Category Archives: Nationhood

NEW COLUMN: Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer (Part 2)

America, Ethics, Israel, Justice, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood, Political Philosophy, Racism, The West

NEW COLUMN: “Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer (Part 2),” also “Exclusivity is Not Racism,” on American Greatness, in which it becomes obvious that Israel is not structurally racist—and that “Jews are to be faulted only to the extent that they deny to other nations the rights they claim for the Jewish ethno-state. …

…there is a strong case to be made—based not on ethnic hate—against any Jew, left or right, who rejects the ‘Right of Return’ to Israel proper of every self-styled Palestinian refugee, yet, at the same time, champions a global right of return to the U.S. for citizens of the world. …

… Oblivious to the logical and moral contradictions inherent in their special pleading—some Jews work toward rightist political prescriptions for Israelis; but leftist prescriptions for Americans.

These Jews insist that Israel is for the Jews, but America is for the World.

Any Jew who practices this ethical contradiction must be condemned, for promoting for England, America and Europe the national incoherence and multicultural morass he rejects for Israel.

The new column is on, WND, and the Unz Review , and American Greatness.

Dedicated to my father, Rabbi Ben Isaacson, son of South Africa, who passed away on December 7, 2020, in his beloved South Africa.

READ Part 1: An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1)

NEW COLUMN: UPDATED III (11/15): Trump Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency

Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Nationalism, Nationhood, Republicans, Secession

NEW COLUMN is “Trump Going Into Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency.” It appeared on WND and the Unz Review. It is now a feature on American Greatness.

An excerpt:

… The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at Establishment respectability. From now on, he’ll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—for he owns the Republican Party—parallel to an administration that’s viewed by 72 million Deplorables as illegitimate.

Under the Harris Administration, “The Process of Trump” will continue apace. As outlined in my book “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” that process consists of “action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty.” It’ll see Trump, a political Samson, continue to threaten to bring the rotting house crashing down on its patrons. And he’ll do so as the parallel president.

Democracy is when everything is up for grabs without constitutional limits. Globalism is an extension of that. Globalism Trump has exposed as democracy on a global scale, funded by Americans.

Trump’s latest, inadvertent victory is to unmask raw, ripe, unfettered democracy as a travesty to all, unworkable except in a territory the size of the ancient Athenian polis, or maybe modern-day Monaco, at most Liechtenstein or Estonia.

Democracy is toxic, from both party perspectives—especially since we no longer have a republic where the central authority has limited and delimited powers.

Distilled, this is the meaning of the elections: 77,170,769 million people, or 50.8% of those who voted, not of the people, get to impose their will on 72,057,511, or 47.5% of the voters, as well as on the millions who didn’t vote.

The healthiest and most intuitive response to deep-seated, irreconcilable unhappiness—political or personal—is to peacefully exit the abusive relationship.

Above and beyond holding rallies and countering the Kamala Administration policies—Donald J. Trump will catalyze many more creative, informal acts of secession. Patriots will congregate in compounds of likeminded individuals. They’ll migrate virtually to Parler, the Free Speech Social Network. And they’ll withdraw en masse from the miseducation system (primary, secondary and tertiary).

Two parallel nations and attendant presidencies will form. The low-grade upheaval against Deep State and Deep Tech will continue apace. And the sprawling political machine that makes up the D.C. Comitatus will keep writhing like a fire-breathing mythical monster in the throes of death. All good things.

To borrow and bowdlerize William Butler Yeats’ “The Second Coming” (1865-1939):

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere [secession] is loosed upon the world.”

NEW COLUMN is “Trump Going Into Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency.” It appeared on WND and the Unz Review. It is now a feature on American Greatness

UPDATED I: ON “Trump Going Beast Mode,” Mr. .357 x 6 (love that bullet) writes at WND what readers have written for … 20 yrs., every other week. Is that my batting average? LOL.

357×6 • an hour ago

Aside from the quoted – and still unconfirmed – poll numbers, your article deserves 6 stars on the 5 star scale.
The best I read from you, Ilana. Cheers.


UPDATE III (11/15): Trump Going Into Beast Mode “Dissident Donald” will be rising now for real.

