Category Archives: Elections

Concern For The Enemy’s Embryos Helps Republicans Cement Status As Stupid Party

Abortion, Conservatism, Culture, Democrats, Elections, Individual Rights, Politics, Republicans

It’s called snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. And Republicans, the Stupid Party, are aces at this.  “On a serious country’s scale of priorities, abortion would not rate a mention,” I wrote in “Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?

Have we not just lived through three years during which the Pharma State has consolidated power as never before? On pain of taking the Covid jab, the state has de facto established license to shutter a subject’s business, deny him freedom of movement, quarantine, fire, and separate him from loved ones. Arrests of political opponents without due process have become more common in police state America than in Apartheid-era South Africa (which, as chronicled in Into The Cannibal’s Pot, was unsurprisingly legalistic and by-the-book).

Besides, Why be so politically and culturally self-immolating?

Let progressive women—especially the fulminating fiends twerking and tantruming across the country—suction their uteruses for all I care. As evolutionary psychologist Ed Dutton has suggested, “Some people voluntarily resigning from the gene pool is a good thing.”

Fred Reed, whose column can be found on Barely a Blog, captures the decay of America in skin-crawling detail:

Consider America today. By comparison with Japan, China, Korea, it is a barbarity, a dumpster, an asylum, an abattoir, an astonishment. San Francisco loses conventions because of needles and excrement on the sidewalks. Almost weekly we see multiple shootings in stores, high schools and, now, grade schools. Murders of whites by blacks run at thirty a month, the news being suppressed. In cities across the country crime is out of control, the tax bases moving out, bail abolished so criminals are freed in hours. Stores leave to escape undiscouraged shoplifting and robbery. Seven hundred homicides a year in Chicago, 300 in Baltimore, and at least twice as many shot but survive, similar numbers in a dozen cities. For practical purposes, law does not exists in these ungovernable enclaves. Sexual curiosities, once called perversions, flourish with American embassies hoisting flags in support of transsexualism. Mobs topple historical statues. Many tens of thousands live on sidewalks and a hundred thousand a year die of opioid overdoses. The country drops math requirements and English grammar in schools, AP courses, and SATs as racist. The economy declines, jobs have left for other climes, medical care is beyond most people’s means, government is corrupt and incompetent, and wars are unending. There is actual hatred between racial, political, and regional groups. Ominously, gun sales are up.

But amid the collapse of the American civilization, Republicans are most concerned with the enemy’s embryos. As a result, a presentable young Democrat has captured a New York district that could have swung Republican:

But after Democrat Pat Ryan held off Republican Marcus Molinaro on Tuesday in a special election to fill a vacant swing seat in upstate New York, winning the 19th Congressional District 51.1% to 48.9%, with most precincts reporting, it appears Biden’s party is poised to put up a fight, at least, in November. This House seat is considered a bellwether, voting for President Barack Obama in 2012, then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016, and the current president in 2020.

“It’s quite clear that the Dems are running well among highly engaged voters,” tweeted Nate Cohn, the New York Times chief political analyst. “If it lasts, that’ll get them pretty far in the midterm, even if they will have some additional ground to cover.” The Democrats, defending a threadbare, five-seat House majority, are hopeful the outcome in New York’s 19th Congressional District is a sign of so much more. …

This is a harbinger of things to come, in November 2022. The Mutants are riled and restless.

UPDATED (8/25): Remember: The UniParty Equals Treason, Always

America, Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Inflation, Law, Republicans, Taxation

There is only one single political verity you need to bear in mind, as the TV bobble-heads speak at you about the worthy Republican electoral sweep ahead: The UniParty, and those who carry water for it, equals treason, always.

All you need to know about the depredations on the open, southern border, about inflation, and the scandal of armed IRS agents who, in addition to fleecing you without flinching, are now ready to fire on you, is this:

Fox News is dissembling about the change that is a-coming. Even if the GOP sweeps both chambers and nets the presidency, as it did in 2016, nothing much will change.

The $220 trillion (plus) in unfunded liabilities created under both Democrats and Republicans cannot be reversed. Too huge. The tipping point has been reached vis-a-vis spending and inflation. Besides, and

“Contrary to popular myth,” demurs James Ostrowski, “every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government’s size, scope or power—and usually all three. Include regulations and foreign policy, as well as budgets approved by a Republican Congress, and a picture begins to emerge of the Republican Party as a reliable engine of government growth.”

As to promises to “close the border’: Once illegals present at the border—they are never turned back, but are processed and released, a reality that is the legal creation of the UniParty. You can argue all you wish that immigration law does not sanction what’s occurring on the South-Western border, but it is a fact that the Republicans have allowed this practice of the law to prevail, and the GOP conducts itself as if this is de facto law.

Accordingly, any claimant other than a white South African can arrive at that border, do his Les Misérables act, claim to face a “credible fear” back home, get a court date, and then bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations. These “credible fear” incomers are also the malcontents holding up signs that read “America is racist.”

Whether this is the case or not in law, Democrats and Republicans alike behave as if the law actually dictates that invaders-cum-“refugees” are to be processed and never expelled, from the USA. That’s all you need to know.

The GOP, when it controlled both chambers and the presidency in 2016, had not voided the “credible fear” standard of open-border immigration, normalized by both parties. It won’t in the future, if past is prologue.

Deficits and national debt will not be reduced under the GOP; only the rate at which they grow will be manipulated by the Uniparty for public consumption.

And not one armed-and-dangerous IRS agent hired by the Dems will ever be fired by GOPers.

