Category Archives: Critique

NYC EMT & Fire Department Union Boss Presents Cogent, Comprehensive, Factual, Rational Argument Against Vaccines For Members

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Ethics, Healthcare, Intelligence, Judaism & Jews, Labor, Race, Reason

I believe uber-progressive anchor Alex Witt, of MSNBC, likely went easy on Oren Barzilay because she must have believed the president of Emergency Medical Services Local 2507 of District Council 37 (President of Uniform EMTs, Paramedics & Inspectors – New York City Fire Department) to be a working-class man of an acceptably exotic ethnicity.

To me of course, the name screamed Israeli. As did the clear, comprehensive argument style, and cogent replies to everyone of the woman’s arguments for vaccine mandates.

Barzilay argued against mandates for his members. These are arguments that not one of the dimwits usually entertained on the idiot’s lantern (the TV) has proven able to rattle off.

In arguing against the mandates, Barzilay told Witt:

        1. No conclusive evidence exists to show the vaccines are not harmful. On the contrary, the CDC website reports over 12,000 deaths from these vaccines and thousands injured, or having sustained some medical issues.
        2. The vaccines are not FDA approved and clinical trials have been limited and of short duration; no longitudinal data.
        3. In reply to Witt’s idiot question—which nobody in American media seems capable of refuting, and it is, “Have you and family not received the mumps, measles, polio vaccinations, and once the vaccines move from Emergency Authorization to FDA approved status, will you instruct your guys to take it?”—Barzilay did not miss a beat. He returned to Witt’s first point, emphasizing that older vaccines (I’ve recently gotten two Shingles shots) have over a decade of data behind them. The COVID vaccines went to market and into arms after 6 months of production, and even less time devoted to data collection and analysis.
        4. He is not telling his people not to get vaccinated; all Barzilay is insisting on is choice for his members, as to what they place in their bodies until the data are in.
        5. He wants to know (asking in a cynical, rhetorical manner) if the City will cover the expenses of those who have an adverse reaction. That’s unknown, argued Barzilay. I would argue one better: When admitted into hospital following vaccination, with a plethora of symptoms, you are more often than not subjected to batteries of tests that always appear aimed at ruling-out correlation with vaccination, instead of treating what could be dangerous symptoms.
          In the zeal to avoid implicating the vaccine in a reaction—individuals who suffer a reaction in proximity to vaccination might not even receive antidotes as soon as they need them. The aim of untrustworthy medical personnel seems to be to exonerate the vaccinators rather than assume a reaction and prevent a patient from dying.
          Essentially, medical personal have lost our trust that indeed they can spring into action, in the event we suffer adverse reactions to their ill-researched vaccines.
        6. Oren disputes that all his members are, as Witt assumed, grateful for the vaccines, since some have died following vaccination. He cannot definitively prove causation, but they died shortly thereafter. Two of Oren’s Local members died within 4 days of receiving the vaccine.


    1. RELATED READING: “Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?”

Finally, A Free-Market Awakening: The Market For Medicine For The Unvaccinated Is HUGE

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Healthcare, Propaganda, Science, The State

Medical maleficence! Medical malpractice—and a testament to the incurious, mediocrities most doctors are: This is how Peter MuCullough, as fine a thinker as he is a clinician, has characterized a consensus among the medical community that, for some reason, COVID-19 (unique among all diseases) is, and must remain, impervious to treatment.

Group think gripping Americans, in general, and institutionalized, intellectual atrophy and ineptness, in particular, have stopped doctors from doing what medicine had always done: come up with a combination of drugs to treat outpatients, and treat them early, so as to reduce hospitalizations and mortality from COVID-19.

Well, rays of freedom are peeking through the clouds. There is a large enough segment of the population which has reserved the right to question vaccines behind which are two months of clinical safety data (most vaccines can take years to approve), no formal FDA approval process, and  whose manufacturers are exempt by a corrupt state from liability.

These “foolish,” “irrational,” vaccine-resisters have also surmised rather rationally that, following the vaccination edict will come bullying about a booster, given the waning immune response conferred by Covid vaccines.

