Category Archives: Multiculturalism

UPDATED (10/23): NEW COLUMN: Actually, COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE

China, Conservatism, Conspiracy, COVID-19, Culture, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Ethics, Multiculturalism, Neoconservatism

NEW COLUMN IS “Actually, COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE.” It appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, Quarterly Review, and NAEBC.

An excerpt:

China’s plague-delivery pedigree is solid.

Courtesy of China, the West got the H2N2 virus in 1957 and the H3N2 virus in 1968. Granted, the Chinese viral supply chain was broken with H1N1 flu; it came from Mexico. But, with the bird flu, SARS and SARS-Cov-2, China has fully reestablished its disease-delivery credentials.

Alas, going by the COVID culpability theories advanced by conservatives, the steady stream of “China plagues,” in Trump’s words, has had nothing to do with the noble Chinese people.

Blame the ignoble Chinese Communist Party for all these lethal, little RNA strands unleashed on the world. Some even have taken to calling SARS-CoV-2 “the CCP virus.”

As this Disneyfied neoconservative narrative goes, the Chinese were just hanging, being the freedom-loving, civilized sorts they are; going about the business of making the world a better place, when, lo-and-behold, their scheming, communistic government sprung the COVID on them—and the world.

Without fail, American pundits and pols, conservatives, in particular, apply to China the same theories of culpability that have undergirded America’s invasions of the illiberal people of the Middle East.

The bifurcation globalists love to effect is of the noble Chinese people up against the ignoble Chinese government.

It’s the Chinese government, not the people. Liberate the Chinese and they’ll show their Jeffersonian propensity for enlightened self-interest, not to mention a palate for cuisine less craven and cruel.

What I wrote in 2006 about Iraqis applies in spades to the Chinese and their responsibility for COVID. I’ve substituted Iraq with China here:

“The government of [China] doesn’t stand apart from the governed; it reflects them.” (November 6, 2006) …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE.” It appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, Quarterly Review, and NAEBC.

  • Wet Markets, Courtesy of Jo-Anne McArthur

Bat soup, courtesy NAEBC, where the column is now posted.

Courtesy NAEBC.

UPDATE I (10/23):

Sickest think, @rosenberger_ken, on LinkedIn, where we both hangout, is how animal rescues keep fetching (and filming) these half-starved dogs from dog-eating farms–yet animal activists say not a words about THAT cultural EVIL. About BLM, The same activists, on the same forum,  don’t shut up.


Conservatives Refuse To Call Out Critical Race Theory As Exclusively ‘Anti-White’

America, Communism, Conservatism, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, The West

“CRT is an exclusively anti-White set of abstract, ethnocidal ideas, convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes.”–ILANA MERCER, “Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality.”

How is it possible to discuss Critical Race Theory and fail to mention its salient characteristic—that it is exclusively anti-white, ethnocidal agitprop?

Easily, if one is a Beltway conservative. They complain a lot about Critical Race Theory, and construct elaborate theories around its crass edifice, yet seem constitutionally or congenitally incapable of calling it what it is: exclusively anti-white.

All conservatives can muster, seemingly, is to accuse Critical Race Theory peddlers of preventing multicultural America from having that big group hug we all crave and know we are capable of.

For example, this Federalist piece, “Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic,” hides behind the term “identity politics,” and decries a way of thinking that exploits the amorphous “tragedy of racial divisions in America.”  Some bad people with a communist mindset and a manual aren’t interested in healing. Boohoo.

Really? I didn’t know that Communism revolved around the exclusive subjugation of whites?

If reality means anything, this is bizarre and wrong. America is racially divided. Blacks, for the most, hate whites for a variety of unjust reasons (not least the incessant propagandizing by other progressive whites). They want to hurt them and make them pay. For what? For everything; for whatever is wrong with their lives. Deal with that truth. Communism is but an intellectual crutch.

Deferring to communism allows the ever-quaking conservatives to hide behind respectable argument.

As to that Uriah Heep like obsequiousness: Going by this Federalist writer, conservatives refuse to even take credit for the culture for which Europeans are being berated. So they universalize the creed (the Protestant Ethic).

Recall the “‘Smithsonian display on “whiteness’ that condemned all elements of civil society, including politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning, and family cohesion”? “None of those are ‘white’ values, but critical race theory frames them just so,” assures the aforementioned author.

Rubbish! These values are most pronounced in the European culture. One might even call them Western European by nature, because the sanctity of the handshake, the word-of-mouth promise, the contract—the things that made capitalism take so well in the Anglo-American world: These are not really part of the East European ethos.

Imagine being so servile and apologetic that you wash your hands of a really cool thing you invented.

Hybrid conservative Dave Rubin also won’t say it. Critical Race Theory is … wait for it, “racist.” We’ll leave it at that, shall we, Rubin seems to be saying. Racist? Is it anti black, Hispanic, Asian? Naturally not.

Even Christopher F. Rufo, formidable warrior against institutionalized Critical race Theory, still can’t bring himself to SAY IT.

By Rufo’s definition, CRT is “a radical ideology that advocates the overthrow of capitalism, meritocracy, and equal protection under the law.” Maybe. But those lowly goals are secondary to singling out whites for a unique form of subjugation and intimidation.



