Category Archives: Donald Trump

NEW COLUMN: Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action

Canada, COVID-19, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Neoconservatism, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN is “Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action.” It appeared on The New American, The Unz Review, WND.COM, and

It is now easiest read on

(The attendant podcast will be posted as soon as it is available on Rumble.)


…DeSantis: Principled Pragmatist

In Ron DeSantis we have a man who is acutely aware of the systemic rights violations to which Deplorables are subjected and is attempting to pragmatically govern in accordance with first principles.

Let us recount some of the ways:

When Texas’ Greg Abbott “flat-out banned vaccine requirements; Florida Gov. DeSantis quickly followed suit. Rejecting the jabs-for-jobs deformed public policy, DeSantis vowed to sue the Biden administration. These two governors have been unique in upholding natural, inalienable, individual rights—the right of self-ownership and bodily dominion.

As inoptimal as DeSantis’ “Big Tech” bill was—the governor was the only Republican to have proceeded against Deep Tech in any meaningful way.

The governor was also unique among powerful men to spring into actions on behalf of the Canadian Truckers for Freedom. The Canadian Truckers converged on Ottawa, early in 2022, to reclaim their Charter rights and protest Trudeau’s anti-constitutional Covid-driven apartheid.

GoFundMe is an American crowd-funding site. It had happily collected and distributed funds to detritus like BLM (Black Lives Matter), which, by the most basic of measures, are scum of the earth. Having received $9 million dollars in donations for the Canadian truckers, GoFundMe right away announced it would steal the funds and funnel them to charities of its choosing.

Here was a crime in progress. DeSantis’s response to the GoFundMe cyber-robbery was righteous, principled and proactive. He tweeted:

“It is a fraud for Go-Fund Me to commandeer $9M in donations sent to support truckers and give it to causes of their own choosing. I will work with AG Ashley Moody to investigate these deceptive practices — these donors should be given a refund.” The thieving outfit soon backtracked pursuant to DeSantis’ show of force.

And how is it that only Gov. Ron DeSantis grasps that it’s illegal for state attorneys, whose job description is to uphold the law, to nullify the very law they are paid to enforce?

As the only elected official smart and dedicated enough to grasp and govern in accordance with first principles, DeSantis fired State Attorney Andrew Warren for “effectively nullifying Florida’s criminal law.” Unheard of. The great governor of Florida has also been steadfast in accelerating his pipeline of criminal aliens to the affluent areas of the northeast. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Gov. Marvelous: Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action.” It’s now on

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UPDATED (11/9/022): Ron DeSantis Is Most Likely To Deliver In … 2024

Conservatism, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Politics, Republicans

Ron DeSantis understands the federal scheme and knows how to pull the levers of power—having faithfully and forcefully done so—for the people

THE BEST LINE from the 2022 midterm campaigns belongs to Arizona GOP Senate nominee Blake Masters:

Send Senator Mark Kelly Back To Space.” (Kelly is the astronaut husband of Gabrielle Giffords. See “Loughner, Language, and The Big Lie,” a column I really like.)

Without listening to any of the other victory speeches—and without a shadow of a doubt, I’ll say that the best victory address is that of Ron DeSantis, who has handily won a second term as Florida’s governor.

Tuesday noon is when David Vance and I pre-record a new segment of our Hard Truth podcast.  Today’s recording, to be published on Thursday, saw David and I discuss Trump’s venal attack on the marvelous Governor DeSantis, during which I pledged my 2024 vote in support of the governor should he run for president.

We discussed Casey DeSantis, the governor’s gorgeous, regal wife, who is nothing like IVANKA and her houseboy, Kushner. Those two will traipse right back into saboteur positions at the White House with Daddy, who has never said no to his dimwit daughter, an assessment I do not need confirmed, but which is amply seconded by some top men, as recounted in “Meet The Kushners: First Couple In-Waiting“:

It’s quite clear that President Trump’s promise to hire only “the best” ought to have begun with firing The Family. Instead, Mr. Kushner‘s national security portfolio has expanded in a manner incommensurate with his skills. It now includes, I believe, China, Mexico, Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The same can be said of Ivanka, who was soon briefing the South Korean president on sanctions against North Korea. That Ivanka lacked a permanent security clearance was the least of the country’s worries, given Steve Bannon’s assessment of her cerebral acuity: “as dumb as a brick.”

Alas, political connections ensured that two branding experts beat Braveheart Bannon of the mighty! “’The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” he lamented, in August of 2017.

… “Jarvanka” (the Jared-Ivanka organism) were also said to have orchestrated the ousting of the last of the old MAGA Guard, John Kelly, aforementioned, a most excellent man. Kelly took his role as chief of staff seriously. He was a hardliner who limited Ivanka’s access to Pater.

One of Trump’s superb personnel choices, Kelly’s fate, however, was sealed when he stated how sick-and-tired he was of the first daughter “playing government.” The Goldman-Sachs wing of the White House, commandeered by the Kushners, had always wished him away. So, Kelly got the Choo, too.

Of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, archconservative Heather Mac Donald observed the following: Sessions was “the only member of the Trump administration who was absolutely staunch in speaking up for the right of Americans to determine what the character of their country should be.” It takes a strong woman (Mac Donald) to recognize a scheming one. Heather Mac Donald had recently expressed “‘no confidence’ that the president will stop being advised by his daughter, Ivanka Trump, on the issue of immigration.”

Recorded today, Thursday’s Hard Truth discusses DeSantis’ unique gifts—the man understands the federal scheme and knows how to pull the levers of power—having faithfully and forcefully done so for the people. Such an understanding evades Trump. Moreover, a vote for Trump is a vote for the Jarvanka organism, or familial mutations of it. The family will be back in the House.