Remember: the UniParty = treason

UPDATE (8/25): “Succession” [sic]

Solutions are to be found against and outside of politics, in informal acts of secession.  (Or, “succession” [sic] as Victor Davis Hanson said on August 19 appallingly, on Fox News, at the 4:00 PM slot. Acolytes of the Church of Lincoln struggle to say or pronounce the word secession. CNN’s Don Lemon also says “succession.” Maybe they think it’s from the verb to “succeed.” No, it’s from “secede.” I give up if Hanson can’t speak English.)

Planning and creating real communities of the like-minded. Forging reality on the ground. We the People–as in pockets of civil society–not the politicians.

* Screen pic credit

NEW COLUMN: Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU’

Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Critical Race Theory, Critique, Democrats, Elections, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS, “Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU.’” It’s on WND.COMThe Unz Review, CNSNews, and The New American.


In his June 20, 2020 J’accuse, Tucker Carlson, for all practical purposes, cancelled the Republican Party: “Property was looted,” he roared, “people were beaten and killed and Republicans joined the side doing the looting, beating and killing. President of the Heritage Foundation and think tanks on the right betrayed law enforcement and ordinary Americans, calling them racists, ignoring the damage done to their property and person.”

Jack Kerwick has been anatomizing just such failures and betrayals dished out by the ConOink establishment for over a decade, writing in January of 2021, of virus-related tyranny that,

“…the country bequeathed to us by the generation that, in the midst of a smallpox epidemic, fought and defeated the most powerful empire in the world in order to be a self-governing union of sovereign states—subjected itself to a nationwide internment.
The United State of America became the Interned States of America as the Constitution of the Old Republic was indefinitely revoked, the economy crushed, and ‘the little platoons’—as Burke referred to those buffers between the individual and the State, those forms of community constitutive of civil society and in the absence of which human flourishing would be impossible—were radically undermined. … And all of this occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican.” [Emphasis added.]

As captivated as voters on the right may be by the promise of the primaries, they’d be wise to remember the nature of the Republican Racket—the duopoly or uniparty swindle, for that matter.

You’ve been here before. Elections in our country are a national bipolar mood disorder that sees our side, the right, swing from halcyon highs under the Stupid Party to nadir lows under the Evil Party, except that there never is long-term, real relief.

With a difference. Something huge happened in our country in the past few years. It is not hyperbole to say the republic has been lost. To paraphrase the great Naomi Wolf, we are at a civilizational crossroads, still living under emergency law, the Constitution suspended. We’ve adjusted to tyranny and no one is the wiser.

Certainly not any Republican.

Some of us have long held that the republic of blessed memory was lost ages ago. Others still hold out hope for a small “r” republican revival. Even the most Panglossian among us must acknowledge that a tipping point was reached during COVID.

THE DEMOCRATS have always set the terms of debate; Democrats stand tall for their core principles, as atrocious as these manifestly are.

Consider: How does the illiberal left deal with Republicans? They leverage against their political opponents the full force of the managerial, permanent state, which they’ve captured. They galvanize the DOJ (Department of Justice), the Security and the Surveillance State to destroy as many conservatives as possible. Rivulets of words like “treason” and “white supremacist” soon run through the Democrat-dominated media and through other intellectual means of production captured. Subpoenas are issued. Congressional hearings are hastily begun; impeachment proceedings set in motion. The criminal arm of the Democrat Party is marshaled in quick succession. These vampiric operatives—BLM, Antifa, demented distaff—are soon staking out, stalking and canceling conservatives making life intolerable. Simultaneously, and in addition to utterly demonizing their opposition, Democrats typically plug away at making the country ungovernable, lawless, diverse to the point of distrust.

Against the potency of the Democrats, Republicans offer only impotence. The GOP strives to fit in. The typical ConOinksters—the con artists formerly known as neoconservatives, as Establishment Republicans, as ConInc, or the “Big Con”—their existence consists in pacifying the left and deceiving the right.

Blunt is better: Republicans live like you would in a gay bathhouse: on their knees. At every turn, they apologize and expiate for their principles….

… THE REST. “Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU’” is on WND.COM, The Unz Review, CNSNews, and The New American.

WATCH: Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU’

Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Crime, Cultural Marxism, Democrats, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race, Racism, Republicans, The Establishment

WATCH HARD TRUTH: “Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU’”

In his June 20, 2020 J’accuse, Tucker Carlson, for all practical purposes, cancelled the Republican Party:

“Property was looted, people were beaten and killed and Republicans joined the side doing the looting, beating and killing. President of the Heritage Foundation and think tanks on the right climbed into … law enforcement and ordinary Americans, calling them racists, ignoring the damage done to their property and person.”

Jack Kerwick has been anatomizing ConOink establishment failures for over a decade:

“in  the country bequeathed to us by the generation that, in the midst of a smallpox epidemic, fought and defeated the most powerful empire in the world in order to be a self-governing union of sovereign states—subjected itself to a nationwide internment. The United State of America became the Interned States of America as the Constitution of the Old Republic was indefinitely revoked, the economy crushed, and ‘the little platoons’—as Burke referred to those buffers between the individual and the State, those forms of community constitutive of civil society and in the absence of which human flourishing would be impossible—were radically undermined. … And all of this occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican.”

HARD TRUTH’S David Vance and myself speak to Jack about the irreparably hopeless Republican Racket. RIP, GOP.

WATCH: “Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU.’


 Also on Odysee and BitChute if those platforms float your boat