Category Archives: Africa

Where Magic Wins Out Over Reason

Africa, Colonialism, Economy, Ethics, Foreign Aid, Free Markets, Free Will Vs. Determinism, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Racism, Socialism, The West

The following is from “Where Magic Wins Out Over Reason,” now on WND.COM:

“The images coming at us from Somalia are too horrible for words. And I don’t mean the sight of celebrity journo Anderson cooper and his CNN sidekicks standing in the neighboring Kenya, and blaming, against all evidence, the ‘worst drought in 60 years’ for mass starvation in Somalia. As BBC tells it, the drought ‘has gripped only parts of Somalia,’ and then only ‘since June.’

You have flint for a heart if the images of children starving slowly do not reduce you to tears. Aidan Hartley of the London Spectator describes these distended-bellied, dying innocents as ‘martian-headed skeletons,’ whose emaciated little bodies have begun to eat up their fat reserves and muscle proteins. Many, if not most, will succumb to slow and agonizing organ failure.

In conjunction with ‘the drought’—isn’t Texas experiencing one of those—Cooper and company (joined by other cretins on Cable) have mentioned the menace of the Islamist group al-Shabab, which ‘rules over the population in a style reminiscent of Pol Pot’s Cambodia crossed with the Taleban.’

However, Hartley imparts what Cooper is incapable of imparting—and what any vaguely knowledgeable journalist writing about Africa knows: ‘war caused this famine.’ In this case, internecine warfare was compounded by foreign, military intervention courtesy of the duopoly I dub the ‘Anglo-American Axis of Evil,’ in my new book.

Washington and Westminster (and their special forces) galvanized a neighboring Ethiopian gang to invade southern Somalia and occupy Mogadishu. ‘The objective,’ explains Hartley, ‘was to expel Islamists alleged to have been linked to al-Qaeda.’ And never mind that, ‘Under the Islamists, the city was enjoying its first period of relative peace since Somalia collapsed into civil war in 1991.’

Hunger in the Horn of Africa is not something Cooper is capable of understanding, let alone explaining to his fans on twitter. Contra Cooper, Hartley has not pruned the evidence. As jaundiced a journalist as he is, however, Hartley has failed to look deeper into the heart of darkness that is Africa.

“Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa” fills this gap…”

“Into the Cannibal’s Pot” is available from Amazon.

The complete column is “Where Magic Wins Out Over Reason,” now on WND.COM.

If you’re interested in syndicating my weekly, WND column, kindly email me for details at “Return to Reason is WorldNetDaily’s longest standing, exclusive libertarian column.

UPDATE II: Clueless in South Africa With Mrs. Obama (Apartheid in Black & White)

Africa, Classical Liberalism, Communism, Crime, Democracy, History, Ilana Mercer, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Racism, South-Africa

The following is excerpted from “Clueless in South Africa With Mrs. Obama”:

First Lady Michelle Obama is touring this writer’s birthplace, South Africa. “[Nelson] Mandela’s legacy in the battle for South African democracy,” wrote one rapt reporter, who followed the FLOTUS around Johannesburg, “defines much of Obama’s visit.” It was only natural that “her next stop” would be “the Apartheid Museum, which chronicles the rise and fall of white rule.”

Apartheid was a contemptible caste system. Forgotten, however, in the recriminations over apartheid are the facts as they are documented in my just-released book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.”

…Had the sainted Mandela ascended to power in the 1960s instead of languishing on Robben Island and in Pollsmoor Prison [Mrs. Obama’s destinations in Cape Town], he would have nationalized the South African economy and banned private enterprise.” That’s what the ANC’s Charter called for in 1955. That’s what South Africa’s black-ruled neighbors to the north did.

…While black Africa and East Europe circled the drain due to communism, South Africa was experiencing an economic explosion, courtesy of the National Party’s relatively conservative economics. An oasis in the African desert, South Africa’s then gold-backed economy grew at an annual rate of six percent during the 1960s. …

More facts the Museum of Apartheid, graced by Mrs. Obama and the first daughters, will not be releasing, but I will, in “Clueless in South Africa With Mrs. Obama.”

AND IN “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.”

Hard-copies are available both from Amazon and from the Publisher.

Hurry: Publisher is currently offering free shipping, including to our readers in South Africa. To purchase, click on the “Buy From StairwayPress” Button.

Please note that you can purchase the lower-cost Kindle copy of “Into The Cannibal’s Pot,” without having to own a Kindle – all you need is a PC. This hyperlink describes the free Amazon software application for the PC. So you do not require a gadget to read the book on Kindle.

UPDATE I: The online museum Mrs. Obama will not have clicked to visit: Afrikaner Genocide Museum.

My book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is dedicated “To my Afrikaner brothers, betrayed.”

Will those Afrikaners stand up and support this effort on their behalf?

A note to the dessicated western academic who has no idea what living a precarious life is like: I generally don’t like to link to unauthenticated images. However, I document thousands of such grisly murders in my book. They are based on meticulously kept records, the sources for which are cited in the book. So what you see here is what’s in my book, only I appended names to each precious soul that departed in such agony.

UPDATE II (June 25): APARTHEID IN BLACK & WHITE. Derek: My book deals with the complexities of apartheid. Once you read it, your take on this aspect of my analysis would be especially edifying to Amazon review readers. It’s a complex topic and the book addresses this complexity (from the classical liberal perspective). A reader who has an interest in a particular aspect of the topic—in Derek’s case apartheid—is encouraged to read the book with a view to reviewing, on Amazon, how I dealt with a particular aspect of interest.

