Category Archives: Media

Who Are The ‘Trapped’ ‘Americans Living In Afghanistan’? Nobody Has Asked

America, Conservatism, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Islam, Journalism, Media, Terrorism

Who the hell are these “Americans living in Afghanistan”? What are they doing in such inhospitable climes, in a country most of whose people hated the American presence?

I can’t find a thing on their nationalities, origins, whereabouts, and occupations, although my guess is that U.S. citizens in Afghanistan lived within army erected green zones, paid for by American taxpayers.

And what is their business in Afghanistan? The incurious moron media never ask (although watch conservatives who monitor dissident content miraculously come up with these questions following publication of this material).

Growing up in Israel, I recall many Israelis, in those days, went to Africa to help a few friendly nations learn how to … farm in the desert, something Israel had perfected. What are our citizens doing in Afghanistan? Is nobody curious?

The blowhards on Fox News have been whooping it up with partisan battle cries such as, “Hostages, Americans behind enemy lines. Teach the Taliban a lesson, Corn Pop.”

Dare I ask if these Americans are making money off military contracts, the spoils of the military-industrial-complex?

My colleague, David Vance, did some digging. He sends a likely breakdown of “Americans in Afghanistan,” via “Danger Zone Jobs, which tracks more than 300 companies with overseas contracting jobs in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries.” It reeks:

“US troops remain in Afghanistan and as many analysts pointed out, the military numbers, whatever they end up being, have typically been supported by even more private contractors. As long as troops are on the ground in Afghanistan, civilian contractors will be there with them. …The two primary sources of jobs in Afghanistan are with private contractors supporting the military and companies who subcontract to various international relief and development efforts.”

“Approximately 29,389 DoD contractors supported operations in Afghanistan during 1st quarter FY19, an increase of 16.4% from 4th quarter FY18. Local Nationals comprise 21.5% of total contractor force; 23,078 US/TCN remain to redeploy.”

The distribution of contractors in Afghanistan by mission category are:

Base Support 4,140 (14.1%)
Construction 2,113 (7.2%)
IT/Communications Support 951 (3.2%)
Logistics/Maintenance 9,271 (31.5%)
Management/Administrative 1,881 (6.4%)
Medical/Dental/Social Services 88 (0.2%)
Other 690 (2.4%)
Security 4,842 (16.5%)
Training 1,372 (4.7%)
Translator/Interpreter 2,138 (7.3%)
Transportation 1,903 (6.5%)
Total: 29,389


*Image care of WSJ.

It’s Taliban Tube, Not YouTube (And Gab’s Torba Is Truly Free)

Conservatism, COVID-19, Free Speech, Healthcare, Internet, Kids, Media, Technology, THE ELITES, The Establishment

Intelligent people have lost trust in mainstream medicine for many reasons. Cool heads have no trouble detecting sub-intelligent “argument” for the power-play and propaganda that it is.

Put it this way: When I hear an outstanding, empathetic clinician and academic such as Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, author of “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” and tens more peer-reviewed publications on COVID—and then I hear TV’s tenured medics, or the mediocre, unquestioning medics manning the clinics into which we are all herded—losing my lunch is not the only response.

The McCullough medical school of thought saves lives; the rest contribute to iatrogenic death. (Look iatrogenic up.)

Deep, abiding, irredeemable contempt springs eternal for the thought process in these mediocre medical minds and the attendant abuse of power and harm to patients.

Now, David Vance, my partner in the Hard Truth podcast, has exhorted that, “If It’s On The Mainstream Media, You Should Ignore It.” David had published these mild words on Taliban Tube, aka You Tube, and was promptly sent to the dog house for the next 2 weeks: banned.

Fuck the DemoPublican Establishment’s war to civilize the Taliban, when an exhortation to think critically about media, the mediocre medical establishment, and experimental treatment is marginalized and punished. A society of social casts is being created, says David: Those who obey blindly, and those who cling to the freedom to question.

But, he says, “The sheep are delivering us straight to the abattoir.” And the young people have, sadly, been a cohort readily inclined to accept authority and follow orders at all time.

Thankfully, Rumble has featured David’s apparently subversive common sense, “Never trust ANYTHING the lame-stream media says!

Gab’s Andrew Torba, however, has observed, in a quibble with Dan Bongino, that Rumble is NOT free; It has Hate Speech “codes.” Likewise Parler. In fact, for me, being on Parler has been like being coffined. I like Twitter much more, even though I am shadow-banned there.

In fact, since I’m a Candace Owens critic, I strongly suspect I’m shadow-banned by Parler, owned by Mr. Owens. The feeling I get from feedback or lack thereof on Parler is Establishment Republican. There is no place on Parler for true dissidents and free thinkers.

Gab is absolutely and truly free. There, people connect and keep connecting. Parler, as I said, is like being coffined. If the GOP Establishment think making Parler hostile to people like me is good for their endeavor; think again. The numbers of thinking conservatives and paleolibertarians who hate what Ned Ryun called the “credentialed Idiocracy,” on TV and in DC—is growing.

UPDATED (6/28/021): NEW COLUMN: Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd

Argument, Celebrity, Crime, Critique, Democrats, Law, Media, Race, Racism

To the extent they are hip to nuanced argument, Conservative readers are often followers, and they demand the same from writers. They cannot abide withering, substantive critique of their idols. However, no thinking, conservative-minded individual should commit idolatry—especially not of TV personalities.

Certainly the idea that the Democrats are the provenance of black crime—that if not for Democrats, black crime would not be an issue—is deserving of contempt.

… But this is precisely Candace Owens’ consistent line of argument on Mr. Tucker Carlson’s TV slot: Democrats are to blame for  black crime.

Owens, who was on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to address the “terrifying rise is violent crime and crime rates,” had rattled off something about, “The Democrats using black people and racism as pawns to distract people from what’s going on,” namely a government power grab.

And, “Everything bad is coming from the United States government being controlled by Democrats.”

By Owens’ logic, the Democrats made some black residents of Oakland CA, simulate coitus and engage in an orgiastic celebration of murder and mayhem around the vans of the emergency medical technicians. Watch.

In all, “the Democrats made them riot and rut” argument is doo-doo. It doesn’t fly, and it’s pretty bad moral reductionism. …

MORE in my new column: “Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd: When a bloodbath becomes a bacchanalia.” It’s on WND.COM, The Unz Review and CNSNews.COM


The Controlled Opposition:

UPDATE (6/28/021):

I wrote a book about South Africa. It has held up quite well. There were no Democrats involved in “laying the ground” for self-generating, black-on-white murderous crime there.  The only correct etiological statement would be one which involves lack of punishment.

A Sizeable Number Of White Americans Are Realizing They Too Belong To A Race

America, Democrats, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, Republicans

“White racial consciousness comes out … in such beliefs as the evil of reverse discrimination—whites being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Such views are NOT racist in the classic sense of white superiority.”—The Economist

The Economist, to which I subscribe because of its impeccable, intelligent reporting, offers quite a fair and incisive look into “the souls of white folks,” a glimpse you’ll not find in an American liberal magazine or other parrot-cage liners.  (Palatial parrot cage, in the case of Oscar-Wood)

The story of race in America is usually about African-Americans and, more recently, Hispanics and Asians. But it is also about whites.

I excerpt from The Economist’s “White Americans are beginning to realise that they too belong to a race: Anxiety about their country’s demography is fuelling the politics of racial backlash” (May 22, 2021):

“… When it comes to their own race, white Americans divide into two tribes. As left-leaning whites become more conscious of racism, they also think more about what it means to be white. Six months after Mr Floyd’s death, 30% of whites told a poll run by Ipsos that they had “personally taken actions to understand racial issues in America”. …
widespread is a feeling of some responsibility for the plight of African-Americans. Between 2014 and 2019, the share of whites who thought the government should spend more money on improving the conditions of African-Americans increased from 24% to 46%.

The second white tribe is different. Over the past decade, according to calculations by Bill Frey of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, the number of Americans who describe themselves as Latino or Hispanic, Asian, African- or Native American (plus those who identify as from two or more races) has risen by 53%. Over the same period America’s white population grew by less than 1%.

When he was running for the Senate in Texas in the mid-1960s, George H.W. Bush opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act because it “was passed to protect 14% of the people”. He said “I’m also worried about the other 86%.” Ronald Reagan took the same line when running for governor of California. Richard Nixon, while pushing policies that benefited African-Americans, said that minorities were “undercutting American greatness”, a familiar refrain. An unease over demographic transformation now plays a similar role in politics to the backlash against civil rights 50 years ago.

By 2005 the Republican Party had disowned its “southern strategy” of prising white Southerners away from the Democrats. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarisation,” the party chairman told the NAACP pressure-group. “I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.” Three years later America elected its first black president. Michael Tesler of the University of California, Irvine, notes that Barack Obama’s victory set off a fresh exodus of whites away from the Democrats. “It took the election of the first black president for some white Americans to work out that the Democratic Party is the party of non-whites,” he says. By 2020 the Republican Party’s lead among white men without a college degree was huge: they backed Mr Trump by a margin of 40 points.

These voting patterns did not reflect only fondness for tax cuts or a dislike of immigration, the most recognisable bits of Mr Trump’s pitch. They also reflected a view of race. According to Ashley Jardina of Duke University, 30-40% of whites say their racial identity is “very important”. This is far lower than the share of black or Hispanic Americans saying the same. But this group of race-conscious whites, who also say they have “a lot” or “a great deal” in common with other whites, numbers about 75m people of voting age. That makes them more numerous than any minority.

White racial solidarity has a murderous past. Recently it has been associated with tiki torches, neo-Nazis and the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Yet only a tiny fraction of white Americans share such extreme views. The sense of solidarity among whites described by Ms Jardina is broader. In her book “White Identity Politics”, she says that “white identity” is not a polite way of saying “dislike toward other racial or ethnic minorities”. White racial consciousness comes out instead in such beliefs as the evil of reverse discrimination—whites being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Such views are not racist in the classic sense of white superiority. Those who hold them reject anti-black stereotypes. But they are likely to discount the effects of past racism, and to believe that African-Americans would catch up with whites if only they worked harder. Like Mr Kroll, the police-union boss, who complained that Democrats accuse those who disagree with them of being racist, or Mr Trump, who claimed to be “the least racist person anywhere in the world”, many are acutely sensitive to accusations of racism.

As America becomes more multiracial, and whites lose the status of dominant group, their sense of racial solidarity may grow and the taboo against white pride may fade. A recent attempt to launch an Anglo-Saxon caucus by Republican House members could be a portent. Already many rural and suburban whites, who in Minnesota might have defined themselves as Swedes or Germans as well as Americans, define themselves as white. They, not Minnesota’s African-Americans, now live in the most racially segregated places of all.

This second white tribe thinks more like a minority than part of the country’s biggest single group. Geographic separation can lead to a reflexive bias that is different from racism in the 1950s but still lethal.”

MORE: “White Americans are beginning to realise that they too belong to a race”

* Image via The Economist.