Category Archives: Private Property

GOP Punditry And Politicians Keep Tinkering Around The Gulag’s Edges

Conservatism, Private Property, Republicans, Technology, The State

On the Republican game reserve, things continue as usual. As I was driving to my running turf, I tuned into radio mouth Jason Rantz, out of Washington State—who is also being mysteriously promoted by Tucker Carlson.

Gov. Jay Inslee won 58% of the vote. If you are among the business owners who voted for this chap—then you can’t expect any sympathy, now, can you?

Rantz was pondering how to improve the lot of business in Washington State, following the latest internment, courtesy of Gov. Inslee. Jason also beats on breast a lot about the lot of  Seattle’s residents, who voted overwhelmingly to continue to live in a city that resembles Mogadishu (on Lake Washington).

The tinkering the GOP is ever poised to partake in amounts to tweaking the Gulag: better barbed wire, less of a jolt from the electrified fence, and so on. No exhortation to rise up… No sense of justice, just tit-for-tat politicking.

More of the wishy-washy swamp crap for which we’ve come to loathe GOP punditry: Rantz says let’s have a bit of give-and-take with Great, Crooked Tech. Richard Spencer advocates the only true American solution: Make Tech a completely free-speech zone.

The occasion for the windy punditry: The Tech crooks appeared on The Hill to make fun of the country’s comical representatives.

Even Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is occasionally right:

When you have companies that have the power of governments, have more power than traditional media outlets, something has to give.

The next Tech vexation I find particualry egregious. By Deep Tech’s doing, some are serfs in American society; others are free.

To wit, Why is it legal for PayPal to prevent law-abiding individuals from transacting financially, but it’s illegal for a small business owner to refuse to bake a cake for someone? Civil Rights law is an ass, but, GOP, see that it is at least applied evenly, for heaven’s sake!

UPDATE (10/24): ANTIFA IS US: Crappy, Corrupt Kids From The Burbs

Conservatism, Crime, Education, Family, Kids, Private Property

I have long-since maintained (in this interview and in this column, for example) that “looting is local.”

We refuse to accept that the little snots vandalizing lives and livelihoods are America’s sons and daughters; these vandals are the products of longstanding institutional rot—helped by progressive parents and pedagogues.

From “Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality,” September 17, 2020:

By now, the Critical Race rot is institutional; it is the handiwork of progressive—regressive, rather—parents, pedagogues and politicians.

Indeed, the youth rioting on our streets are not outsiders and interlopers; they are us. It is not insignificant that the whiter the city, the worse the riots have been. The protests that have engulfed more than 2,000 American cities have been the worst in “Minneapolis (64 percent white), Seattle (66 percent), Portland (77 percent), and Kenosha, Wisconsin (67 percent).”

Via “Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha

Another of our deformed society’s Big Lies kicked in when, like locusts, rioters and looters descended on America’s cities—from Minneapolis to Miami, from Los Angles to Louisville.

The specter of looting and rioting is another case of, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes?

Fake Newsers, Fox News Included, then began energetically, sans evidence—other than some bricks in a trash can—to promote a fake conspiratorial narrative:

Looters were never local, but always mysterious outside agitators; well-organized “Antifa.” The fiction was promoted as enthusiastically by Fox News as it was by CNN and MSNB.

Anything to avoid the reality of crime, while signaling your own virtue.

Even John Robert Lewis, a black civil right leader, got fed up and told MSNBC that looting was local.

Seattle’s Komo New, at one point, divulged that 82 people had been arrested, after the city center was destroyed. All were homeboys.

If rioters everywhere are from somewhere not here, what’s the logic?

If so-called organized, George Soros-activated ANTIFA terrorists intend to ignite the country and operate networks and chapters across it—why would they need to migrate, to lob rocks at a Macy’s in a town away from home? Why not riot in your home town if so organized?

Indeed, the little shits might just be more white than they are black:

This AP report confirms that,

Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs.

Attorney General William Barr has urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and has suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply. And the Department of Justice has pushed for detention even as prisons across the U.S. were releasing high-risk inmates because of COVID-19 and prosecutors had been told to consider the risks of incarceration during a pandemic when seeking detention.



NEW COLUMN: Law And Order Unites Main Street America

Abortion, America, China, Criminal Injustice, Education, Ethics, Law, Private Property

NEW COLUMN is “Law And Order Unites Main Street America.” It is now on WND.COM and the Unz Review.


… China might control thinking on its campuses, but can you imagine the Chinese Communist Party instructing its apparatchiks to promote material meant to make the next generation thieving, dumb and decadent? Unlikely, considering that the Chinese have a wicked work ethic, low-crime rates and that criminality is severely punished.

…  the book, In Defense of Looting: A Riotous History of Uncivil Action, has become the toast of the towns not yet burned down by the putrefying left. Its author, Ms. Osterweil, a welcomed guest on many “probing” programs, presumably to explain her “provocative” “thesis” of theft.

Indeed, we inhabit a culture in which high-brow polemics are banned and banished from the public square by grubby, low-brow, social engineers, from Facebook functionaries to the once-august “Publishers Weekly”: It dubbed Osterweil’s debut a “bracing rethink” of something or another.

A new kind of Kafka confronts any author whose thoughts veer from those of the mono-cultural mainstream. Books that enlighten never see the light of day or are digitally burned by the Amazon monopoly; pamphleteers that dim debate find publishers and “respectable” reviewers.

Happily, however, Amazon reviewers were having none of the looter lady, who, mind you, merely “identifies as a woman,” which is not the same as being a woman (in my non-expert opinion). They have not reconsidered their “bracing” views about Osterweil’s immoral enterprise. These book reviews are a riot of hashtags like #violence, #steal, #stupid, #vicky, #waste:

I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because, while it is empty headed garbage, it was a bargain since I shoplifted it.

Since Amazon doesn’t have a physical bookstore from which I can steal this book, will they please implement a virtual looting option? One star.

Sam says 1.0 out of 5 stars: “Garbage: terrible ideas and a terrible book.”

Understated, yet “Astounded” gives In Defense of Looting 1.0 out of 5 stars, writing, charitably, that it “seems rather shallow and malevolent.”

If you think these Amazon reviews are the work of Russian trolls acting for Trump, “Century Rider” provides a corrective cue: “Want another 4 years of Trump?”, writes the reviewer on August 29. “This is the kind of ‘reasoning’ that will get Trump re-elected.”

Clearly, the restoration of law and order and the reverence for private property rights are the most powerful principles with which to unite main-street America, left and right, in the ramp-up to the November election. This is what Republicans must remember, before they scamper down the judicial rabbit hole of abortion.

As to the book: Here’s the true disgrace of In Defense Of Looting: someone read the book, endorsed its publication, someone edited it, someone else set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs. Now people are reviewing it.

READ THE REST. “Law And Order Unites Main Street America.” It is now on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

My website domains have been banned by Facebook. If you are on this lowbrow forum, please register your support for my work by writing a review here. One line will do. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

UPDATE II (9/5): NEW COLUMN: Kyle Goes To Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born

Founding Fathers, Government, Ilana Mercer, Natural Law, Private Property, Race, Racism, THE ELITES

NEW COLUMN is “Kyle Goes To Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born.” The column appeared on, WND.COM, The Unz Review, American Renaissance, Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens. Check out the resistance out of East Europe.

You can now catch Kyle on American Greatness, the best paleoconservative webzine stateside, and London’s Quarterly Review, first established in 1809 by George Canning.

An excerpt:

Having done an about face against rioting, the sanctimonious Don Lemon, at CNN, giggled and smirked his way through a segment about “racist” white suburbanites, who imagined any decent rioter would bother with their ugly abodes. Hey, racists, there is no Gucci merchandise where you bunk down, taunted CNN’s silly man.

Desperate, suddenly, to appear on the side of normies, the Fourth Estate is currently yearning for a Sister Souljah moment. Sister Souljah had expressed sympathy for the 1992 Los Angeles rioters. If only black people would turn to killing whites instead of one another, lamented that eponymous rapper.

Back then, Bill Clinton—a master politician, and a conservative by the standards of Democrats today—diffused her weasel words. Candidate Clinton called the rapper a racist as bad as David Duke. As a master of triangulation, he managed at once to appease whites (who mattered back then) without alienating black Americans.

And, unlike Anderson Cooper, Bill Clinton felt your pain.

Behold the puzzled look on Cooper’s bewildered face, as he is told by an ordinary, working American what it means to lose your life’s work to louts and looters. The silver-haired Mr. Cooper, also a CNN celebrity anchor, is the son of heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Perhaps he cannot comprehend the concept of private property owners defending their modest residences and meager businesses given the fact that he grew up in a castle.

A Teen Rose To The Challenge
Not so Kyle Rittenhouse. Young Kyle went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, because he was never confused. He attempted to do the job politicians and police have refused to do. As the city’s mayor and the state’s governor watched Kenosha burn, Kyle confronted the enemies of the commonweal. Unlike the flaccid men of the media and in corridors of power, the 17-year-old rose to the challenge, firing only when he was prone and was being pounded by the feral fiends. …

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN is “Kyle Goes To Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born.” It is currently on, at WND.COM , The Unz Review,  American Renaissance , and Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens.

You can now catch Kyle on American Greatness, and London’s Quarterly Review.

UPDATE I (9/5):  Why not? I’m allowed. Via American Renaissance: 

I like Ilana Mercer’s work. She has a very unique style of writing which combines prose, sarcasm, humor, and seriousness. She is extremely intelligent, and she is an outstanding source on the havoc and chaos which have befallen South Africa since apartheid ended.


In reply to my young friend, Chris Watson: MY WORK DOESN’T CHANGE no matter where it is published! Were I to be published by storm-troopers, the message would still be 100 percent true. @OfficialCWATSON, your mind is not where it deserves to be. You’re better than this. Read my recent deconstruction of the term racism, CLOSELY.

Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!

“‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?”

Next and last installment, next week.