Don’t send reviews to me; post them to Amazon. Inside chatter does nothing to further debate or understanding.

UPDATED: Zuming Into Action

Africa, America, EU, Europe, Middle East, South-Africa, War

Kudos to South African President Jacob Zuma for attempting to broker a ceasefire in Libya. Zuma has embarked on his second tour of duty in Libya. The mission? To get Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to say and do the requisite things that’ll pacify NATO’s (aka the USA’s) new allies, also known as The Rebels.

The African Union, which harbors many a mini-warlord, is toiling to get the Über dogs of war of “NATO” (read America) to stop leveling Libya.

Zuma is an interesting guy, as our friend Dr. Dan Roodt, founder of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group (PRAAG), has pointed out.

UPDATE (May 31): On Libya, Zuma sounds a lot like … me. From “Libya: A War of the Womb”:

If indeed we’re subsidizing “freedom” for the Libyans, and are fighting their battles—then we’ve also increased their impotence and diminished their initiative. Subsidize individuals because you believe they are helpless—and you’ll get more learned helplessness. Besides, what are these Libyans? Wards of the crumbling American Empire? Whatever happened to fighting your own revolutions?

Speaking in Tripoli, Zuma divulged that he and “the tyrant” (the MailOnline’s locution—and idea of impartial reporting) “discussed the necessity of giving the Libyan people the opportunity to solve their problem on their own.”

What audacious idea will Zuma come up with next?

UPDATE IV: The Hue of Hatred (Glenn Looks Away)

Africa, Crime, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, South-Africa

This is the hue of hatred in America, and in South Africa, as I document in my book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (release date: May 10). I back this claim with lots of numbers. Watch this clip, if you can tolerate the focused, feral drive to extinguish a manifestly helpless, fragile young woman (hat tip to my young, Facebook friend Laura Fer):

Here is the transcript appended to the footage:

Here is another fine example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Two females beating the hell out of a patron, while several employees stand by and watch. One male manages to provide the facade of assistance to the victim in this brutal attack.
The two females exit, then re-enter the store to continue the beating, until a an older woman attempts to stop them from dragging the victim outside into the parking lot. Note: the male employees have disappeared from camera view, even though they are plenty well capable of stopping the attack.
At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the camera operator warns the female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way. Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend.

I expect the main objection to my characterization here to come from the prototypical liberal male. That’s been my experience, over the years. The “one-case-anomaly” “argument” will, invariably, be voiced by an ignoramus—a male with left-liberal instincts. There is almost nothing more immoral and unnatural than this specimen, for he misplaces compassion and forsakes the true–and most vulnerable—victims of aggression. In short, he is not a man.

When you condemn Al Sharpton or other such race baiters, remember this: the dangerous delusions about racism held in contemporary America are promulgated by WASPs. And, as night follows day, the progressive policies enacted by such people have led to a regressive society.

Dangerous racial hatred in contemporary America, and certainly in the New South Africa, is, for the most, unidirectional: whites do not harbor hared for blacks. And if they do, they seldom act on it like this.

UPDATE I: That the victim of this crime is allegedly a transgendered woman will allow the authorities, and the assorted identity activists, to skirt the real issue—a crime of racial hatred—and make it a crime motivated by homophobia.

The legal category of hate crimes is ludicrous; it should not exist. However, one should not confuse or conflate an objection to prosecutions granting legal privilege based in race, sexual orientation, or religion, with valid observations made about racism in the West. Crime statistics show quite clearly who hates whom.

UPDATE II (April 24): Cross-posted on Facebook: Many people pointed to the need to be armed in this situation. I agree, on principle. But you do know what would have happened to this poor waif of a girl had she been armed. The goons of government would have tackled her, tazed her, maybe hurt her just as badly, only …. LEGALLY.

UPDATE III: American TV news failed to report this crime; the newspapers finessed the onlookers’ indifference. The Mail Online tells it as it is, and does not fail to identify the culprits as “the black girls”:

The victim of a sustained attack in a Baltimore County McDonald’s has spoken for the first time about the beating she received, and how nobody came to her aid. Chrissy Lee Polis, a 22-year-old transgender woman, said she was afraid to go outside after the attack, and hinted that it might have been racially motivated – as both of her attackers were black.
She said: ‘They just hurt me really bad, and I’m afraid to go outside now because of stuff like this.’
She said the violence kicked off after she had used the ladies restrooms in the McDonald’s outlet, but denied reports that this was the reason why the violence erupted.
She said of her attackers: ‘They just seemed like they wanted to pick a fight that night.’
She said she was approached by one of the girls, who accused her of ‘looking at my man’.
When Miss Polis insisted that she was not even aware of the girl’s partner, the physical abuse began with the girl spitting in her face.
She said: ‘She started ripping my hair, throwing me on the floor, kicking me in my face

UPDATE IV (April 25): Glenn Beck took credit for speaking out, of course, when he is late to this story; it’s been on the blogosphere for days. He also blamed the general state of Godlessness for the crime and for onlookers’ indifference and approval. Above all, Glenn looked away with the rest when he had the opportunity to speak openly about real racial hatred (physical aggression), as opposed to impolite and impolitic speech (noose hanging, writing, etc).