Category Archives: Multiculturalism

UPDATED (1/31/022): Dispatch From Ottawa, Canada: ‘FUCK YOU, TRUDEAU’

Canada, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Multiculturalism, Race

An intrepid, freedom-loving friend traveled from Quebec to Ottawa, Saturday, for the Truckers rally on Parliament Hill. It was, “A wonderful afternoon on Parliament Hill. There were tens of thousands of people, all peaceful and ranging in age from 1 to 91. And trucks galore with blasting horns. It felt more like a Canada Day celebration, but with lots of ‘fuck Trudeau’ chants”

He writes:

Ottawa, January 29, 2022

In Trudeau’s words, the protesters were just a fringe minority. A couple of extremists.

Borrowing a line from the great Johnny Cash, I came, I saw, and behold, I did see extremists on that frigid day of January in Ottawa… tens of thousands of them! And trucks as far as you could see with horns blaring, sounding like the last stand at Helm Hammerhand. What I saw was a multitude of amazingly good people who are:

Extreme in their love of Canada and their fellow citizens.
Extreme in their appreciation and respect of the Canadian constitution and Charter of Rights.
– Extreme in the defence of freedom of speech.
Extreme in the belief that mafia-style threats and coercion by government is an unacceptable way to rule.
Extreme in their conviction that forcing people to get injected with an experimental mRNA drug might not be a good idea, especially for kids and young adults who are not significantly affected by covid SARs-2, and anyone else, for that matter.

So yep, these were extremists, but that kind of extremism gives me hope that we, the people of Canada, are indeed a resilient, united, and spiritually healthy society that will outlast the ruling elite and keep in check their penchant for subversive, corrosive ideologies.

UPDATE: Justine Trudeau is on the run, fleeing like a girl…

UPDATE (1/31/022): Tucker Carlson, who has exposed Justine Trudeau in all his phony, moral and mental flaccidity, nevertheless will still persist in pretending the Trucker rally ending in Ottawa, Canada, was purely class based. Race is another variable—a blind-spot papered-over by conservatives who just want to be nice.

So, this Hard Truther, yours truly, put the question to our friend and correspondent, who had sent us the above touching impressions and images from Ottawa:

Question: The rally looked pretty white. Was there a noticeable multicultural participation?
Reply: I also noticed the majority white presence at the protest. There were North American Indians beating drums and chanting, which was pretty cool. They hate Trudeau even as he bends backwards trying to absolve the white man’s past crimes.

Indeed. “Conservatism’s perennial piñata,” our Amerindians, whose influence over our politics is pitifully negligible, still drum for freedom, somehow maintaining their hatred of the oppressive federal authorities, stateside, too—despite the nonsense neoconservative deity Dinesh D’Souza (and other like him) spouts about them.

READ: Conservatism’s Perennial Piñata


NEW COLUMN: CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism

China, Communism, Cultural Marxism, Culture, History, Multiculturalism, Nationalism

NEW COLUMN is “CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism.” It’s currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and


… Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that China is returning to communism is shallow, even stupid, given the concerted quest among Chinese to reverse the communist Cultural Revolution and reclaim Confucianism, which is antithetical to communism.


While America crumbles into a deadening, brutal wokeness; China, interestingly, seeks spiritual sustenance in its ancient, grand tradition of Confucianism.

Native to China, Confucianism was decimated by socialism, which—Mr. Zakaria may have forgotten—came out of the West. Unlike our own Traitor Class, China’s leaders know what succors the soul, and they want to infuse the nation with that home-grown cultural sustenance.

The Chinese are not a multicultural pottage; they are a real nation that shares a rich and ancient culture. The beauty of a shared, admired heritage is that the country can reclaim it as it works to reverse the foreign cultural revolution, which forbade Confucianism. And indeed, “Chinese parents are keen on a more Confucian education,” confirms The Economist.

Core curriculum and Western classical texts have been all but purged from American schools. In China, the number of “classical texts to be taught in schools has increased from 14 to 72.” From here on, China’s kids will be “learning classical Chinese thought, texts and morals, especially those associated with Confucius.”

So, which is the more exulted and elevated quest, Confucianism or charter schools?

As you see, Zakaria’s rah-rah America uber ales hysteria, mirrored in conservative narrative about China, is worse than incomplete; it’s half-assed. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “CNN’s Sinophobic Expert Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and

* Image courtesy Unz Review

NEW COLUMN: Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam)

Feminism, Foreign Policy, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Political Philosophy, Terrorism

NEW COLUMN is “Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam).” It’s currently on WND, The Unz Review, CNSNews and The New American.

An excerpt:
… The best way, then, to vet immigrants is by the faith they practice. As the data show, young, second-generation Muslims are well-represented among terrorists acting out against their hosts across the West. Second-generation Muslim-Americans are more prone to act out on their faith than their parents.


