You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer… You stop them
NEW ESSAY IS “Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.” It is currently featured on The Unz Review, and the Mises Institute’s Power & Market.
Now on
…Living Alongside Serial-Killing Sexual Sadists
The pairing, in Israel, of sexual arousal and violence toward Palestinians makes for a particularly irremediable pathology, the stuff of serial killers.
Israel’s bacchanalia in Gaza and the West Bank includes a Gulag of clandestine rendition torture camps, wherein thousands of Palestinian detainees languish without charges or due process, and are systemically and systematically raped, beaten, starved and left traumatized, twisted and deformed, disabled or dead. (“Something very sick and evil is happening in Israel’s jails. Welcome to hell is not an exaggeration,” reports the legendary Peter Oborne.)
Honed in rendition torture camps, sexual violence has become the coin of the Greater Israel realm. Settler-conquerors now roam the hamlets of the South Hebron Hills, out, loud and proud in threatening rape. Apparently, raping another helpless man is considered manly in Israel, a country that is otherwise more woke than any in the West.
In the one unremarkable vignette, filmed by B’Tselem, an armed settler threatens a Palestinian farmer in the South Hebron Hills with rape. “Rape in the name of God,” a la Sde Teiman, promises settler Shem Tov Luski, to a horrified Palestinian.
In yet another typical settler vignette, Turkish TV captured a uniformed IDF manhandling himself on camera, in a manner not fit to print. Reflexively. Apparently, threatening a helpless group of Palestinian homesteaders has aroused this IDF.
“Holy Redemption: Stealing Palestinian Land,” a TRT World Exclusive documentary, plainly follows and records these settlers in character. There is no editorializing. Twenty-nine minutes and 20 seconds into this TRT settler odyssey we find said IDF soldier, in cahoots with settlers, hissing: “I spit on Palestine. F-ck your mother. I’m the Israeli Army.” He is not done.
Just as I imagined this breed of Cain could not expose itself as more indecent, the hissing, uniformed IDF soldier comes close to indecent exposure. At the said timestamp, the atavistic, low-brow individual shows himself to be lacking the inhibitions to keep his perversion private.
The Palestinian olive growers and shepherds of the austere Hebron Hills are necessarily a Spartan people. For centuries they have made things grow despite arid soil and the scarcity of water. They look like they belong; like authentic outdoor folk. The Settlers, on the other hand, look ridiculous. Out of place. In marked contrast to the dignity of the Palestinians of the Hebron Hills, settler flotsam and jetsam are an epitome of degeneracy.
Why, then, would Palestinians, a traditional, rather regal people, wish to “draw strength” and inspiration, in the future, from their genocidal neighbors, the great Israeli unwashed, who’ve done to them things that make the thickest skin crawl?
This I ask in the context of peacemaking—for also talked up among some is a utopic time when “the two peoples [Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian] will get along, and actually draw strength from each other.”
Daily, the Palestinians’ closest neighbors, the settlers, make manifest their red-hot hatred toward them, stealing land, regularly slaughtering helpless livestock with biblical cruelty, and generally menacing Palestinian property owners. Most disturbing is the overt, perverted sexual sadism of settlers and their soldier helpers.
The Nazis, whose spiritual heirs Israel is shaping up to be, paradoxically, hid their systematic crimes against humanity; Israeli Jews—a majority, at least—either celebrate or are callously nonchalant about felonies, perversions and crimes against Palestinians.
Israeli shamelessness is the quality that has helped the Al Jazeera Investigation Unit (IU) commit to a database thousands of videos, photos and social media posts “posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long genocide” in the Gaza Strip.
The exultant whoops of individual IDF soldiers, mid murder, are now part of a dossier, a database. “Where possible, the Investigation Unit has identified the posters and those who appear,” leaving the International Criminal Court (ICC) with little else to do but to verify, and then initiate criminal proceedings. (Small wonder IDF squirrels are frantically deleting their social media accounts pursuant to the airing of “War Crimes in Gaza,” and to the filing, by Belgium’s “Hind Rajab Foundation,” of a complaint to the ICC against at least 1000 IDF putative war criminals.)
Israel’s soldier sons and daughters are the stars in the country’s genocide constellation. In addition to “a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighborhoods and murder,” what emerges most palpably from “War Crimes in Gaza,” and from my own year-long observations, is the sexual undercurrent that accompanies IDF sadism—from pilfering Palestinian women’s panties to raping their men.
The nub and the rub of it: How do you extinguish, for the purpose of peacemaking, pathologically murderous sexual arousal? Do you chemically castrate IDF soldiers and settlers?
… Israeli society … is a picture of moral decadence. Israeli sofa tv pundits are as chatty and blasé about “mowing the lawn” as they are about the sexual rupturing of Palestinian anatomy. Israelis themselves have partied on. It’s vodka in the bars, volleyball on the beaches. All the while, a few kilometers south of this Dionysian debauchery is genocide. Watch footage montage from Israel proper. Down south of the coast from these frolicking Israelis, on Gaza’s shores, fishermen are blown out of the waters should they try to fish to feed their families. (“How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself,” Al Jazeera, July 2, 2024.)
