Category Archives: Racism

Heroic, Hilarious Man Resigns From AntiWhite School Cesspool. LOUDLY. No Mincing Words.


Daniel Concannon: “ilana, as one of the few people out there honest enough to take on Critical Race Theory for what it actually is, first of all – thank you, and secondly, I wanted to send this your way:

What a fun and fabulous letter. We wish Daniel all the luck in the world. The schools are losing the best, certainly the strongest, male role models.

Another honest citation comes courtesy of Barry A. Liebling, at “Alert Publishing“: “Many critics who have no sympathy for CRT have commented that the movement is essentially Neo-Marxist. Ilana Mercer has explained that line of thinking does not capture the … implacable hostility against whites and all things white.

Contrast that with this simply repulsive attempt at cancelling me and my work, coming from our own dissident side, no less: Darren Beattie. Such conduct is anatomized in: “Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually.”

The Controlled Opposition: Candace On Tucker Is WRONG About The Riot and Rut Crowd


On video: The Controlled Opposition: Candace On Tucker Is WRONG About The Riot and Rut Crowd: David Vance and Ilana Mercer discuss what causes the savage violence affecting some American cities. Ilana disputes the analysis provided by Candace Owens on Fox News. I explore  this with her.

Wow. I since have found out that Candace goes scorched earth on some very decent people, and shames a shapely sister, Kim Klacik, for working as a stripper to make ends meet. Not nice.

UPDATED (6/28/021): NEW COLUMN: Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd


To the extent they are hip to nuanced argument, Conservative readers are often followers, and they demand the same from writers. They cannot abide withering, substantive critique of their idols. However, no thinking, conservative-minded individual should commit idolatry—especially not of TV personalities.

Certainly the idea that the Democrats are the provenance of black crime—that if not for Democrats, black crime would not be an issue—is deserving of contempt.

… But this is precisely Candace Owens’ consistent line of argument on Mr. Tucker Carlson’s TV slot: Democrats are to blame for  black crime.

Owens, who was on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to address the “terrifying rise is violent crime and crime rates,” had rattled off something about, “The Democrats using black people and racism as pawns to distract people from what’s going on,” namely a government power grab.

And, “Everything bad is coming from the United States government being controlled by Democrats.”

By Owens’ logic, the Democrats made some black residents of Oakland CA, simulate coitus and engage in an orgiastic celebration of murder and mayhem around the vans of the emergency medical technicians. Watch.

In all, “the Democrats made them riot and rut” argument is doo-doo. It doesn’t fly, and it’s pretty bad moral reductionism. …

MORE in my new column: “Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd: When a bloodbath becomes a bacchanalia.” It’s on WND.COM, The Unz Review and CNSNews.COM


The Controlled Opposition:

UPDATE (6/28/021):

I wrote a book about South Africa. It has held up quite well. There were no Democrats involved in “laying the ground” for self-generating, black-on-white murderous crime there.  The only correct etiological statement would be one which involves lack of punishment.