Omar Saddiqui Mateen shot up a Florida gay nightclub, in 2016. He was a second-generation Afghan-American. Although Mateern’s father was an admirer of the Taliban, the moron media concluded that junior was no Jihadist, only a latent, self-hating homosexual, fixated on phallic symbols like big guns.


Another proud Afghan-American who’ll be welcoming the hundreds of thousands of Afghans airlifted and funneled into America is Najibullah Zazi, arrested for plotting to blow up stuff stateside, in September 2009. He was released in 2019.


Since public policy is aimed at the common good—a cohort that commits more faith-based murders than another, say Christian Afghans, is, on average, unsuitable as a source of immigration to the US.


The reason for second-generation terrorism is no mystery. More so than girls, boys need strong men in their lives—men who’ll affirm their masculinity. Young men crave manly mentors with a strong moral message. But in contemporary American culture, men are sissified and feminized and biological boundaries blurred. American boys, K-12, are mired in an estrogen-infused, cloistered world, where strong men in authority are an endangered minority.


When a Muslim male, moreover, hears American preachers, parents, pedagogues and politicians pounding on about our country’s Founding Fathers as the archetypal pale, patriarchal oppressors—he quickly learns to reject his adopted country’s heritage and look elsewhere for masculine inspiration, maybe at Muhammad and his acolytes.


The fact that there are moderate Muslims doesn’t mean there is a moderate Islam—or that these moderates won’t sire sons who’ll embrace the unreformed Islam.


As painful as it is to say, being Muslim is a predisposing characteristic, a risk factor, if you will, for eruptions associated with this religion.


By “risk factor,” I mean that Islam predisposes its believers to aggression against The Other. For in Islam, we have a religion that doubles up as a political system counseling conquest, not co-existence. “Islam’s borders are bloody,” cautioned famed historian Samuel Huntington. The data support his prescient and profound analysis. …

… MORE. NEW COLUMN, “Vetting Afghan Immigrants For A Religious Comorbidity (Islam),” is currently on WND, The Unz Review, CNSNews and The New American.

UPDATE II (7/19 No Nuance Allowed) NEW COLUMN: South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

Crime, Democrats, Homeland Security, Justice, Law, Morality, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN IS “South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality.” It is currently featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, CNSNews, and American Renaissance.

I expect to see the column in Junge Freiheit, a German weekly of excellence, which published my column for some years.

This column is quite a departure from my usual gloom about my homeland. However, when juxtaposed against the pervasive degenerate moral tone set by progressives in the USA—South Africa stands out positivity.

As I said in the column’s coda:

“For everything there is a season under the heavens,” Ecclesiastes teaches. “A time to break down, and a time to build up.”

I’ve cried for the beloved country—to conjure Alan Paton’s poignant tale titled “Cry, the Beloved Country” (1948), which was to apartheid South Africa what Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was to antebellum America.

Now is the time to comfort, praise, and build the beloved country up.

An excerpt:

… in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.

Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors. Bringing in the feds was a must since the protection of individual natural rights trumps federalism. However, while the national guard was galvanized, the cavalry was sent to race-riot hotspots to protect not the citizenry, oh no, but federal property.

As bad and as broken as my poor former homeland is, South Africa’s ruling elites came out with powerful declarations of shared moral values. There was no blame game–no allusion to systemic racism. The system of apartheid was not conjured from the past as causality for criminality. Whites were not demonized as the Evil Other. Over 2000 criminals have hitherto been arrested and 117 killed, I imagine, some by cop. Five thousand soldiers are already on the ground.  …

… By the thousands, South African authorities have been arresting rioters, not right-wingers. Stateside, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is proceeding energetically not against our BLM domestic terrorists, but against Trump-voting Deplorables…

… whereas riots make “Sippy Cup Joe (Biden)” weep for the rioters and wail for police reform, not for policing the rioters–Ramaphosa has sent a clear and moral message: “We will stand as one people, united against violence, unanimous in our commitment to peace and to the rule of law.” …

…MORE  South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality” is currently featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, CNSNews, and American Renaissance.

UPDATE I (7/17/021): No Nuance Allowed:

Here, in “South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality,” I didn’t naively praise poor South Africa. I largely compared the moral tenor of the response to riots in South Africa to the moral tenor of the response to riots in the US. South Africa came out on top.

Smart readers welcome nuance, in general—and, in particular, from a writer who has been way ahead of them and their favorite talkers and merciless regarding South Africa for over a decade!

Alas, readers want their dose of mindless monotone. The Second-Handers will you give you that. Here you get the truth. South African authorities have been arresting rioters; American authorities have been arresting right-wingers.

UPDATE II (7/19:021): Experts in America: