NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.
ABOUT “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times,” Patriot caliber .357×6 writes:
“Finally, someone has the guts and the brains in the media to put forth the proper perspective. All the whining and propaganda is morphing into actual threats in a matter of hours against the patriot; go ahead, make our day.”
Why repeat hackneyed phrases about annus horribilis 2020?
Recall the opening paragraph of “A Tale of Two Cities,” a classic by Charles Dickens? Interspersed in that epical introduction are countervailing, sweetness-and-light words. Excise these—and you get 2020:
“… it was the worst of times…it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch…of incredulity, it was…the season of darkness… it was the winter of despair. … we had nothing before us.”
MAGA men and women are just that: The best of people in the worst of times.
These good people converged on D.C., Jan. 6, to protest the certification of the Electoral College vote.
They, who have “nothing before them,” had come to demand that something be done by those who had “brought [them] forth into this wilderness,” yet sit “by the fleshpots [on the Potomac] and [eat] bread to the full.” (My adaptation of Exodus 16:3.)
Cassandra Fairbanks, of the Gateway Pundit web-hub, framed her report about the protest that ensued just right: “Patriots Have Stormed the Capitol Building — Masses Breaching Federal Barriers — Cops Losing Control.”
Yes, patriots. Rage that had been simmering over an election whose results lacked constitutional credibility had finally come to a boil. …
… The thread that runs through fatuous TV debates, among Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt and his ilk, is the failure of the Grand Old Party (GOP) to stand up to Donald Trump.
Unmentioned are the 74 million people who prop President Trump up. These solipsistic, vain TV degenerates—Bush-era operative Nicolle Wallace, the gaseous Ana Navaro, celebutante Margaret Hoover, and many more—have simply “disappeared” or cancelled 74 million Americans. …
… READ On. NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.