Category Archives: Donald Trump

UPDATED (5/19): NEW COLUMN: RFK, Jr.: Authentic Americanism That Loves Liberty, Loathes Lockdowns, Upbraids Abe

Argument, Constitution, COVID-19, Democrats, Donald Trump, Free Speech, Liberty, Private Property, Republicans

NEW COLUMN is “RFK, Jr.: Authentic Americanism That loves liberty, Loathes Lockdowns, Upbraids Abe.” It was featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, where it was one of the main features, and The New American.


UPDATE (5/20): The number of views for this column’s companion Hard Truth podcast-–recorded 3 weeks back with my honorable, trustworthy podcast partner David Vance—is 32,000! Truth is timeless, especially when it’s predictive. You see, other popular podcasts have only just caught up with our insights. Namely that Fox News is doomed. (Chuckle. Hearty). Tucker and Trump were transformational. We hope against hope that RFK, Jr. will be too.


THE GULF BETWEEN principles and practice, doxa and praxis, is eternal—all the more so when it comes to the politician.

When you think of a GOP candidate, in particular, you think of neither creed nor action, but, rather, of a list of talking points and policy positions to the exclusion of bedrock principles.

“God, groceries and gas” was how one gaseous hack smugly summed up what Americans need, to Sean Hannity of the near-defunct [chuckle] Fox News channel. That, and promises seldom kept.

Aside from a native intelligence, and to distinguish from his rotten party’s political plank—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., conversely, does articulate a creed that respects liberty. Whether he will act on this commendable worldview once in office is unknown.

As it emerged from the RFK, Jr., announcement for president, his worldview departs from that of the progressive Democrat Party’s, which he has decried as “the party of fear, war and censorship… neocons with woke bobble-heads.”

RFK, Jr’s philosophy of liberty, moreover, appears wedded to reality. He doesn’t jabber GOP-style about a return to small government and the passing of a balanced budget amendment.

Such totem Republican “small-government” words are as good as Orwellian News Speak in concealing the truth, as they are dumbly and dangerously unmoored from reality, and thus meaningless, mere reductive talking points.

With an accreting $31.8 trillion in national debt, and some $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities incurred by federal and state governments—the United States of America is beyond such asinine talk. There is no coming back from this kind of government gigantism; from such Federal Reserve and state-driven chicanery, with which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. seems familiar and to which he speaks knowledgeably.

Your columnist’s task over the decades has been to address reality, not to levitate in the arid arena of pure thought. Kennedy does the same. As does he appear to grasp that the natural law of the Constitution has been buried under piles of statute and administrative-law precedent. He knows this all too well, having spent his working life litigating against the Deep, Regulatory, Administrative, Security, Welfare-Warfare State. …

… THE REST.  “RFK, Jr.: Authentic Americanism That loves liberty, Loathes Lockdowns, Upbraids Abe.”


*Image courtesy The Unz Review

NEW COLUMN: FBI SUDDENLY Vested In The Intentional Lab Leak Theory Of COVID’s Origins

China, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Russia, The West, War

NEW COLUMN is “Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords.” It was featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and The New American

Read it now on


… Skepticism is duly in order—“Laughing Out Loud” emojis, rather—when the FBI, apparatus of an “Empire of Lies,” embraces the intentional-leak theory with respect to COVID’s origins.

As it happens, “FBI Director Christopher Wray,” reports the BBC News, “has said that the bureau believes Covid-19 most likely originated in a Chinese government-controlled lab.” You don’t say. That settles it, now, doesn’t it? Well, no, it doesn’t. Not with the FBI’s lousy track record for veracity, neutrality and reliability.

Coming from the FBI, the intentional-leak theory seems rich—certainly as “intuitive” as Russia blowing up “the Nord Stream pipelines, also some of Europe’s most important civilian energy infrastructure.” By no coincidence, the FBI is currently running interference in a kinetic war with Russia and in a ramp-up to confrontation with China. (Leaks in biosafety level-4 laboratories have occurred both in the USA and in China.)

So, who gave COVID to the world? The bat-eating, Chinese people thus gifted the world. The plague-delivery pedigree of the Chinese is solid. Courtesy of the Chinese, the West got the H2N2 virus in 1957 and the H3N2 virus in 1968. Granted, the Chinese viral supply chain was broken with H1N1 flu; it came from Mexico. But, with the bird flu, SARS and SARS-Cov-2, the Chinese had fully reestablished their conventional disease-delivery credentials.