…. what other country proudly names one of its killer creeds, the “Dahiyeh Doctrine,” “after an area of Beirut” where it had perfected its predation? No other than Israel.
Israel is the proud promulgator of the immoral, illegal “doctrine of inflicting massive harm to civilians,” perversely named for its victims. Imagine a serial killer, Randall Woodfield, for example—he hunted along Highway I-5—calling his killer craft the “Highway I-5 Doctrine.” Imagine Wikipedia describing Woodfield as originator of the “I-5 Doctrine.”
By all accounts, special prestige is attached in Jewish-Israeli society to the perpetrators of the kind of crimes that “knock the cosmos out of kilter.”
Rescue Plan Required, Not A Political Strategy
When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs are not the things you reach for.
Imagine your 911 dispatcher answering your “I am dying, send help” emergency call with, “We are working on community based, crime-reduction strategies.” By extension, boycotts and embargoes relate to Israel mid-murder as crime-reduction policies relate to a crime in progress.
It would seem fair to surmise, then, that stopping an ideology—Israel’s genocidal mindset or America’s sacralization of Israel—is a long-term endeavor, a strategy. A strategy, political or other, does not a rescue plan make. A long-term strategy is not the answer to an S.O.S. life-and-death situation.
When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs or political strategies are not the things you reach for.
Crime-reduction strategies, in the case of Israel, are those long-term incentive-based plans to increase humanity’s safety and security, by disincentivizing an entity that has proven to constitute a danger to the comity and safety of nations.
The private, voluntary, slow-motion Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement “works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.” Voluntary economic boycotts on Israel and mandatory state embargoes on shipments of weapons to Israel: these are all well and good. But they are long-term strategies, not S.O.S. interventions in regional mass murder ongoing; these are not solutions to the problem of a mass murderer loosed on the Near East.
Israel is a promiscuous and licentious killer. To the mass-murdering medinah, the lives of Arabs are as cheap as the talk we in the West deploy about “stopping Israel.”
We’ve watched all of civilization’s edifices destroyed by Israel—from the sanctity of life, liberty and property to well-meaning legal frameworks designed to uphold these inalienable individual rights.
Israel, moreover, is humanity’s most barbaric instantiation. Not only does it target humanity’s most vulnerable, but also its finest and noblest; the people we most rely on: altruistic aid and rescue workers, healers in their clinics ministering to their patients, peace activists, writers, reporters and intellectuals recording the crimes for posterity.
For the better part of a year, we the people of Rome’s provinces have appealed to Rome on the Potomac. The magnificent, human rights and rescue community has “warned” and cajoled the Axis of Genocide—begged anyone they could buttonhole—while working and dying with their Palestinian charges in the field.
No petition to the United States has worked so far. America is not the solution, it’s the problem. On top of its already strong presence in the region as a standby and backup to its cheerless satellite—the United States is now sending Israel “an advanced anti-missile system and soldiers to operate it,” symbolically, at least, deepening America’s craven commitment to Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, the West Bank and their regional defenders.
Because he considers Israel a rib from the United States’ rib cage, Matthew Miller at Foggy Bottom gives us The Talk: “We’re calling on our Israeli allies to improve their ways in war, to look into this or that massacre having spontaneously materialized in Palestine. These massacres are indeed very disturbing.”
Wryly, Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah, Palestinian activist and thinker, offers up an apt syllogism for this American-Israeli stagecraft, 58 minutes into a conversation with journalist extraordinaire Rania Khalek:
“These reports of young men and women disappearing across America, and showing up brutally murdered are very disturbing. We ask Charles Manson, and John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to carry out a very serious investigation and to hold those responsible accountable. It is really important that we hold people accountable, so we would really like Jeffrey Dhamer and John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson to investigate this. And, the United State will work with them to do that.”
We cannot be lulled into the torpor of such talk.
Bullies must be stood up to and stopped. By definition, a bully is a coward. A bully, especially one imbued with a messianic, millenarian sense of supremacy, understands one thing: a united show of force. Israel’s regional serial killing needs to be stopped forthwith, and by force!
The attitude of the Arab countries, the Arab League, has been to let Israel do what it wants just so long as they were not the ones being targeted. But then they were.
The nub and the rub: War on civilians is a war on civilization. The coward’s aggression must be forcefully and righteously countered.
The Israeli State, which continues to operate outside the remits of man-made law and God’s law, must be defanged. You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer…
The plan to stop Israel will have to involve righteous, regional, counterforce. Details next.
…READ THE COMPLETE ESSAY. “Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.,” is now on The Unz Review, and the Mises Institute’s Power & Market.
Now on
November 6, 2024: “As polls close,” tweets Laila El-Haddad (@gazamom) “Gaza continues to burn-quite literally. This my friend’s brother–Tariq-being burned alive along with his wife and children in Zawayda last night after an Israeli drone attack. You can hear the agony in his Aunt’s voice calling out to him.”
UPDATED (Oct 31): Liquidating Northern Gaza. Let’s not dress up a systematic murder campaign in the raiment of battle fatigues for ostensible respectability. Israel’s methodology is that of the Nazis death squads, who “liquidated” the ghettos before shipping their occupants, in cattle cars, off to the extermination camps.
“‘The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying,’ warned Joyce Msuya, acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, in a statement posted on the social media platform X.”
“Israel is systematically and extensively working to drive out the Palestinian population and forcibly displace them from their residential areas in the northern Gaza Strip, using massacres, mass killings, bombings of hospitals and shelters, and the destruction of basic necessities of life,” reports Euro-Med Monitor:
During “the evacuation of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in the Beit Lahia project, which houses the greatest number of [injured] victims of the Israeli aggression,… the medical staff refused to evacuate it during the initial days of the previous aggression. Israel’s latest forced displacement order includes the hospital.” According to Democracy Now’s sources, oxygen concentrators were destroyed, neonates thus suffocated by Satan. Some time back the criminal gang, IDF, destroyed the only MRI scanner in the Gaza Strip.
The methods of Nazi liquidation include the stripping of the men and boys and their separation from the women. Images are everywhere of large cohorts of naked men sitting amid the ruins. As has been observed, Israel’s US-NATO backed impunity has entered a new phase of hideous hubris, culminating in the Demon State’s “criminalization of humanitarian aid.” Palestinian human rights organizations and organizers are being reclassified as non-human’s designated for death, which is what the terrorism” designation is when done by Israel and the countries that fellate it.
“The Murderous Logistics of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign in Northern Gaza
Eyewitnesses say the IDF is starving residents, targeting hospitals, bombing shelters, and murdering civilians in the streets.” (DropSite News)
Euromed Monitor:
In a dangerous increase in crimes targeting civilian gathering places, particularly in the northern Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation army has targeted shelter centres 39 times since the beginning of October. These attacks aim to forcefully displace the Palestinian population from the area, and have killed 188 people and injured hundreds more.
Since the beginning of August 2024, the Israeli army has targeted schools, hospitals, clinics, and shelter halls 65 times, including 39 times in the current month of October, killing 672 Palestinians and injuring over 1,000 more, according to the Euro-Med Monitor field team. Fifty-seven of the targeted locations were located in Gaza City or the northern Gaza Strip, while the remaining eight were in the central part of the Strip.
The Israeli targeting has included shelling, direct shootings, killing forcibly displaced people and their families, or making them leave schools-turned-shelters under fire and/or with orders to relocate. These schools are then burned or otherwise destroyed by Israeli forces in order to render them uninhabitable and stop displaced people from returning to them.
DemocracyNow’s updated figures, put the dead in North Gaza at over a 1000 and rising by the hour.
Director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, being destroyed by IsraHell, is Dr. Abu Safiya. He refused to leave his patients. Here this poor-poor man performs the rites of burial for his young son, only just killed by the Demon state. This is haunting and aching.
Nora Barrows-Friedman’s report on “Israel’s series of massacres in northern Gaza” is particularly devastating.
Abductions aplenty too.
UPDATED (Oct 25): Psychopathy seeking to perpetuate the gene-pool: Ofek @IDF advertises his psychopath’s credentials in looking for a mate on Tinder.
The work of the IDF de Sade:
October 23: Journalists are doing the work Karim Khan of the International Criminal Court is slow to do or act upon: Drop Site News follows Al Jazeera’s lead (“War Crimes in Gaza“) in collecting the evidence of genocide everywhere apparent: mass murder, robbery and destruction of all civilization’s edifices in Gaza, committed by the happy criminal gang of Battalion 749, at IDF. Of course, Israel is likely behind the attempt to discredit QC Khan, so as to ensure he does even less than he is currently doing, to bring to book thousands of culprits @IDF.Genocide.
“Israel has killed at least 640 Palestinians in north Gaza since it laid siege to the area 17 days ago, 33 of them since dawn on Monday, medical sources have told Al Jazeera.” (Oct 21, Via Al Jazeera) Today, reports DropSiteNews, it’s “over 770 people [murdered in Northern Gaza], a number certain to go up with countless more casualties lying in the streets and under the rubble in areas Israeli troops have barred emergency crews from accessing. ‘Israeli forces are executing people in the streets, in shelters, everywhere,’ Ismail Al-Thwabta, the spokesperson for the Information Ministry in Gaza, told Drop Site News. Over 1,000 others have been injured and more than 200 civilians have been ‘kidnapped,’ according to the Government Media Office in Gaza, with dozens more missing.”
UPDATED (Oct 19): Share the story of Shaban al-Dalou, the sweet boy whom Israel burned alive. Take care to share ONLY media that does not sneakily use the passive voice, as in, “Killed in a fire.” Use media that assign blame where it belongs: “Murdered by Israel.”
Kind, beautiful, bright, loyal to his family and community: Shaban al-Dalou was everything you want in a son, a daughter, a friend.