Political racism is, however, properly deconstructed in these columns:

‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality

UPDATED (8/5/020): The Smithsonian Shows Errant Whites How To Go Native

America, Capitalism, Culture, Multiculturalism, Racism, The West

The Smithsonian has some section called the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, as Steve Sailer points out. Thereon is a depiction of Whiteness. It’s meant to insult. Instead, it describes the values that have built a civilization, chief of which is delayed gratification or time preference.

Time preference rates, a term used by Austrian economists, is the degree to which different people discount the future in favor of immediate gratification.

To paraphrase Max Weber, it was the ascetic “Protestant Ethic” that gave rise to the “Spirit of Capitalism,” and to prosperity. Image Via Sailer:

My gut reaction to the Whiteness page was: Is the Smithsonian promoting Whiteness? Can’t be! Some exaggerated emphasis on the Protestant Ethic and obedience, since the most impressive rebels have been … pale patriarchs. In all, a flattering assessment of a creed to aspire to.”

Missing in the Smithsonian’s malign description of white mannerisms—namely the affect—is that a silent majority whose “culture” is being crowded out finds such WASPY mannerisms comforting and familiar; a sign of professionalism, dignity, decorum and rationality. Profoundly alien and disturbing are the wretched excesses we see on the street, of late, often from white youths, whose parents have gone native,* as the Smithsonian seems to advise.

Incidentally, the Smithsonian certainly doesn’t use the “oppressive” “King’s English.”

The world’s “largest museum, education, and research complex” describes itself as “a community of learning and the opener of doors.” Is the Smithsonian a doorman? The stupefying of the English language continues apace in the Anglo-sphere, under institutional auspices. Ugly English.

The Smithsonian certainly doesn’t use white, “oppressive” language to describe what it does.

* “Go native”: “become less refined under the influence of a less cultured, more primitive, or simpler social environment.”

UPDATED (8/5/020):


NEW COLUMN: The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Cultural Marxism, Culture, Law, Media, Military, Multiculturalism, Socialism, The State

NEW COLUMN is “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America.” It describes, among much else, what Seattle’s mayor, Jenny Durkan, calls a block party. There is such a “party” across the USA.

The column appeared on WND, the Unz Review, and The Saker. And is currently featured on American Greatness, where you can read it now.

An excerpt:

On June 9, I tweeted out the following:

“Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. Not even in South Africa.”

A mere day on, and the City of Seattle was de facto occupied territory, fallen to the “peaceful protesters”—the same counterculture media darlings who’ve been sacking cities across America.

The rabble—Black Lives Matter sympathizers, which, as police arrest records show is almost entirely local—was further roused by Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, formerly of Mumbai.

Most reprehensibly, pied piper Sawant led the “peace makers” to occupy City Hall in downtown Seattle, on Tuesday, June 10.

The altercation between Council Member Sawant and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan gives new meaning to the “broad” sweep of ideas in this dysfunctional city. Sawant, a socialist, called on Mayor Durkan, a progressive, to resign over abuse of power (what power?) and systemic racism (a meaningless abstraction). This, as the city was being sacked.

Surrender Monkeys

As of this writing, the Seattle Police have surrendered without defeat.

Seven blocks of downtown Seattle, renamed the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ), have been appropriated by the Peaceful Ones, with the imprimatur of the mayor and her police chief (Carmen Best aforementioned). Now loosed on the public, these buccaneering  entrepreneurs are reported to have set up checkpoints to shake down residents who imagine they may come and go. Not in this satrapy.

On the positive side, Seattle now has that shithole-country vibrancy.

President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, SPOG, penned an open letter to lunatic Mayor Durkan, pondering how he would fulfill his sworn oath of office to protect lives and property without so much as tear gas.

He got his answer. America did. Across the U.S., the message to law-abiding Americans, from city, town, county council members and other legislators came loud and clear: You’re on your own. Neither police nor politicians are coming to protect what’s left of your businesses or your banal, bourgeoisie little life.

Last I looked, there were 400,000 “guardian angels” in private security toiling to make up for the South African state’s failure to protect its people. Every year, millions in taxpayers’ money are forked out to private security firms to protect the new South Africa’s police stations. “South Africa’s protectors, in other words, can’t protect themselves.” Will Seattle’s neutered policemen be investigating this option? Is it time for them to cut the shafted taxpayers loose? Let us go private?

When all is said and done, the George Floyd riots are a law and order event. Nothing else matters in the overarching context of a failed state, in which ordered liberty is dead, and the law-abiding are utterly forsaken, even vilified.

Yes, victims are now villains and villains are martyrs.

Unbeknownst to Nikolas Fernandez, a gainfully employed security guard, the Capitol Hill district of Seattle now belongs to the “peaceful protesters.” Fernandez dared to drive down it, only to be mobbed by the barbarians and forced to shoot an attacker possessing of animal-like agility. Legacy media quickly turned the narrative on its head. Fernandez, whose brother is a policeman, had invaded “peaceful protester” turf. His attacker took a bullet for peace. The attacker is now a hero. …

READ THE REST …  NEW COLUMN is The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America.The column appeared on WND, the Unz Review, and The Saker. And is currently featured on American Greatness, where you can read it now.