As conservatives tell it, the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID, rather than the many millions of Chinese, who capture, torture—boil alive—and consume wild animals in ways that beggar belief. …

… The clincher: If we know anything about the Chinese it is that, unlike the Americans, they do tend to act in the national interest. Covid was, very plainly, not in the national interest. …

… READ THE REST. Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords” was a feature on WND.COM, The Unz Review and The New American

Read it here:

HARD TRUTH PODCAST LIVE: Tuesday, March 7th, 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Africa, Conservatism, COVID-19, Critique, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Politics, Republicans, Russia

THE HARD TRUTH PODCAST, with David Vance and myself, will be streaming or broadcasting live, Tuesday, March 7th, at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

RUMBLE is the venue, although we are on all the other platforms, including Podbean and David’s Twitter and Gettr homes.

TOPICS include: The batshit crazy American belligerence against China. While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, the ostensibly “sane” wing of the GOP is ever ready with an alternative war. Booboisie seems on board with the buildup.

I am, however, buoyed by Africa’s resistance to US foreign-policy dictates, the direction taken with Putin, to be precise. Trust a Brother to have the gumption to tell the sanctimonious Anglo-Ameri-European axis of evil to go jump in the lake. Via RT.

We expect to touch on Trump’s address at CPUKE 2023. FBI Director Christopher Wray’s sudden need to direct the story-line about the origins of COVID has piqued our interest, too.

Be there. And send comments for posting while you watch.

Out last HARD TRUTH podcast netted 5,430 views. We appreciate a Subscribe.

From Putin In Africa, To MIA In East Palestine, To Hell-No Haley And Herstory

Africa, America, Conservatism, Donald Trump, EU, Europe, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Race, Russia, South-Africa

Africa, but not Europe, is demanding freedom to choose its alliances ~ilana

Treason, ongoing betrayal of the worst kind, is an apt metaphor for the relationship between the US government and its people ~ilana

Incongruously, Trump is to blame for reintroducing and normalizing Nikki’s wicked, in-the-bone marrow neoconservatism ~ilana

Putin And Africa: Trust a Brother to have the gumption to tell the sanctimonious Anglo-Ameri-European axis of evil to go … jump in the lake.

‘Uganda will not succumb to pressure from former colonizers in the West to turn against Russia, as longstanding bilateral relations with Moscow are too important,’ the Ugandan foreign minister has said. (Via RT)

The “colonizer” riff aside, Africa’s sentiments pertaining to the current Russia-Ukraine context are wonderfully apt:

America has “Cancelled Countries, and Killed the Ancient, Civilizing Concept Of Neutrality.” Africa, but not Europe, is demanding the freedom to choose its alliances. Bravo.

The Brothers are having none of the war-on-Russia deal.

Good for Jeje Odongo. I had already praised Cyril Ramaphosa for the same reason last year.


East Palestine, Ohio: Treason, ongoing betrayal of the worst kind, is the apt metaphor for the relationship between the US government and its people. Brazen criminal aliens in their millions are streaming into the country, being resettled and supplied with life’s luxuries. Residents of East Palestine, Ohio, were poisoned due to a chemical spill during a train derailment, rooted in the usual institutional rot this column has been detecting and documenting. Yet these white American residents are not aided and evacuated temporarily, but, rather, abandoned to the toxins


Have mercy, and go away, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. You are both dumb and dangerous. Incongruously, Trump is to blame for reintroducing and normalizing Nikki’s wicked, in-the-bone marrow neoconservatism during his tenure, having run against it.

READ, “How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism.

And didn’t warmonger Haley call for the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from the state Capitol? Oh, yeah. Will it be full-bore war with Russia under a Haley regime? You bet.

Have we not had our fill ofLies About Putin (Syria and The Alawite Alliance)” , which Nikki, with Lindsey and his Republican clones, will bang on about and hammer home, given a chance?

Go home, Nikki. The conservative base is hurting.

If she got a chance to bend it—Haley (hell no) would, moreover, certainly yammer in our collective ear about Black History Month, as the pigment burden is commensurate with Herstory.

According to this Afrocentrism, whites must remember that,

White folks were cave dwellers when blacks were building empires and pyramids; teaching philosophy, astrology and mathematics. ‘Socrates and the Greeks were mere copycats, aping black civilization.”

Or, so claimed Al Sharpton.

And, hey, what’s the big deal about making history palliative rather than factual, if, as my friend Collin Flaherty would have mocked, it makes the black kids less angry?

No thanks, Nikki.

READ: “Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good (Part II*)”

Part I is “Helping The Sharpton and Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black.’”

* Screen pic Image courtesy Liberty Maniacs