Category Archives: Propaganda

NEW COLUMN: Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

Democrats, History, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Populism, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Republicans, Rights, Russia, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

NEW COLUMN is “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” It is currently featured on WND.COM, and The Unz Review.

A short except:

The anniversary of January 6 is upon us. In deranged Democrat nomenclature, “It was an insurrection”—apparently the deadliest in U.S. history. To their disgrace, Jan. 6 has indeed become the Democrat’s 9/11.

Deplorables should rejoice for the Democrats are having a fit, and that’s fun. Rejoice, but do not partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would “spam for penis extensions.”

Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax—it was a plot to unseat a president—the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America. …

… If Democrats can defend their rioters, the Republican Party must represent theirs and secure them their Constitutional due-process rights still denied.

Above all, MAGA America must cancel Jan. 6; consider it a civilian Psychological Operation intended to “induce” and “reinforce behavior” meant to politically and psychologically pulverize the Democrats’ enemies: us. …

For now, read Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” on WND.COM, or The Unz Review.

UPDATED (11/21/021): Prosecutorial Duties To Seek Justice Flouted In The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Argument, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Propaganda, Race, Republicans

Prosecutorial power to bring charges against a person is an awesome power, stress Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton in The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Backing him, the prosecutor has the might of the state, and must never “override the rights of the defendant in order to gain a conviction.”

Unlike the defense attorney, whose job it is to defend the accused, regardless of guilt, the prosecutor’s job is to jail only those who are actually guilty. It is not unethical for a defense attorney to get a guilty client off—if the prosecutor can’t meet his burden of proof, it’s not the defense’s fault. But it is unethical for the prosecutor to prosecute someone he does not firmly believe is guilty.

Prosecutorial duties are dual. While acting as the plaintiff, the prosecutor must also take pains to protect the defendant’s rights.

This duty was clearly flouted in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, in which the prosecutor engaged not in a search for truth, but in full-on character assassination of the 18-year-old young man.

The hive media was along for the ride, as is evident from one in many such error-riddled reports in the once-august Newsweek. (They are all like this. Reporter here isn’t even corrected for spelling; she spells Judge Bruce Schroeder’s name two different ways in one sentence!)

The latest news:

Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers on Wednesday asked the judge for the second time in a week to declare a mistrial, this time arguing the defense received an inferior copy of a key video from prosecutors.

Defense attorney Corey Chirafisi told Judge Bruce Schroeder his team would have approached the case differently had it received the higher-quality video earlier. He said his newest motion for a mistrial would be made “without prejudice,” meaning prosecutors could try Rittenhouse again if the judge grants the mistrial.

Whereas Democrats are forever speaking up in defense of the armed militia of the Democratic Party, BLM thugs and rioters; Republican politicians for Kyle Rittenhouse where nowhere to be found. They do not give a dried camel’s hump to meet Dems on their combative terms on every front: cultural, legal, political.

It is clear that the adults had let young Kyle Rittennhouse down. They failed to explain to Kyle that he now lived in a country no longer free, and no longer based in ordered liberty. They forgot to tell Kyle that America was now systemically and institutionally anti-white. “Don’t do it, white boy.”

Whatever happens, one thing is clear: When Kyle went to Kenosha, “A Folk Hero was Born.”

Young Kyle went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, because he was never confused. He attempted to do the job politicians and police have refused to do. As the city’s mayor and the state’s governor watched Kenosha burn, Kyle confronted the enemies of the commonweal. Unlike the flaccid men of the media and in corridors of power, the 17-year-old rose to the challenge, firing only when he was prone and was being pounded by the feral fiends.

Now, let us all pray.

UPDATE (11/21/021):

* REMEMBER THE RIOTS of The Summer of Love, 2020? It turns out that politicians and the police who either stood down in Kenosha (and beyond) or knelt like ninnies need not have let THE COUNTRY BURN.

REPORTING FROM KENOSHA post verdict, NOV. 19, 2021, (I thought double-barreled surnames were a feminist affectation. Oh, I guess he is a feminist) points out that,

Three hours after 12 jurors found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges, the front steps of the courthouse in Kenosha are nearly clear of demonstrators. The scores of Rittenhouse supporters and detractors who were there after the verdict are almost entirely gone.

The crowds were likely cleared by the culprits who, only a year prior, allowed the place to burn down.