So, as corrupt as state-co-opted medicine has become; some free-market incentives are still in operation. All the more so in Japan, where an intelligent population has chosen not to vaccinate, for the most: at about 8%, rates of vaccination in Japan are extremely low.

A Japanese company sees an opportunity; a market for sensible treatment.

Via Daily Beast:

The race to develop an oral cure for COVID-19 has just heated up with the announcement that Japanese pharmaceutical company Shionogi has started human trials for its once-a day tablet meant to neutralize the virus in patients. Pfizer and Merck are already in later-stage trials for similar treatments, which are presently missing as a tool to battle the pandemic. Pfizer’s twice-daily treatment could be available by the end of 2021. The advent of a reliable cure would be especially important for those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, say medical experts.

Pfizer, too:

Pfizer has said its twice-daily pill could be ready to hit the market as soon as this year. It is preparing to enroll more than 2,000 patients in a test of the antiviral pill combined with a booster antiviral drug against a placebo.

All three companies aim to fill one of the biggest gaps in fighting the pandemic. Vaccines remain effective at preventing serious illness from known strains of the Covid-19 virus including the contagious Delta strain, studies have shown. But some people don’t want to get vaccinated, and cases can occur for those who do get their shots.

Of course, thanks to the pockets of free-market medicine extant in the USA, there are already heroic frontline doctors, fine, courageous and imaginative clinicians—the best of the best—who’re acting to treat patients with an existing arsenal of well-tested and already approved medicines.

*Image courtesy Reuters.

UPDATED (6/28/021): NEW COLUMN: Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd

Argument, Celebrity, Crime, Critique, Democrats, Law, Media, Race, Racism

To the extent they are hip to nuanced argument, Conservative readers are often followers, and they demand the same from writers. They cannot abide withering, substantive critique of their idols. However, no thinking, conservative-minded individual should commit idolatry—especially not of TV personalities.

Certainly the idea that the Democrats are the provenance of black crime—that if not for Democrats, black crime would not be an issue—is deserving of contempt.

… But this is precisely Candace Owens’ consistent line of argument on Mr. Tucker Carlson’s TV slot: Democrats are to blame for  black crime.

Owens, who was on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to address the “terrifying rise is violent crime and crime rates,” had rattled off something about, “The Democrats using black people and racism as pawns to distract people from what’s going on,” namely a government power grab.

And, “Everything bad is coming from the United States government being controlled by Democrats.”

By Owens’ logic, the Democrats made some black residents of Oakland CA, simulate coitus and engage in an orgiastic celebration of murder and mayhem around the vans of the emergency medical technicians. Watch.

In all, “the Democrats made them riot and rut” argument is doo-doo. It doesn’t fly, and it’s pretty bad moral reductionism. …

MORE in my new column: “Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd: When a bloodbath becomes a bacchanalia.” It’s on WND.COM, The Unz Review and CNSNews.COM


The Controlled Opposition:

UPDATE (6/28/021):

I wrote a book about South Africa. It has held up quite well. There were no Democrats involved in “laying the ground” for self-generating, black-on-white murderous crime there.  The only correct etiological statement would be one which involves lack of punishment.

Candace Owens In Immigration Wonderland, ‘Discovers’ Demography

Africa, Conservatism, Critique, IMMIGRATION, Media, Republicans

Candace Owens says we should welcome more black immigrants from Africa, because they constitute only 2 percent of the United States’ immigration intake.

At the same time, she complains about a plan she has documented—and is happy Tucker Carlson is finally discussing—to change the demographics of the USA.

Hmm. I wonder what Peter Brimelow, Michelle Malkin, Steve Sailer, Ann Coulter or myself have been writing about for decades?

I recall, when first I wrote about immigration, in 2002, I had read and referenced Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow,  because I considered that without it—one could not write about immigration with any credibility. I still think this.

Next, Candace will discover that, “legal immigration is the real catastrophe.” (from “IMMOLATION BY IMMIGRATION,” 2003.)

A media conservative has no intellectual history or coherent philosophy; he or she is but a grab-bag of talking points. The GOP circus goes on—on TV.

For the media conservative, the history of ideas begins when he or she gets their TV gig. All is tabula rasa before that.