UPDATE (11/9/022):

September, 2022, I warned against the Republicans’ dumb, defeatist strategy for winning:

“Amid the collapse of the American civilization, Republicans are most concerned with preserving the enemy’s embryos.” Let Democrat distaff scrape out their wombs.

Midterm results confirm. Democrats, moreover, go for the jugular; Republicans run on controlling the latter’s wombs, on group hugs and economics. Said it all.

UPDATE III (8/13/022): Trump Raided: Fate Of The 4th Amendment & Due Process In Police State USA

Celebrity, Constitution, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Law, Music, South-Africa

UPDATE III (8/13/022):  TAKE NOTE: “The American Gestapo A.K.A. FBI” by Paul Craig Roberts: DOJ, Judiciary, FBI: “…none of these people are good people. They are not people we can have any confidence in. These are not people we would let our sons and daughters marry. These are very bad people. Yet these very bad people are in control of our lives. ..”


Ashleigh Banfield of News Nation, ACTUALLY covers the raid of Trump’s Florida mansion, whereas other leftist channels are lying low. Waiting to have the matter focus-group tested given the impending primaries? I bet they are.

Banfield lets a conservative radio mouth, one Bill Cunningham, roar about 4th Amendment violations and the revolt the raid will ignite among Deplorables, all crucial points.

News Nation clearly provides more substantial coverage than does Fox News, which, unlike Cunningham, hardly mentions the Constitution, and only rabbits on about how unprecedented the raid is and about logistics, such as:

“If only the FBI coordinated better with Trump”.

Fox is also indulging in “what aboutism”, namely, “If this were Hillary Clinton… blah, blah”.  As I said, nothing substantial. These people aren’t smart. Tucker excepted, Fox News is about ratings, not deep reflection.

Violations of due process, in the case of the Mar-a-Lago raid today, in search of classified material and presidential records removed,  have become more common in police state America than in Apartheid-era South Africa, which, as chronicled in Into The Cannibal’s Pot, was unsurprisingly legalistic and by-the-book. But then, rooted in Roman-Dutch law, South Africa was a minority ruled, first world civilization at the tip of Africa.

UPDATE II (8/9/022):  Fox News continues to voice support for the “men and women of the FBI.” It’s only those at the top who stink, said a guest agent. Speechless. The FBI is among the most corrupt government agencies.

When in recent memory has the FBI stopped an attack on the homeland other than attacks originating in its own entrapment schemes, where a low-IQ Abdul is persuaded to purchase explosives from the FBI “for Jihad” and then is “caught” in the act. A presser follows. (HERE)

The FBI is progressive to its core.  And Trump hired the last of its major swamp creatures. President Trump hired Christopher Wray, whose heroes, as stated in his confirmation hearings, are Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey. How did Trump imagine Christopher Wray, who looks up to the two and swam in the same polluted waters, would reform the FBI? (“Hiring Another Swamp Creature For The FBI“)

Michelle Malkin offers an excellent summary of FBI depredation in “FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly.

Notes in the margins:

RIP Olivia Newton John. She had had breast cancer. It always comes back to claim its victims, eventually. “Seize the day” has become a cliché, but it should not be. The passing of a vital, rather young woman is a reminder of how often we squander the gifts and opportunities we are afforded, because we would rather play it safe than experience life to the fullest.

I loved this one: Olivia Newton John, 1974, “I Honestly Love You”:

So-called musicians today lack the emotional depth, the facility with language and the skill (for chord progression) to compose a love song. When we were growing up, these kinds of aching tunes were in abundance.

UPDATE (8/9/022): Another youngish woman felled, aged 64: veteran anchor Uma Pemmaraju. Time is something we run out of fast.

Original Fox News Channel Anchor Uma Pemmaraju Dies at 64

WATCH: 2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You

Argument, Boyd Cathey, Conservatism, Democrats, Donald Trump, Republicans

NEW ON THE HARD TRUTH PODCAST: 2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You

In last week’s “HARD TRUTH” podcast (7,646 Views)—David Vance, ilana and guest Jack Kerwick (introduced here ) cancelled the Grand Old Party (GOP). And on good grounds. The Republican Party HAS never stood up for you, WILL never stand up for you and is NOT going to do what it takes. Past is prologue.

As Dr. Boyd Cathey has observed, the “party which never conserves anything” had been exposed as such as far back as 1875. “The great Southern author, Robert Lewis Dabney, writing a decade after the end of the War Between the States … expressed presciently this tendency of dominant, post-war Northern conservatism”:

The history of the Republican Party is “that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism.”

(Another aficionado tells me Dabney was chaplain to the heroic Stonewall Jackson, which completes the picture.)

Some questions, however, lingered. Were we and our guest, Dr. Kerwick, being too theoretically pure? Perhaps conservatives should just put up and shut up about the Only Game in Town? Succinctly put by a viewer and reader:

“Yup! The Republicans suck. But the Democrats want to kill me.”

To that, David provided the perfectly plain answer, as is his wont. WATCH. So did Andrew Breitbart. WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE. David and ilana also get down to some “Monkey Business.” Look, “Monkey Pox” is not a concern, although The Powers are itching to make it a lockdown affair. All you have to do is avoid Biblically prohibited copulation.

(Oh, last week, ilana went with a woke aesthetic, as viewers of the “Hard Truth” podcast told her bluntly. So, no more unwashed hair on this May 26, 2022 “Hard Truth” episode. Ilana cleaned up “good,” as they’d say in the South.)