Category Archives: Political Correctness

UPDATE III (7/26): Sacha Baron Cohen On Arming Toddlers: ‘My Son, May He Rest in Peace, Was In The Program, He Died Doing What I Love.’ Priceless.

Comedy & Humor, Conservatism, GUNS, Intelligence, Israel, libertarianism, Morality, Political Correctness, Politics

Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh is an idiot.
Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott is an idiot.
Ditto Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina.
Don’t know what’s up with Philip Van Cleave, the Virginian who heads a citizen’s self-defense league. But nobody would exhibit stupidity for the sake of politeness. His dumbness might just be a natural state.
Lobbyist Larry Pratt, director of Gun Owners of America: He certainly convinces one of his studied stupidity.

What did they do?

Obediently they recited the following lines in front of a camera:

“The way to stop a bad guy with a gun… is a good kid with a gun.”

“The intensive three-week Kinderguardian course introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semiautomatics, and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars. In less than a month — less than a month — a first-grader can become a first-grenade-er. Happy shooting, kids.”

Children under five also have elevated levels of the pheromone Blink-182, produced by the part of the liver known as the Rita Ora. This allows nerve reflexes to travel along the Cardi B neural pathway to the Wiz Khalifa 40% faster.”

Toddlers are pure, uncorrupted by fake news or homosexuality. They don’t care if it’s politically correct to shoot a mentally deranged gunman. They’ll just do it.”

“… children can process images quicker than adults, meaning that, essentially like owls, they can see in slow motion.”

And they’re OK with their interviewer, Sasha Baron Cohen, chiming in on the merits of arming toddler: “My son, may he rest in peace, was in the first program, he died doing what I love. … They try [in the US] to stop 4-year-olds from having guns? What is the logic ???!”

Terribly funny.

But also an object lesson in what politicians would agree to recite and do, to benefit their agenda (good or bad) and their special interests.

In his latest skit, comedic genius Sacha Baron Cohen takes the mickey out of your typical, Fox News, Israeli “anti-terror expert.” His character is called Col. Erran Morad, and he has a recognizably hypnotic effect on US Republicans.

Cohen’s is also the type of satire American comedians no longer do for fear of disobeying the PC police. The reductio ad absurdum is bloody good.

This is certainly a worthy dig at politicians who’re both deeply stupid and will say anything if an Israeli krav maga knucklehead tells them to.

In any event, Cohen didn’t need to work hard to persuade “former and current Republican lawmakers [to endorse] the idea of arming school children as young as four with guns.”

The only honest-to-goodness smart representative was the Republican from Florida, Matt Gaetz. Incredulous, he asked scary Sasha:

“You want me to say on television that I support 3- and 4-year-olds with firearms? Is that what you’re asking me?”

No can do. I don’t think so.

This is wicked funny and good libertarian fun. Sacha Baron Cohen does a public service, exposing the stupid herd of politicians (and one smart one). Now let’s see Cohen mock the Left.

UPDATE I (7/18): Joe Walsh: “Sasha Baron Cohen gets people to say stupid things.”

No. Cohen gets stupid people to say stupid things.

UPDATE II (7/24): Cohen, who first coined the term “crap countries” before “shitholes,” courtesy Trump, needs now to offend the Left.

UPDATE III (7/26):

Republicans are complaining that “Liberals are Outraged Over Obviously Satirical Alexandria Cortez Interview.” That’s legit just as Shasa Baron Cohen’s satire was legit. Why, then, did conservatives bitch about the Cohen skit? The GOP YouTube blond can’t hold a candle to Cohen’s comedy.

This woman is not funny.

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UPDATE IV (5/22): ‘Haters Gonna Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate …’

Anti-Semitism, Family, Gender, Ilana Mercer, Law, Logic, Political Correctness, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

As my dearest first cousin says, “You need to duck, cuz, and let the sh-t hit the wall.”

Quit trying to convince pathological haters you’re a good gal or guy, because, well … “haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.”

And they’ll hate you, even when you transform yourself in their image.

If people harbor hate for you—speak it and act it—there’s nothing you can do to transform that hate. Surround yourself with those who don’t think you’re drek. Surround yourself with people who know your heart and with whom you have reciprocal relationships.

In a related context, an articulate reader, a lawyer, reacted strongly to the habitual hatred this writer receives on the Unz Review:

imbroglio says:

Until recently, I’ve been an avid reader of the UNZ review one of whose leading contributors is Ilana Mercer. Ilana has great insight informed by natural gifts and the benefit of having lived in various cultures. Because of her (((background))), Ilana draws the mocking ire of trolls who hope to discount the value of what she says by means of their ad hominem attacks on her ethnicity. As we say in the legal world, argue the facts. If you haven’t got the facts, argue the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, call your opponent unflattering names and argue to the jury that though the defendant didn’t commit the crime, he could have or at least he would have which makes him as guilty as if he had committed the crime.

Free speech enables people to say what they want. But there are consequences. When the UNZ Review lends itself to Jew-bashing, which is better done by those who write for Takimag and whose skill, in that regard, has been refined to a finer art than UNZ readers seem capable of; Ron Unz and his contributors lose credibility and start to become cliché and uninteresting. In addition, the men who engage in this business – I’ve yet to see a woman do so – come off as weasels and wimps. Let the P.C. crowd do as it pleases, its denizens are hardly avatars of healthy gender relations, but though a guy may take sharp issue with a woman, no self-respecting man would demean a lady with the kind of snide and baseless insults Ilana seems to attract.

There are two kinds of Jew-bashers: the ruthless, intelligent sociopaths who’d inflict violence on Jews if they thought they could get away with it. Their presence on this site is rare. More numerous are the clever but vacuous Jew-bashers who tend to end up as cannon fodder in their personal lives, conflicts and contests that have little to do with Jews. UNZ may find their comments useful, but why that would be so escapes me.


Why, thank you sir—especially for fingering the unmanly men who suffer small-man syndrome.

Fact: There are other Jewish writers on the Unz Review. But they are men. They receive mostly obsequious, boot-licking adoration from the “weasels and the wimps.”

At play here is more than Jew-bashing. It is that the miserable, mediocre men in the Comments Section (for the most) hate it when a woman out-thinks men.

As a defender of men, this saddens—it’s been a huge disappointment—but it is, nevertheless, true.

Like the reader, I prefer the American Renaissance’s practice of a modicum of comments moderation. The Comments on said site are edifying even when negative.

An example of edifying criticism is the reader on His comments yielded the 5/17 column, “Whodunit? Who “Meddled” with Our American Democracy?” (Part 2).

But hey, The Unz Review is private property. And weasels and wusses don’t scare me. I write my weekly piece, generally to positive reviews. (UPDATE III (5/21): Have done so since 1999, for almost 20 years.)

And I avoid reading the words of the weasels and the wusses as a real man would avoid email spam advertising penile enhancements.


UPDATE I via Facebook:

Myron Robert Pauli Ilana Mercer: (1) There are, tragically, very few really good columnists of any sex M,F,LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ – and you are one of them. (2) Even among good writers, there are not too many women – not sure why {politically correct answer is the Intergalactic Sexist Conspiracy} – but there are just a few. (3) Can one find anti-Jewish/Zionist whatever stuff on the Unz sight – yes, and more than I would like to see but I try not to get into a pi$$ing contest with every skunky inference on the planet – one never “wins” these contests (4) Ironically, I am finding precious little to read in the Washington Post op-eds – I almost think it is the identically same op-ed “Trump Is Hitler” with a computer randomly toggling sentences and then putting a random name of Dana Milbank, Fareed Zakharia, Eugene Robinson, Jennifer Rubin, Greg Sargent, Kathleen Parker, Richard Cohen, Fred Hiatt, R2D2, … whomever’s turn it is for the by-line of the “Trump Is Hitler” op-ed-du-jour (5) On the latter point, I am not claiming this because I think Trump is perfect but to quote Johannes Brahms when someone pointed out that the last movement of his first symphony resembled a theme in Beethoven‘s Ode to Joy, “Any ass can see that!”. (6) Thus, it is the people who point out that the Iraq war was an impending disaster – the people who have the foresight to not follow the “prevailing” stupidity that I admire the most (such as Ilana).

UPDATE II via Twitter:

UPDATE IV (5/22): Wanda’s generosity of spirit means more than she knows.

Wanda De Lange Zanzi With dictionary by my side, I adore reading the workings of your mind. As a female you inspire me as a female… You have already and continue to teach me to think logically and laterally without gender (class, culture and or race) emotion, on many issues. As a female South African that says a lot, which, perhaps, would be greatly misinterpreted by a gazillion other people. Thank you for inspiring me to think.

Had Enough Of America’s Nasty Matriarchy, Yet?

