WATCH: Dorsey Out, Even More Woke In; And The OMG! Variant Whacks The West

Britain, Business, COVID-19, Europe, Free Speech, Pseudoscience, Race, South-Africa, Technology

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David has been banned by Jack Dorsey’s Twitter; ilana is shadow-banned and throttled. But for the Wokerati, Dorsey is just not woke enough. Enter Parag Agrawal. Twitter’s new CEO is even less wedded to the First Amendment of the US Constitution than Dorsey. Agrawal, whose ideas about American liberty come from Stanford, Microsoft and Mumbai, thinks his role is to make public discourse healthier. Oh, for the days when businessmen stuck to their mandate: doing business.

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New Column: The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response

America, Britain, COVID-19, Democrats, Healthcare, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN IS “The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response.” It is currently a feature on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American, CNSNews, and American Greatness.

An excerpt:

South Africa has practiced and modeled good science and good sense. Dr. Angelique Coetzee (pronounced koot-see-a) was among the first to alert South African epidemiologists to what has now been named the omicron variant of COVID-19. Or, as dubbed here, the “OMG! variant.”

A calm clinician, Coetzee had deduced that what she was seeing in her patients—and successfully treating—was a heretofore unseen COVID variant with attendant mild disease.

Quickly were South Africa’s skilled and responsible epidemiologists alerted and the genetic sequencing commenced. And, voila: A mutation! Also a completely unremarkable occurrence in the annals, and course, of epidemics. As molecular evolution and virology tell us, viruses—clever little RNA strands that they are—mutate during disease outbreaks without significant impact on the outbreak.

By the good doctor’s summation, “I’ve seen nothing in this variant that warrants Britain’s extreme response to it.” Ditto that of the rest of the world.

Coetzee and her colleagues were the ones encountering and treating omicron; but the cretins at the helm of the international COVID cartel, based in D.C., had all the answers. Nobody was going to crimp their style, not least a stoic, calm, rational clinician in the thick of it. Ethics and efficacy be dammed, travel to and from a poor nation, South Africa, was forthwith suspended. After all, unlike “the world’s factory,” China—free to spread disease with impunity—poor nations are incapable of retaliating.

So, while clinicians on the ground met omicron with equanimity; Western politicians working the pandemic and armed with not much more than ignorance sprung into Brownian motion.

Aside from eminently reasonable calm—the South Africans were imparting a tidbit the television doctors and the pandemic’s political manhandles were not keen to share: There were vaccinated people among “the new omicron variant sequenced in 77 cases.”

This is not to say that infections are not up in South Africa …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response.” It is on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American, CNSNews and American Greatness.



South Africa Practiced Good Science And Good Sense: The OMG! Variant

America, Conservatism, COVID-19, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, South-Africa, The West

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, was first to alert South African epidemiologists to what has now been named the Omicron variant of COVID. Or, as I’ve dubbed it, the “OMG! Variant.”

Dr. Coetzee’s suspected a variant with attendant mild disease in her patients. She quickly alerted South Africa’s skilled and responsible epidemiologists, who, I believe, have been doing the genetic sequencing. The COVID cartel has done the panicking and the banning. With the audacity and equanimity conferred by ignorance did the magical, medical, menagerie of morons stateside claim more knowledge than those medics who were working with the infected. As I write, TV’s bimbos and their house-trained boys are aflutter, speaking with certainty about destructive policies.

READ the good doctor’s summation: “I’ve seen nothing in this variant that warrants Britain’s extreme response to it.”

South Africa has practiced and modeled good science and good sense. The cretins of the COVID cartel recoiled. The West is a disgrace.

The audacity: The magical, medical, menagerie of morons stateside ALREADY knows ALL about new OMG! Covid variant. TV bimbos and their house-trained boys are aflutter.

American Foreign Policy Brought The Curse Of Gadhafi On Europe; EU Rebels; Americans Retaliate

America, Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, EU, Europe, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION

American conservatives believe they live in a country whose general sensibility is far more conservative than that of the rest of the world. As a naturalized American, I persist in telling my friends they are wrong. America is a most radical, revolutionary, Jacobin-flavored place. The Yankees have won out.

Not in dispute is that Radical America failed the Libyan state (read “Libya, A War of The Womb“)!  Failed Libya, as in supervised the removal of its leader and the ensconcing of forces of … you know the rest. Democracy.

Qaddafi kept migrants away from Europe’s shores. He, in fact, predicted that Europe’s demise would follow closely on his. (Read my “The Curse Of Col. Gadhafi“.)

European leadership has better, more conservative, instincts than America’s. The EU had adopted a ruthless system to repel migrants floating across the Mediterranean. They turn them over to “efficient and brutal” Libyan militia, euphemized as the  Libyan Coast Guard. The End.

Now that the EU must collaborate with tough Libyan militia that rose after Gadhafi’s removal, to keep migrants away—US journos and pols are furious, retaliating big time. The confluence of American interests want to pry European borders wide-open. Trust me: Most of the American Deep State and phenotypical State at the pentagon (even Republicans) are firmly behind the radicals.

READ: “Europe’s border agency under fire for aiding Libya’s brutal migrant detentions
The E.U. pays for almost every aspect of Libya’s often lethal migrant detention system, an investigation found, including the boats that fire on migrant rafts.”

There goes European immigration enforcement, courtesy of the USA.