic, a risk factor, if you will, for eruptions associated with this religion.


By “risk factor,” I mean that Islam predisposes its believers to aggression against The Other. For in Islam, we have a religion that doubles up as a political system counseling conquest, not co-existence. “Islam’s borders are bloody,” cautioned famed historian Samuel Huntington. The data support his prescient and profound analysis. …

… MORE. NEW COLUMN, “Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam),” is currently on WND, The Unz Review, CNSNews and The New American.