UPDATE (11/16/021): NEW Video: Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

COVID-19, Globalism, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Labor, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, THE ELITES, The State

Working Brits have more COVID liberty than Americans – really! On vax mandates, Pfizer’s ‘new’ pill, and the latest on ‘charmless’ Greta Thunberg

America, wake up! The British, from whom we seceded for freedom’s sake, don’t have vaccine mandates. These particular individual rights are more protected in the UK than in the US.

This week’s Hard Truth with David Vance and yours truly teases out the difference between British and American vaccine-mandate tyranny: The US loses. And, it’s not even close!

The World Health Organization has redefined what vaccines are whilst Pfizer produces a Pill less effective than Ivermectin, costs vastly more, yet works in the same way as a protease inhibitor!

Finally, global warming activist Greta Thunberg goes death metal! To this poor, singularly charmless girl we say, “Growl on Greta!”

Watch: “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

Listen via the Hard Truth podcast to “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket.

UPDATE (11/16/021): Lose your meal ticket and your freedom of movement:

The Left is Hitlerian! Austria has placed the unvaccinated under house arrest. The Austrian government now deserves to be reminded of its past: Anschluss, its collaboration with Hitler and its virulent, deadly Anti-Semitism.

An Intramuscular Injection That Enters The Bloodstream

Argument, COVID-19, Free Speech, Healthcare, Journalism, Propaganda, Pseudo-intellectualism, Pseudoscience, Reason, Science

“Covid has separated the medical wheat from the chaff; the healers from the killers.”–ilana mercer

While at the outset of the vaccination campaign in 2020 it was unknown to what extent COVID vaccines entered the bloodstream, human data from 2021 reveal that the spike protein shows up within the circulation on the very day of the injection [15]. Similarly, animal studies submitted by Pfizer to the Japanese government [24] found that the vaccine appears in the circulation within 15 minutes of intramuscular injection, reaching maximum plasma concentration within just two hours. Very high levels have subsequently been recorded in the liver, the spleen, the adrenal glands, and the ovaries. Vaccine components have also been observed in the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord), albeit at lower concentrations. Such widespread distribution throughout the body via the bloodstream is a feat that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not usually achieve.

The two papers referenced in the paragraph above, are linked below:

Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) proteins were measured in longitudinal plasma samples collected from 13 participants who received two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine. Eleven of 13 participants showed detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein as early as day 1 after first vaccine injection. Clearance of detectable SARS-CoV-2 protein correlated with production of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA).

As it stands, there is a debate in the scientific community that’ll never be aired by airheads such as CNN’s Pamela Brown, aforementioned (here). Her ilk, petulant like a big baby—seek safety in unanimity. To that end, they extinguish debate. An open society would air the debate; the airhead gatekeepers refuse to countenance disagreement.

There is no question that the spike proteins from the COVID-19 vaccines leach into the bloodstream, something traditional vaccines do not. Immunologists like Byram Bridle  claim this is dodgy unstudied territory and harmful:

“In short, the conclusion is, we made a big mistake,” Bridle said. “We didn’t realize it until now. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin, and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin. Some people, this gets into circulation, and when that happens in some people, they can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system. And I have many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety, therefore, of this vaccine.”

Dr. Robert W. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology platform, pictured on my post, is unhappy about its use. Need more reason to, at least, question more (were you allowed to so do)?

Galvanizing its fact-checkers, Reuters reports “no evidence that spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic.” Other sources have spilled pixels in the same quest, see “Byram Bridle’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines are toxic fails to account for key differences between the spike protein produced during infection and vaccination, misrepresents studies.

In my opinion, and compared to other vaccines (I’ve recently taken the two Shingles shots; fabulous stuff), there is not nearly enough longitudinal data on the COVID vaccine’s safety. A few months of hurried research is not enough. And the fact that vaccine injuries are not openly discussed and quantified is not only a disgrace—it accounts for the current contempt for mainstream medicine.

Moreover, if you as a patient suspect that, should you react to the jab, you would be told categorically that your reaction, however severe, has nothing to do with the vaccine—this makes you less likely to get vaccinated. After all, you want medics to guarantee to treat a reaction seriously, not deny it is related to vaccination.

Correlation is not causation, but when healthy people suddenly erupt in a host of deadly reactions, after receiving the Covid vaccine, and are told to go home, it’s nothing—disgust settles in. You realize you are on your own. Healers have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath in favor of confirmation bias.

A shout-out to wonderful healers like Peter McCullough:

Peter McCullough On The Greatest Failure In American Medicine: COVID-19

Of interest:

Institutional Rot: Post-Vaccination Myopericarditis Could Be Linked To Fauci-Recommended, Rotten Injection Technique