Feminism, Gender, Human Accomplishment, Labor, Political Correctness, Technology

NEW COLUMN: As America’s malevolent matriarchy marches on, one demure young man, James Damore, is going up against the Google multinational and its high-tech matriarchy. “The High-Tech Industry’s Nudnik Matriarchy” is on WND.COM. An excerpt from:

…. Of the many men who toil in high-tech, few are as heroic as Damore, the young man who penned the manifesto “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” In it, Damore calmly and logically exposed the tyrannical ideological edifice erected to perpetuate the myth that, in aggregate, women and men are identical in aptitude and interests, and that “all disparities in representation are due to oppression.”

Despite active recruiting and ample affirmative action, women made up only 14.5 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively, of computer science and electrical engineering graduates, in 2015. While they comprise 21.4 percent of undergraduates enrolled in engineering, females earned only 19.9 percent of all Bachelor’s degrees awarded by an engineering program in 2015.”

There is attrition!

Overall, and in the same year, 80.1 percent of Bachelor’s degrees in engineering went to men; 19.9 percent to women. (“Engineering by the Numbers,” By Brian L. Yoder, Ph.D.)

As anyone in the world of high-tech knows, Damore included, entire human resource departments in the high-tech sector are dedicated to recruiting, mentoring, and just plain dealing with women and their ongoing nagging and special needs.

In high-tech, almost nothing is more politically precious as a woman with some aptitude. There’s no end to which companies will go to procure women and help them succeed, often to the detriment of technically competent men and women who must do double-duty. Their procurement being at a premium, concepts such as “sucking it up” and soldiering on are often anathema to coddled distaff.

A woman in high-technology can carp constantly about … being a woman in high-tech. Her gender—more so than her capabilities—is what defines her and endears her to her higher-ups, for whom she’s a notch in the belt.

While male engineers—and, indubitably, some exceptional women—are hired to be hard at work designing and shipping tangible products; women in high tech, in the aggregate, are free to branch out; to hone a niche as a voice for their gender.

Arisen online and beyond is a niche-market of nudniks (nags): Women talking, blogging, vlogging, writing and publishing about women in high-technology or their absence therefrom; women beating the tom-tom about discrimination and stereotyping, but saying absolutely nothing about the technology they presumably love and help create.

Young women, in particular, are pioneers of this new, intangible, but lethal field of meta-technology: kvetching (complaining) about their absence in technology with nary a mention of their achievements in technology. …

… READ THE REST of “The High-Tech Industry’s Nudnik Matriarchy,” on WND.COM.

The Right Looking To Get Street Cred From Sexual Deviants

Celebrity, Conservatism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Political Correctness, Prostitution, Republicans, Sex

It’s not what you say that’s particularly smart or profound, but it’s your life style that qualifies you to say it. That’s the position held by the Left and the New Right.

The American “Right” is now welcoming views from degenerate pornographers, so long as these go against left-liberals and Muslims. In the leftist tradition of identity politics, if you hail from a credible identity group—in this case Jewish, gay pornographer—well, then, you have something invaluable to impart about … Muslims and liberals, and who knows what else.

Pro-Israel activist and gay porn mogul Michael Lucas spoke to so-called alt-right website Breitbart about homophobia in the Muslim world, slamming American liberals as “apologists for Islam.”

Russian-born Lucas is a longtime pro-Israel activist and supporter of efforts to beef up gay tourism to Israel. In the past, he has written political opinion pieces detailing Israel’s impressive record on gay rights, organized gay tours of Israel and recently – and very publicly – pressured the New York LGBT Community Center to cancel meetings and events held by anti-Israel groups.

He produced “Men of Israel,” touted as the first pornographic film to be shot on location in the Holy Land with an all-Israeli/Jewish cast, as well as the non-porno, pro-Israel documentary “Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land.” …

As a libertarian, I’m down with consenting adults doing what they want. But it is one thing to support the legal right to make and consume pornography; quite another to defer to creators and consumers of this putrid product as some Delphic oracles. This here is the objection.

Pornography—gay or straight—is disgusting. The whore who has sex to make a living is owed respect, but not the sexual exhibitionist who films himself, poses himself and peddles the product of his aberrant vanity for notoriety. In the process, the pornographer sullies something beautiful that ought to connect two loving partners. Pornography is a special kind of sick.

Having said that, the same contempt is due to pornographers like Kim Kardashian and women like her who filmed themselves in pornographic poses. Face it, they love the exposure.

Facebook Thread.