Meet The Clones (In War) Of Samantha Power, Susan Rice & Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump, Feminism, Foreign Policy, Gender, War

We’ve seen this horror show before.

America’s first “war of the wombs” was Libya, courtesy of Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton. Obama was reluctant. The president left Libya to those women. The rest is history. Libya is history, or shall we say herstory.

Replacing those gargoyles in pushing for war in Syria is a new troika: Nikki Haley, Karen Pierce (Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations), and, behind the scenes, Ivanka Trump, no doubt, who’s Haley’s fan and patron. Ivanka’s motto is, “We Are The World, We Are The Children” (Yemeni children excepted).

I suspect Trump’s troika is now helping drive a war to unseat Bashar al-Assad.

Following the bombing in Syria, this new dumb troika has just voted to “investigate chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

Shouldn’t an investigation precede the “precision” pulverizing of locations in Damascus and Homs?



UPDATE II (5/14): Some Tests Of Left-Liberalism

Communism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Old Right, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, South-Africa

Leftists often parade as rightists, especially among libertarians. But they let things slip.

The hallmarks of a consummate leftist are:

1. He’ll rabbits on about the evils of McCarthyism, when Joe McCarthy was an American hero.

2. He’s wont to compare “bad” countries—the lefty usually chooses Israel—to apartheid South Africa, showing a knee-jerk leftist sensibility and absolutely no clue about apartheid.

Please add your litmus tests for leftism, which, naturally, includes most conservatives.

UPDATE I (4/20):

3. Hating on James Burnham (and his ilk) under the guise that he was once a Trotskyist. Not all former Trotskyists (like Michael Medvend) are worthless and worse. Burnham was on the wrong side before converting to Old Rightism, but in “Suicide of the West” and “Managerial Revolution” he came to embody the best of Old the Right. Monumental works. Of course Jeet heert, editor at the New Republic, would hate Burnham. All lefties do.

UPDATE II (5/14):


That’s another thing that distinguishes left from right libertarian: the right kind (all 10 of us) likes monarchy, doesn’t cheer the prospects of a left-wing, tacky, radical feminist, Megan Markle, dismantling it. Read “Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy.”

Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables

IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Populism

The NEW COLUMN, “Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables,” exposes populism-bashing elites like Kevin D. Williamson, formerly of National Review, who said this about about Deplorables: “The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die”:

An excerpt:

To say that academic elites don’t like ordinary folks is to state the obvious.

To them, Lanford, Illinois—the fictional, archetypal, working-class town, made famous by Roseanne and Dan Conner—is not to be listened to, but tamed.

A well-functioning democracy depends on it.

Taming Fishtown—Charles Murray’s version of Landford—is the thread that seems to run through  a new book, “The People vs. Democracy,” by one Yascha Mounk.

You guessed it. Mr. Mounk is not an American from the prairies; he’s a German academic, ensconced at Harvard, and sitting in judgment of American and European populism.

If only he were capable of advancing a decent argument.

“The number of countries that can plausibly be described as democracies is shrinking,” laments Mounk (“Populism and the Elites,” The Economist, March 17, 2018):

“Strongmen are in power in several countries that once looked as if they were democratizing … The United States—the engine room of democratization for most of the post-war period—has a president who taunted his opponent with chants of ‘lock her up’ and refused to say if he would accept the result of the election if it went against him.”

Elites ensconced in the academy are likely selected into these mummified institutions for a certain kind of ignorance about political theory or philosophy.

Plainly put, a chant, “lock her up,” is speech, nothing more. This Trump-rally chant might be impolite and impolitic, but on the facts, it’s not evidence of a “strongman.”

Notice how, deconstructed, nearly every utterance emitted by the technocratic and academic elites turns out to be empty assertion?

Even the subtitle of the book under discussion is sloppy political theory: “Why Our Freedom is in Danger and How to Save It” implies that democracy is the be-all and end-all of liberty. Quite the opposite.

America’s Constitution-makers did everything in their power (except, sadly, heed the Anti-Federalists) to thwart a dispensation wherein everything is up for grabs by government, in the name of the people. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables.” It’s available also on,, the Unz Review, and others.

Perth Turns Out For Pretoria: Australians Unafraid To Voice LOUD Support For South Africa’s Persecuted Minority

America, Education, Family, History, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Bless the Australians. Groups of unafraid whites—yes, whites—are doing for white South Africa what no other Western nation is replicating. Rising up and demanding state action or refugee status for this beleaguered minority.

Are Australians less fearful of the seething, aggressively anti-white identity groups withing (including the ruling elites)? Perhaps.

Americans, so-called Right and Left, are still apologizing for slavery and segregation for which no living American is guilty.  … Too obsequious to vigorously defend another group of protestant (mostly) settlers, who created the civilization at the tip of Africa.

Perth Turns Out for Pretoria:

By the way, Julian Assange, the greatest libertarian alive—and one of the few with a rightist sensibility, in my opinion—hints at the stuff WikiLeaks has on Cyril Ramaphosa. If only people could still read. I am told that the average attention span of a Millennial is … 30 seconds. (Is that the fault of Facebook or their fucking parents and pedagogues?)

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