Category Archives: Technology

UPDATED (6/24): He’d Never Hire ’50-Year-Old White Guys,’ Said Stockton Rush, RIP, Titan’s Submersible’s CEO. Oops.

Critique, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Race, Racism, Technology


“[D]idn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ with military experience to captain his vessels because they weren’t ‘inspirational.’ Stockton Rush, 61, added that … ‘anybody can drive the sub’ with a $30 video game controller.

OOPS. A bum’s rush.

“Speaking to CBS News in November,” Reports RT, “Rush explained that the vessel was entirely controlled with a generic bluetooth video game controller, which online sleuths discovered had a dismal reputation for reliability.”

From Matt Walsh—who else?—comes turgid psychoanalysis in the service of mindless WORSHIP. WORSHIP without distinction.

In a burst of Randian emotionalism, Mr. Walsh, an unsupple mind, rushed to praise adventure tourism in general, and the OceanGate submersible’s Titanic-bound endeavor, in particular.

Walsh scolded any who dared to be cynical—as I am of the masses who flock to, say, Mount Everest, turning Base Camp into a vast latrine, and making waste removal a major source of employment for local Nepalese and neighboring Chinese. Yes, how ennobling an industry is that for The Other.

Noble spirit? “Bold and daring” on the Everest? No. Crass, despoiling tourism.

First to summit were a white guy (not yet 50) named Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay. They embodied “different, bold, and daring.”

Nevertheless, scold Matt Walsh pules on tediously about critics:

These are people whose envy and dissatisfaction with their own mediocre, unimpressive lives have driven them to despise anyone who does anything different, bold, or daring. They take pleasure in failure because they will never have any successes of their own to celebrate.

The lives of Lilliputians like you and me dwarf compared to the grand life of CEO and pilot Stockton Rush, RIP, says Walsh.

The latest, via AP News

A submersible carrying five people to the Titanic imploded near the site of the shipwreck and killed everyone on board, authorities said Thursday, bringing a tragic end to a saga that included an urgent around-the-clock search and a worldwide vigil for the missing vessel.

Coast Guard officials said during a news conference that they’ve notified the families of the crew of the Titan, which had been missing since Sunday.

The sliver of hope that remained for finding the five men alive was wiped away early Thursday, when the submersible’s 96-hour supply of oxygen was expected to run out and the Coast Guard announced that debris had been found roughly 1,600 feet (488 meters) from the Titanic in North Atlantic waters.

“This was a catastrophic implosion of the vessel,” said Rear Adm. John Mauger, of the First Coast Guard District.

* Image as screen pic courtesy Fox News

UPDATE II: For their abysmal endeavor, the anti-white ageist brainiacs of the OceanGate submersible used Carbon Fiber, rather than a metal that withstands compression. NASA engineers helped them. Systemic, institutional rot. Ridding the system of the best engineers is a bummer.


“Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali,” Ilana Mercer, February 25, 2021

When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down,” Ilana Mercer, March 29, 2018

Manliness (Not A Miracle) On The Hudson,” Ilana Mercer, February 13, 2009

As our reader points out in Comments, you would not see a brother, rich or poor, board such a “Hold My Beer” piece of engineered crap, assembled with parts as good as you get from Home Depot, in a basement—OceanGate workshop pics indeed do depict steps descending into what looks like a garage.

However, absent those old, musty, white men, the atmosphere was of giddy exuberance. So, there’s that.

UPDATE II (3/19): NEW COLUMN: Slandering The Homeless: Mass Immigration, Not Mental Disease & Addiction

Anti-Semitism, Economy, Globalism, IMMIGRATION, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Technology

NEW COLUMN is “Slandering The Homeless: Mass Immigration, Not Mental Disease & Addiction.” It is featured at The New American and The Unz Review.

Now on


… Big Tech must be quite pleased to see homelessness attributed exclusively, by the usual cast on TV, to addiction and mental illness—when, in fact, homelessness is driven, primarily, by the systematic and permanent eviction from the housing market of vulnerable, working-class people.

This is certainly so in Washington State. Homelessness in the Emerald City has been exacerbated by Big Tech and the other multinationals, for these stateless corporations are the major importers, into King County and the surrounds, of a high-tech, feudal elite that compounds the homeless quagmire.

If anything, the corporations that straddle the globe rely on immigration ignoramuses to perpetuate the single-cause theory of homelessness: addiction or mental illness.

However, even if drug addiction and mental illness are seen as necessary in causing homelessness, they are seldom sufficient. Substance abuse and mental anguish can, in themselves, be the consequence of other exogenous, existential and intractable circumstances.

Such as being priced out of your homeland’s housing market. For good….

THE REST…  Slandering The Homeless: Mass Immigration, Not Mental Disease & Addiction” is featured on The New American and The Unz Review.

Or, here

* Screen-picture credit

UPDATED (3/18):  Want to talk about the hypothesis I floated about homelessness? Here goes on Unz Review: ILANA is Jewish, so well of course, homelessness.

Sometimes bullies, stalkers, haters and plain asinine cowards have to be dispatched. Done:

UPDATE II (3/19):
Copious data against the mental illness/drug libel is here: “Everything you think you know about homelessness is wrong” by Aaron Carr. It’s the artificially, ever-hot housing market!

PODCAST: Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords

Affirmative Action, China, Communism, Conservatism, COVID-19, Foreign Policy, Free Markets, Republicans, Russia, South-Africa, Technology, The State, The West, War

THE LIVE HARD TRUTH PODCAST, March 7, 2023, with David Vance and myself, was a great deal of fun. It is definitely worth postponing all midday appointments for. We go deep.

I question US belligerence against China whilst being buoyed by African resistance to US foreign policy diktats. David exposes Covid lies and distractions peddled by the spineless media. AND MUCH MORE.

We really enjoy your comments, so do make a point of joining us next time.

You can now watchOh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords,” and still leave your comments. We always reply.

We appreciate your Subscribe.

UPDATED (1/28): Democrats’ Biden Classified-Doc Breech: Republican Political Eunuchs Swallow The Bait

COVID-19, Democrats, Donald Trump, Free Speech, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans, Technology, The State

The Republican orgy over the orchestrated ouster of Biden in the matter of classified, “highly sensitive” state-documents, demonstrates how this lot, the GOP, is unseriousness about first-principle obligations to the voters. These are:

* Impeaching Biden for the country invaded and consequently permanently altered. From here on in, America will be what I term in my book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot, a dominant-party state.

* Demanding day-in, day-out that the 4-5 million outlaws invited into out country illegally be rounded up and deported, and not one more penny be stolen from taxpayers to pay for their keep and safe passage into American communities.

* Repealing all manner of Covid tyranny, including the ban on white, unvaccinated non-citizens from vising the US. Why do I assert that the travel ban on the unvaccinated is anti-white ? Because the reg says that foreigners from “countries with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability” may stream into the USA unvaccinated! This rule is a proxy for race, engineered to privilege brown and black Third Worlders and oust whites.

*Besides, why is the Administrative State—the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) legislating around our right of freedom of movement, and that of our friends and trading partners? Is it not an opportune time for the fucking GOP castrati to challenge the Managerial State’s usurpation of constitutional rights?

*Beating back crime and lawlessness: Clearing cities of homeless encampments, allowing cops to stop crime and for citizens to defend person and property against it.

*Defunding all institutions that practice woke anti-whiteness: schools, tertiary, secondary, primary.

*Launching Civil Rights action against any financial institution engaged in financial deplatforming based on thought crimes and impolite speech.

* Ceasing to bait the Russian bear, forcing a diplomatic solution on that kept man, Zelensky.

Or, given how dumb the GOP (RIP) is, just do what the good Governor Ron DeSantis is doing, but amplified.

UPDATE (1/28): The Mar-a-Lago Vs. Delaware distinction.

Other strictly partisan, less-philosophical conservatives, like Victor Davis Hansen, will try and draw distinctions around classified documents between their guy’s infractions, Biden’s, and our guy’s transgressions. This “Trump did it right” vs. “Biden did it wrong” case is an extension of the original distraction.

In fact, you don’t have to read such an undignified argument—I don’t—to know that it is NOT and argument from first principles.

*Screen picture credit