NEW: ON Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens

America, Argument, Christianity, Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Europe, Ilana Mercer, Nationalism, Nationhood, Paleolibertarianism, Populism, The West

NEW: I’m excited to report that I will be working with “Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens (N.A.E.B.C) ,” @naebc_official, a young and vibrant nascent European organization, that’ll be offering up fighting words against the degenerate Left, stateside and on the Continent, all in furtherance of OUR VALUES.

Please “Follow” them: @naebc_official

We’re off to the games with “Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish?”


… Corporate America’s human resource departments are in the habit of deluging employees with the piss-poor racial agitprop of illiterate, if degreed, pamphleteers. The woman who wrote White Fragility comes to mind.

In a workplace so shot through with hatred of whites, quite foreseeable is a form of intellectual reparations, where the designated white “oppressors” labor behind the scenes, while the officially “oppressed” manage them and take credit for their intellectual output.

As recounted in Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for American From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011, p. 103), the African National Congress has pioneered “the creation of a unique cognitive caste system.”

Throughout the South African work force, “white subordinates with graduate and postgraduate degrees are doing the hard-core intellectual and technical work for their black bosses. The latter often have no more than a 10th-grade diploma but are paid a great deal more than their intellectual skivvies. A black matriculant (possessor of a high-school diploma) is perfectly poised to climb the South African corporate structure; yet, in order to have a ghost of a chance at remaining employed, a white had better possess masters or a doctoral degree. Given their pallor, promotion for whites is less and less likely.”

Unlike systemic racism, intellectual indentureship could quickly become a reality in America. …

READ THE REST on Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens.

NEW COLUMN/YouTube: From Soweto-In-Seattle To Other Sh-thole Places:

China, COVID-19, Economy, Globalism, Ilana Mercer, Ilana On Radio & TV, Nationhood

On July 2, 2020, I joined my favorite broadcaster, “Col. Mike” of the John Fredericks Show, syndicated out of Virginia, for a wide-ranging discussion about the issues of the day—from the Soweto-style shantytowns that had sprung-up in Seattle, to China and the Covid quagmire, to America’s immigration-visa labyrinth, and more.

In his interview style, the Colonel, so dubbed in deference to his military rank, will remind older listeners of the legendary George Putnam (by whom I was honored to be interviewed years back).

To wit, when this columnist ventured that the Seattle police had no business deserting their headquarters and posts; that their first duty was to uphold the negative rights of the citizens of Seattle, not to obey the politicized commands of Police Chief Carmen Best and Mayor Jenny Durkan—Col. Mike, who knows a thing or two about a chain-of-command, roared:

“They should all be fired.”

Businesses looted and boarded-up are currently suing the City of Seattle. This farce was explored during the interview—for who do think will pay for their legal remedy? You, the taxpayer! Taxpayers are subsidizing the degeneracy of politicians like Mayor Jenny, who should be collared and cuffed for abnegating her constitutional duty to uphold the property rights of her constituents.

Spotlighted was the manner in which high-tech was changing the city, draining it of its character and of the many quirky characters that made Seattle what it was.

Discussed, too, was the outsourcing of American lives to China (and India), a matter this column has been covering since the early 2000s. By “lives” we mean the very stuff of life. Not mere jobs; but careers, not just some products, but entire production lines; not one or two manufacturing plants, but the means of production.

More crucially, China didn’t force the traitors of the American economy to shift crucial production lines to its country and strand Americans without surgical and N-95 masks and medication; homegrown turncoats did. Giants of industry and technology, aided by the philosophical pygmies in government: They made these decisions, all by their lonesome.

COVID saw many a Chinese multinational galvanize to ship supplies to the Mother Ship: back home. Ostensibly international, Chinese companies operating in Australia, for example, began vacuuming up tons of medical materials in the host country and beyond, between January 24 and February 29, in order to send back to China.

Indeed, home is where you ship your masks to.

And much more.

The spouse alleges that I blurted out that the sight of policemen and guardsmen across the U.S. kneeling before their black tormentors conjured scenes from the film “Deliverance.” Denied!

If nothing else, you’ll enjoy the debonair Colonel: